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Janine Dee

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  • Janine Dee

    “Those who do evil to others, the killers, the rapists, the psychos, the sadists, you will come to know me well.”

    in reply to: Favorite Movies (remake from Say…) #19992
    Janine Dee

    :) Glad I could turn another person on to a great movie. There's a reason Curry was Wordsworth, and Wordsworth was such a pivotal character.

    Janine Dee


    Janine Dee

    It's been brought up for for outfits and positions, but for the most part it's considered a lower priority fix. With the A$ costs as reasonable as they are buying an unwanted feature tends to be more of an annoyance then a real problem.

    in reply to: More Lesbian Poses. FF and FFF. #24369
    Janine Dee

    Agreed Mistress83, but I consider the threesomes a whole other grouping since FMM and MMF are still pretty low too. Here I'm not so much talking about the lack of positions, but the disparity between MF and FF's numbers, as well as the fact that the MF positions have reached the point we are starting polls here with each new one to determine if they're worth bothering with.

    So I'm just trying to point out to the Development Team that they may want to redirect their efforts for a few weeks, and perhaps narrow that gap a bit. FF would be happy because they would be getting (hopefully a half dozen or so) new positions and by the time they came back to MF those who were debating if new positions were worth while would be hungry for anything new.

    It's been said on this board countless times, AChat is a business. I'm merely suggesting they reconsider how they are marketing their product.

    in reply to: Favorite Movies (remake from Say…) #19989
    Janine Dee

    You should probably let her know that in the new thread then.  ;)

    in reply to: More Lesbian Poses. FF and FFF. #24367
    Janine Dee

    I don't like getting angry on a personal level, and it rarely gets any real results. Cool heads and manners have made far more reliable changes in the world.

    in reply to: Janine’s Dungeon #24127
    Janine Dee

    I know that the characteristics that mark me as a Domme were natural parts of my personality before I ever knew what a “Dominant” was. I had them even before I came out of the closet. So for me expressing my Dominance is simply expressing my innermost traits. So much of it is simply inner qualities being codified and set down so those who come later can benefit from those earlier works.

    When one starts codes and credos are essential. Domination can be an amazing rush, and in the haze of that rush it's easy to loose oneself, but as you go, and as you grow… well the best way I can put it is that while Sinnnn's post of the Master's Creed was beautiful it was also sort of a “Well Duh” moment to me.

    Each statement was true, yet not something I really need to think about.

    For me it boils down to responsibility. It's not a very popular word these days, but it is at the heart of what Dominant's do. Responsibility for themselves,and for those who put themselves in the Dominant's care.

    All the tools and toys are just that. They are no more the purpose of BDSM then a car is a destination.

    in reply to: More Lesbian Poses. FF and FFF. #4857
    Janine Dee

    Dear Development Team…

    I must admit I’ve been on a bit of a slow burn ever since the MF positions bar got redesigned. When I go into a room my positions bar (FF) is half full, while today when I invited Robot Boy into a room to do a count the NEW MF positions bar is already full and will need yet ANOTHER redesign.

    I kept telling myself “Wait till the next position. If it’s not FF then you’ll post something to the Development Team.” That was three positions ago.

    As of today’s new position MF is 36 at a four across nine down grid while FF is 14 at a three across nine down.

    Gentlemen… I WANT to spend my A$, I WANT to give you more real $ to get A$ to spend them on the game, and I know full well I am not alone.

    The message you are sending is that you don’t want my money, nor do you want the money of all those women who are aching for more FF positions.

    Instead you seem more focused on flooding the “marketplace” with MF positions that the polls seem to be showing are receiving receptions that seem more lukewarm, from people who seem to be reaching a point they aren’t sure they WANT to continue purchasing.

    I would like to suggest that perhaps the market that seems to be straining with your product can be left alone for a time while the market that is in need of your products be focused on?

    While I am fully willing to admit my interests are self-serving I truly believe it is to your benefit as well.

    Janine Dee

    I don't really run into this, but I support it in theory. With two Premiums you know AChat has been compensated. So this seems reasonable enough.

    in reply to: Poll: What do you want next? #23891
    Janine Dee

    Actually Lover. It's been more things like clothes and hair. Sort of “cosmetic” her requests get more “surgical”.

    That said, welcome Clarize.

    in reply to: More Sensual, Foreplay and Afterplay Poses. #17717
    Janine Dee

    If we had more to do we'd have less time to bleat.  ::)

    in reply to: Pose Ideas. Girl Fuck Guy Action – Pegging. #24347
    Janine Dee

    ;D I applaud you asking, but I would recommend you get some guys (preferably members) who you know like it to post on here as most of the guys here didn't really seem into it.

    in reply to: Woman ejaculation #24342
    Janine Dee

    I’m assuming the fade is for easy clean up. I mean if they ever make squirting last then there is the mess issue because after a certain point the sexy of it fades, and I want a shower. 😛

    in reply to: More Sensual, Foreplay and Afterplay Poses. #17715
    Janine Dee

    Yeah, they are too busy having to redesign the MF positions bar to come up with any FF. :P

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