Forum Replies Created
As I said, I've already ceded the title to her.
Going to have to disagree a little bit.
I don't think real cash should come into it. Between taxation issues, and currency values, it would almost require AChat to hire on a accountant just for running those transactions.
I personally think not only will keeping it all in A$ cut down on the bookkeeping, but it will make it easier for the AChat Team to go with it. Making it real cash they would have to cut real checks (and deal with anonymity issues as well), but keeping it A$ they might have some people paying for their memberships with their designs, but that's trading the small profit of the person's membership and related expenses versus their cut of when everyone else buys the person's designs.
February 6, 2012 at 5:23 am in reply to: Female Impostors. Male Imposters. Gender Fluid Avatars #42831Kitten said it already Adera… I had no doubts, I was just using you as an example that it's not quite so black and white as the past three pages painted it. It's THAT I had no doubts that I used you as an example.
For Urban… you seem to be suggesting that I open a thread to get information that I have implicitly stated I see as dangerously unreliable (ways to determine a persons true gender online) about a subject I have no sexual interest in (men).
An actual in AChat example of this sort of thing playing out with the names removed because I'm not sure who was innocent.
This was in roughly my first three months in AChat, definitely still in my slutty stage where I still hadn't grasped quality vs quantity. Now A was inventive and passionate, but insistent to the point of obnoxiousness, and seemingly determined to be the first person I dropped from my list.
Then comes along B. Now, I can't remember if I started talking to her on my own or if she contacted me, but eventually she told me that she saw A in my lists, and heard that A was actually a guy.
Now from A's behavior I was actually ready to believe it, but I've never been one to put stock in gossip so I started asking for details, and her “proof” was that she had heard it from others, but wouldn't tell me how they knew. When she listed her others a guy named C came up and C had already earned himself a place on my ignore list for prickishness above and beyond the call of duty.
Since everyone involved was questionable I just went with my earlier impulse dropped A and got clear, because it didn't feel like someone spreading the news about a bad player, it felt like those bitchy girls we all knew in high school deciding they didn't like someone and were going to make their life miserable.
B actually said she was out to make A leave the game.
I never heard one scrap of actual proof then, and I'm not hearing any here, and that's what worries me. That behaviors that we simply find obnoxious are being used as “signs” worries me. That the first three pages seemed more like that mob worries me.
I actually have the in the LGBT suggestion thread. I think I just went with Adera's suggestion of calling it Scissors 2, but please feel free to add any thoughts you might have, though preferably there to keep it all in one spot for the development team to find it.
February 5, 2012 at 3:20 pm in reply to: Female Impostors. Male Imposters. Gender Fluid Avatars #42826It was not anything directed at you personally medjai.
This post does come up on a regular basis, and it's always worries about men impersonating women. That's why I brought up women impersonating men, or Adera's thoughts on getting a female avatar so she would have viable options for being fucked by men, because those aren't mentioned.
This thread has been playing out like all those before it, and I just thought it time to mention the other gender options, and say that I've never heard of a way to be truly sure that anyone here would agree too.
I just don't see what there is beyond that truth. Women can be butch (or whores, or non-native speakers, or any of those other ways people are sure means they “must” be men), and there are those who are using this because they feel more like one gender or another inside as you stated.
Deception is bad of course, but for me at least part of AChat is that I can be entirely open with things I can't share in real life.
I mean yeah, I'm out and proud as a gay woman, but I'm not nearly as vocal about my Domme side because that can REALLY mess up your life if that info gets into the wrong hands.
Here however I can express that part of me openly and honestly because you guys DON'T know the rest of me. The irony being that our anonymity can allow us to be honest in ways we constantly lie about in our day to day lives.
So, again, for my $A .02 while I am gay and therefore stuck on the female avatar I'm honest enough with myself to know that I don't know WHO is at the other side of the screen. Ultimately I feel it's better I don't, I would loose too much of what brings me here in the first place.
How very Buffalo Bill of you.
Oh I will. It's just that I know I will need to be able to sit down and really devote some time to it… so I have it basically in my head, now I need it in my schedule.
February 5, 2012 at 12:35 pm in reply to: Female Impostors. Male Imposters. Gender Fluid Avatars #42824After reading all three pages of this thread I have to wonder why no one cares about women picking up male avatars and masquerading as men?
Heck, at the height of the recent LGBT protests we had on here Adera flat out said she was considering getting a female avatar so she could make love to men like she wanted to, and no one blinked.
Which leads me to ask WHY this discussion is so focused on fake females?
Since this type of thread seems to start up every 8 months or so I will just repeat my reply and say that while everyone has their ways that they are “sure” they can spot a man masquerading as a woman, I've yet to hear one that is actually sure.
The only way we could be certain is if we would surrender the anonymity we enjoy here, and go through some some of verification process, and I don't think anything could kill AChat faster.
In 34 days I'll have been here two years, and one thing I've learned over that stretch of time is that your options come down to accepting your lovers here as they present themselves, or stop playing AChat.
February 4, 2012 at 12:46 am in reply to: The impossible is about to happen. Posts Milestone. #59172Umm Tight dear, Bear is the closest and he's over 200 behind.
I think we've got it wrapped up, and while technically this post would put me neck and neck with Adera I think I'll concede, and pass the title at this point.
I'm glad you like it Tight. While it worked starting myself without any real pull into the body of the story now that's things are becoming more focused and pulling together Marcus was able to give my character the focus she needed.
And that part REALLY flowed.
I feel my heart start to slow to a more regular rhythm, but I still look up and down the hall warily. The young man accompanying Marcus follows my eyes, obviously wondering what I am looking for, but Marcus doesn't flinch, undoubtedly keeping a similar awareness of his environment.
Letting the dagger slip to an easy grip I place my empty hand on my bare hip. “So what do you want?”
He smiles ruefully. “It's really a matter of need rather then want, but do you think you could put something on? I think it's taking my young friend here enough time to recover his wits as it is.”
I wasn't buying. “I'm sure he's seen a naked girl before.”
“No doubt.” Was Marcus' reply. “This is Libidinis, but here beautiful women such as yourself tend to be content to pursue lives of being beautiful women, rather then growing up to be feminine vessels of destruction such as yourself.”
I smirk, turning around to walk back into the room, and wrapping the bed sheet around myself as I sit down on the mattress and Marcus lets his dizzy young friend take the chair while he remains standing. “Already laying on the compliments? You must really be desperate. What's wrong? I don't imagine you have some virgin who's innocence you need to me safeguard.”
That got a laugh, but then Marcus expression got serious, and I found myself getting the same look as he started speaking. “Nothing so pleasant for you. From what I picked up from my friends on the guard you arrived here today, but I'm guessing you've seen it, felt it, here in the city?”
Yeah, I had. “Not just the changer?”
While it had been a question, the tone let him know I knew the answer, even as he nodded the affirmative. “I don't think there is a sell sword in a hundred leagues that isn't employed by one noble house or another at this point, and the houses aren't worrying about quality as much as quantity, giving farm boys with delusions of grandeur new swords and half dozen drills before putting them to work glaring at the house's enemies.”
I met his eyes. “And your stake?”
Since the last time I saw him had been when I was forced out of the unit the unspoken question was obvious. “While our Lady had always taken good care of us I managed to live long enough to realize I wouldn't live forever, but I still was a warrior by trade so I sought what I had thought the best possible city to set up in and found a position as captain of the guard of a noble close enough to the throne to need security, but far enough to never need that security to do much of anything.”
I couldn't help but interrupt. “You got made captain right away.”
The grin slipped back on his features. “Master Thomas is an excitable lad, but my predecessor had spent a lifetime protecting one noble or another and still hadn't developed the level of skill I had in our Lady's Army. When I asked if they would be needing a guard he took me in for a time, but when he was sure of me he recommended me as his own replacement and retired to be a tavern keep.”
Probably for a tavern frequented by the town guard or the like as no one ever FULLY retired until they expired, but the story was sound, and Marcus seemed sincere enough to convince me.
I let him continue.
“The changer is just a symptom Janine. A year ago the Guard would have requisitioned guards from each of the houses to take up a search in their respective parts of the city and this thing would have been run down and destroyed. That's the damnable thing about this Janine. Libidinis has always run on the cooperation of it's citizenry. People tend to come together when there is a problem, but then leave each other to be peacefully the rest of the time, but that's gone now. It's everyone for themselves, and even the merry making that I'm guessing drew you here as much as it drew me seems more people trying to drown out their senses rather then reveling in them.”
His next sentence chilled me to the bone. “It feels like Telmiah.”
I remembered Telmiah. I remembered loosing a thrid of our number to a noble who needed our skills, but didn't have the coin to pay for them, so after throwing us as the fiercest of the fighting he had his armies turn on us after we had earned him the victory. I remembered our losses reaching half before his armies were dead and his keep in flames.
I could never forget Telmiah, and the hollow tone told me Marcus felt the same. It also told me that a brother in arms truly needed my help, and I wouldn't turn from that.
Pio, if you are serious in your desire you'll have better odds if you join us on the “Share your creative ideas board” and post details on what you would like to see in the LGBT suggestion thread.
I go into greater detail in “Janine's Dungeon” but since it feels necessary at this point…
#1. Make sure the first meeting is in a public place. Or if you are say meeting someone in another state (or country) have a verified address.
#2. Set up a safe call. What that means is that you have someone who knows where you are, and what you will be doing. At a certain time THEY are supposed to call you. If you say one thing they know everything is okay, but if you say another, or don't pick up they know to call the police and give them all the information.
If the person you are meeting has a problem with either of those notions don't meet them.
I would say more, but those two points are so often argued or out and out ignored there's not a lot of point. That, and I am listening to Manowar to get into the right frame of mind to post for the Erotic Fantasy thread, and feeling very Valkyrie right now.
February 2, 2012 at 3:08 pm in reply to: Erotic story contest II, once upon a time in the summer? #59073I would agree that a story written by two (or more) counts as each persons one allowed entry.
Never seen Full Metal, but good story is in good story. I just see ours as having a similar good idea.
The funny thing is that I am getting tons of great story ideas, but the sex is really becoming secondary.
I might post tonight, but I'm kinda tired. I will post soon as I feel I've got enough that I can post without worrying I'll step on any developing ideas.