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Janine Dee

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  • in reply to: Favorite TV (remake from Say…) #20186
    Janine Dee

    I never watched the movie, but the guy who was their boss who was on Battlestar Galatica when they put the movie out was approached to do the movie… his response was sending them a video of him not saying a word, just shaking his head… I thought that was hilarious, as well incredibly cool on his part.

    Ohhh and I saw some bits and pieces of Forever Knight in syndication. There was another vampire tv show I loved Kindred: The Embraced. It was based of the White Wolf's Vampire the Masquerade RPG and was all about a society of vampires (there were different bloodlines that typified certain beliefs about vampires) that lived by what was called “The Masquerade” which basically meant “The human's don't know were real. Last time they found out the Inquisition happened. So stay hidden or we'll kill you.”

    It was a really awesome show, but sadly only had one season as the gamers that they were holing would watch were turned off by the fact the same guy who made Beverly Hills 90210 also made Kindred, but I own it on DVD and am very glad I do.

    in reply to: Just everyday crap, Bad Behaviour – just let loose #24051
    Janine Dee

    For me it's a matter of honor… the job thing, not the pubic debate  :P.

    If I take the check I gave my word to look out for their interests. I feel I can't do that then I have the right to quit, but as long as I keep cashing their checks I have to keep at it.

    For me half-assing it is almost a form of theft. No you don't have to work yourself into the ground each time, every time, but if something (or someone in the case of a customer) needs to be taken care of you are obligated to take care of it because you took their money to do so.

    As far as the pubic debate… I'm torn. I both trim and shave. So while I'm not bare I definitely don't go for the natural look either, but I would prefer the extreme of a bald pussy then the birds nest look some girls go for.

    in reply to: The Peeping Tom Theatre #24292
    Janine Dee

    My world is Her. All that exists is her mouth against my pussy, Her hands on my thighs. Then the dizzying sensations of Her mouth on my pussy suddenly vanish to be replaced by the feeling of Her mouth on mine, and Her arms gripping me tight.

    I grip her back just as tight as my tongue dances with Her's. A familiar taste is in my mouth, and I recognize it as my arousal, but I love it all the more because it's mixed with Her saliva I would be moaning now if I weren't sucking on her tongue so feverishly. Part of the reason being that when I wrapped my arms around her back I wrapped my legs around her hips and now my dripping, needy pussy is pressing on the soft skin of Her toned belly.

    When she pulls back to look in my eyes I need a moment to blink away the haze of desire, but then I smile, wide, happy, letting Her now that I'm enjoying what she's doing to me, but also that it's Her doing it. Letting Her know that while my desires are being so wonderfully fulfilled I'm happy she's the one doing it.

    All the same my hips are rocking harder as I feel myself pulled away and sat so she's behind me pulling and twisting my nipples and I cry out her name, my body pushing back into Hers. Our sweaty flesh rubbing against each other, hard nipples pressing into my back, and a damp liquid arousal clearly pushing into the small of my back.

    Then there is a set of lips at my ear. Her lips, Her words, reminding me that there are others here, and I look up. Seeing people in various states of undress, various states of arousal, various throws of passion.

    Her next words take my breath away… she's going to let me cum. She want's me to cum. To cum for Her in front of all these people, and my fingers fly to obey the command.

    One hand finds my pulsing clit and pushes down hard as I move those fingers in a fast circle.

    The other brings those first two fingers to my puffy pink lips, easily sliding inside myself as my hands move frantically. No rhythm, no grace, just need, Her's, mine, even theirs as I feel it build…

    And break…

    I think I screamed, I may have even squirted, but all I know is shaking helplessly in the fury of my climax, and Her arms holding me gently yet firmly as I do. 

    Janine Dee

    Oooo Ohhh! I could be the native guide if they need help finding out how to get you wet Sinnnn!  ;D

    in reply to: Favorite Movies (remake from Say…) #19985
    Janine Dee

    LOL we never left, but you seemed to.

    And yep, it has three endings. Two variable, and one that they designate as THE ending. Though a fun feature with my dvd is that you can have it select at random. Then it just shows the one (ala the board game… kinda).

    in reply to: Just everyday crap, Bad Behaviour – just let loose #24048
    Janine Dee

    That's the biggest problem Bear… and I'm going to allow this mini-rant that it inspired come out.

    We've all worked with them, the people who think that they earn they pay check by showing up. As long as they are there (mostly) on time and stay there for (again most) of the shift then they earned their pay, and as long as nothing they failed to do is noticed on their shift then that is that.

    Then if you DARE to ask them to try to take care of a little more in between their bouts of standing around then you are being too uptight. Sure you can go to the boss and mention it, but that will get maybe a week's worth of half-assed effort before the slacker in question figures (correctly) the boss has moved on to worrying about other issues.

    It ties back into the tipping thing because it boils down to a sense of entitlement. That they deserve it simply for wanting it, and those who don't just up and give it to them are denying them what rightfully belongs to them.

    in reply to: Janine’s Dungeon #24124
    Janine Dee

    It translates well. The problem is that the skilled predators are quite good at convincing you to lower that guard “Just this once”, and doing so in a way that will make you feel bad for telling them no.

    For me however I consider it a sign I'm dealing with someone worth my time. When I think of the qualities I look for in a submissive I want to her value her gift of submission. To see herself as a gift that I earn as I earn her trust. If I don't have to “earn” her trust she goes from a  treasure to those door prizes everyone gets.

    I want her to want me, not just want someone to knows how to swing a flogger.

    in reply to: Just everyday crap, Bad Behaviour – just let loose #24046
    Janine Dee

    That kind of gets to that curve I'll grade on. For me it's the persons attitude… you can be having a bad day as long as you are still trying.

    in reply to: Favorite Movies (remake from Say…) #19983
    Janine Dee

    Just one? I figure you could take at least two.  ;D :-*

    in reply to: The Peeping Tom Theatre #24290
    Janine Dee

    Stars dance in front of my vision, and then I realize I had stopped breathing. Taking a deep breath the stars stop dancing in front of my eyes and instead seem to dance over my skin. I've got one hand running through Her silky hair and the other keeping me from falling backward as I sit on the move seat.

    I'm breathing again, but my head still feels dizzy, I feel a sort of high as I push down that climax that's been trying to surge forth. I feel both very detached, and very aware of my body. I feel the cool air of the theater on my already painfully hard nipples. I feel the warmth of the projected light on my back.

    I smell my arousal, and I smell it mixing with so many others, a passionate perfume filling my lungs.

    I hear the sounds of sighs, and gasps, and wet flesh, and I know it's because they are watching me.

    That detached part of me looks around, seeing women, seeing men, some together, some on their own, sometimes looking at each other, but most of the time looking at me. Those strangers eyes showing their arousal, their need, a need that most have started acting upon.

    The part of me that's still attached to my body is attached to her. To her soft mouth, and her velvety talented tongue, that point of connection being my all, my world, the pulsing flesh against her mouth being my real heart beat sending waves of ecstasy through my being even as my brain fights to keep that flood back until she gives me permission to let it consume me.

    I shake, I pant, I think I'm speaking, Her name, over and over like some sort of prayer, but I'm past knowing, past caring about anything but Her, and the incredible things she's doing to me.

    in reply to: Favorite Movies (remake from Say…) #19981
    Janine Dee

    Actually Lover, making all clothes basically unisex seems a really good idea.

    That said women look hot in corsets, and I would rather look at a woman in a corset then a Sweet Transvestite.  :P

    And Sinnnn sweetheart? Watch it! I still have to call it my favorite comedy.

    in reply to: Just everyday crap, Bad Behaviour – just let loose #24039
    Janine Dee

    Thank you Sinnnn! I agree 100000% percent…. I HATE the idea that tips have become mandatory. I DO grade on a curve if say a restaurant is busy, BUT it REALLY pisses me off that someone can do a crappy job and EXPECT you to give them extra for it! When I get good service I tip quite generously, but I'm not going to tip you just for doing what you are already being paid for.

    in reply to: Favorite Movies (remake from Say…) #19978
    Janine Dee

    Hey! Let's get the girls in corsets first!

    What I think I love best about RHPS was Tim Curry.

    Which leads to my next movie mention Clue. Based on the board game it is HILARIOUS. An amazing cast list, an incredible script, and if you haven't seen it I can't recommend it highly enough.

    in reply to: Janine’s Dungeon #24121
    Janine Dee

    *sigh* All too true, and yet I remember my jaw dropping when what I had thought was a fairly intelligent submissive tell me how she met a Dom, and let him take her to his place on their first meeting. Didn't call anyone to tell them where she was going or anything.

    So Janine's Safety Tip #1. Always have your first meeting in a public place. Many BDSM communities have what are called “munches” where you have groups of people who are all in the Lifestyle. They are great because it can be nice to have a group of people who all have their own kinks and fetishes, but they are also a place where you can meet a new Dominant/submissive.

    If that's not an option for you it still needs to be somewhere public. Sure they may have seemed wonderful online, but some of the most skilled predators often are. The horror story I heard from my Mentor was of a woman she knew who followed a guy she met online to a hotel, and after she let him tie her up he raped her, for hours, and so violently she suffered permanent physical damage (colostomy bag).

    Safety Tip #2. Let someone know where you are going. While the submissive I mentioned up top managed to come out okay, the horror story I mentioned obviously didn't. You don't necessarily need to use words like Dom and sub when setting this up with a friend since in this day and age people meet on the net all the time. Just let them know where you are going, and do not change from that plan. Preferably at all  since someone could give wrong addresses and the like, but at least call with any changes.

    A subsection of that is the safety call. Set up sometime with the person who knows where you are going to call you. You say one thing they know you are all right, you say another they know to call the cops and have your last known location to give them.

    It may seem paranoid, but it does happen, so don't let it happen to you, because those who are worth your time will be understanding of those safety measures. Those who aren't are those you should be worried about.

    in reply to: More MM and MMM Gay Poses Please #23919
    Janine Dee

    I would also recommend you reach out to the bi guys on this as well. I was just on AChat and I counted homo members male vs female. There was 96 homo female members and 7 homo male members. While I'm sure they do count the free people's votes money talks and membership has it's privileges, and there was plenty of bi guy members.

    It's like when we were making the big push for more FF positions (COUGH COUGH not that we would EVER have to do that again, right development team?) I know I made a personal push to get the bi girls in there too since they were also paying members who would enjoy any FF they would roll out.

    And we had some nice successes. I think if you keep making posts (and manners matter, please and thank you work wonders wherever you are), get more guys out there supporting your posts, and keep making sure you are remembered (there is NO shame bumping an old post back to the first page) you could get similar results.

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