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Janine Dee

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  • in reply to: More Lesbian Poses. FF and FFF. #24386
    Janine Dee

    Well what COULD be representative of 100000+ people? Anyone who comes up with that could make millions selling it to the political parties. This forum allows for a more direct form of feedback, and no matter how contentious things get the one thing people seem able to agree on is that the Development Team makes questionable use of it.

    Countless businesses spend massive sums with things like focus groups and customer surveys. This forum fills that purpose and does so for free. I may be able to comprehend things like programming issues or economic strategies, but ignoring this resources baffles me.

    in reply to: Scammed by Jojo69. Taking the piss. #24626
    Janine Dee

    Huh?  ???

    What happened exactly?

    in reply to: A Cruel Deception #24603
    Janine Dee

    Absolutely, I just had this mental picture of some poor little guy who decided to tittle himself after his favorite comic and gets… well a J Joana Jameson smack down for some other guys misdeeds… yeah still a geek. ;D

    in reply to: More Lesbian Poses. FF and FFF. #24382
    Janine Dee

    The polls might not be needed by you Bobbler, but there is debate. That sounds to me like a glutted marketplace, and economics teaches that flooding your marketplace can generate some short term profit, but will then result in long term loss.

    And Sinnnn sweetheart, I was giving them the benefit of the doubt 4 positions ago. It's kinda burned out. I paid for a year so I know I'm premium at least that long, and I've banked my A$ for any crumbs they may throw, but I've stopped hoping when I see the update bar downloading something.

    in reply to: A Cruel Deception #24601
    Janine Dee

    Just as a note Sweetie it is Spidermen, spelled like it's plural. I don't know if there is a Spiderman out there on AChat, but it wouldn't be the same guy… or at least it wouldn't be the guy under a known id.

    in reply to: The Peeping Tom Theatre #24297
    Janine Dee

    My legs get a sudden strength as I grit my teeth and groan hard in frustration, my knuckles white as they grip the seat. Yet I do as she says my eyes are forward as I focus on the sounds she's making. I hear the long, pleasured sigh she makes as she first brings Her fingers between Her legs, that's followed by the sounds of Her fingers moving through that wetness…. ohhhhhhh she's dripping I can HEAR it.

    I'm dripping, I can feel it, but I won't look because I might see Her. Instead I focus on her sounds, the sounds sneaking past her lips, and moving up from her hips as Her fingers start to bring her such pleasure.

    My head swims as my pussy throbs, but another sensation reaches me as my breasts hang beneath me, my nipples stiff and aching from her touch. While I keep on hand one the back of the seat I bring the other to twist and pull my nipples like she had been.

    in reply to: Stripping and Undressing in a room #12819
    Janine Dee

    Actually Apollo you bring up a point I've been considering… it may be that just like premiums have more of a vote then non, monthly might stand for more then yearly in their eyes. I'm yearly too, and I'm starting to think they figure they have my cash, and can't be sure of getting more for at least 8 months or so, so better to focus on those paying in each month.

    AKA many MF's are monthly so that's (part of) the reason they keep getting positions.

    in reply to: A Cruel Deception #24599
    Janine Dee

    I've had contact with two people in this situation.

    Sandra92 is a lover of mine, and she's wonderful.

    Spidermen is one of the first guys to get on my ignore list for continuing the pester me after I explained “lesbian=doesn't room with men”.

    So I'm inclined to see it happening basically as portrayed, especially since the big point of faking a suicide is one point that can't really be misinterpreted.

    in reply to: Site Advertizing on Profiles #10260
    Janine Dee

    I agree it's about as tacky as it gets.

    in reply to: More Lesbian Poses. FF and FFF. #24365
    Janine Dee

    Umm then would you explain to me why the polls are needed at all Bobbler? I mean if every pose is so warmly welcomed then why is there any debate? I'm sure it's just my flawed understanding, but debating whether or not it's “worth it” is asking if it's worth spending money on rather then simply gathering together to talk about how wonderful it is.

    @Sinnnn I'm not leaving Love. At the very least I'll be on here, but at this point the message I am getting from the Development Team is “Thank you for the money you have spent in the past, now get lost.”

    @apollo13 I was assuming that the Development Team went for the standard customer satisfaction  business model. Now I'm thinking they are going for the “We'll take your money, but that doesn't mean we'll give a damn.” economic strategy.

    @Niki I used to sing their praises, but at this point it's obvious I've lost my faith in them.

    in reply to: Favorite Movies (remake from Say…) #20004
    Janine Dee

    The thing I can say most about Saw is that they always seem to think of something. They've done a great enough job that I'll keep following where they lead.

    in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #10987
    Janine Dee

    Ahh okay, the spirit more then anything. I get that.

    Also since it came up in the movie thread… corsets.

    in reply to: Site Advertizing on Profiles #10256
    Janine Dee

    Stella dear, that happens with most every chat system out there, and I don't know what could be done to stop it.

    in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #10983
    Janine Dee

    The problem with the military uniform is that to many the nationality would be relevant… there MAY even be copyright issues.

    That said a woman in Dress Blue Charlies……………..  :)

    in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #10981
    Janine Dee

    Okay, while I didn't read every topic I checked all the pages, and while I thought there had been a thread like this before, but I couldn't find it if there was. So if it's a repeat, sorry.

    While I think I've let everyone know what I want next (FF positions) I was character editing, and I thought “I would LOVE to have some leather pants available.”

    So I thought a thread where we can suggest specific clothing items would be a good idea.

    While I would say 80-90% of the board is more focused on other areas of development, this thread can easily sit here till the Development Team wants to make some new outfits.

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