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Janine Dee

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  • in reply to: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER #18730
    Janine Dee

    :-* :-* :-* That's all I have to say to that.  ;D ;D ;D

    Janine Dee

    I could name two. Relax (which you mentioned) and Two Tribes (which I hinted at from GTA:VC).

    Though I would also say you could disqualify those two because we both hinted at them, and say any one besides them.

    Either way your point about US vs Euro hits is a valid one, I mean not everyone on this board is from the US and will still expect our European friends to get all of our references?

    Handle it how you will Lover, but I say you get a point for stumping the Forum.

    in reply to: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER #18728
    Janine Dee

    Ahhh damn Lover… I didn't think of that! 

    in reply to: Pose Ideas. More Shemale On Shemale poses. #24684
    Janine Dee

    I know I'm glad I went the year… I'm wondering what they might try to charge me when that year is up.

    in reply to: SM Pose Idea: Blowjob. Shemale receiving the BJ. #24723
    Janine Dee

    Put quite simply, if you go quiet you will likely not get anything… if you speak up you still might not get much, but at least you can have a place to bitch about it.


    Janine Dee

    No clue, but I figured it might help someone narrow it down.

    Janine Dee

    Frankie Goes to Hollywood? There's the Euro factor, but there's also the fact that I probably wouldn't know who the heck they were if they hadn't been on  Grand Theft Auto: Vice City's radio play list.  :P

    in reply to: Pose Ideas. More Shemale On Shemale poses. #24681
    Janine Dee

    Didn't notice that yet Apollo, but I'm not surprised. Of course the counter is going to be that they can use the money to develop the game, but until it's developed in ways I'm actually personally interested in my money will be staying put.

    in reply to: Suggestions for a better AChat experience #9834
    Janine Dee

    Never thought of that Bear, but it's not a bad idea.

    in reply to: Stripping and Undressing in a room #12821
    Janine Dee

    That's why I included the “sure of” like now, I am banking my current funds for the moves that they aren't producing. Once that is spent then I would be willing to spend more, but I'm trying to spend my money wisely rather then simply dump in $5 each month and bank A$1000 in turn.

    Which is why I'm wondering if those spending that $5 a month are measured as more valuable.

    in reply to: Shemale Body #24676
    Janine Dee

    Stella, honestly sweetie you deserved those smacks. NO ONE is more important then anyone else!  Value is based on the individual! Even the Premium Vs Non is more a matter of gratitude for making it possible (like on a recent vacation as one of those who paid for the hotel room I got a bed, those who didn't got the floor).

    My biggest problem recently was that the message I have been getting from the Developers is that all they care about what I  (just now) nick named the Het Set. Which is basically those who can biologically and psychologically enjoy MF positions. (Yes some are Bi, but I think you get my point.)

    While I would have personally preferred FF or FFF I fully admit that is self interest.

    The fact they acknowledged they have users that aren't in the Het Set is fabulous.

    All that said I'm still cynical about the Development Team. This is nice, but when it's 7-8 Het Set to 1 for everyone else… I feel my cynicism is justified.

    in reply to: Favorite Movies (remake from Say…) #20010
    Janine Dee

    I have to agree on the modern Bond. I think I mentioned in the book thread Don Pendleton's Executioner and how he strove for realism? It spoiled me, and now I can barely watch the over the top action stuff.

    On a note for realism… Daylight. There's no gun play or anything, but a very “real” feeling movie.

    in reply to: Shemale Body #24667
    Janine Dee

    Okay, when I first saw the updater working I thought “I don't dare hope.” and I was right not to… but I am now laughing. Not  at the she-males I know they have been wanting this for quite awhile and I am genuinely happy for them. They can now truly be themselves.

    And frankly while I would have preferred FF or FFF that's personal interest, the fact that it wasn't ANOTHER MF is enough for me.

    The laughter is just at how much this took me by surprise. Of all the possibilities I NEVER considered this one.

    in reply to: Scammed by Jojo69. Taking the piss. #24633
    Janine Dee

    Actually Bouli another economic model works on the idea of continuously attracting new clientele. Then one's older client base can be more or less ignored as long as all contracted services are rendered as they were promised at the time of contract.

    Like when an ISP spends more on advertising to lure in new customers then keeping their tech able to handle the increased demands the new customers they are seeking out will make.

    Yeah I'm looking at you Microsoft Network I have neither forgiven nor forgotten.

    in reply to: More Sensual, Foreplay and Afterplay Poses. #17722
    Janine Dee

    *giggling* Honey, they would probably need 100+ programmers to design all the possible ideas foreplay could and should entail. It would just be nice to have something other then, stare at each other or grind away.

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