Forum Replies Created
Collars and Collaring.
I already touched on the topic a bit earlier when talking about training and how collars are often used. With a sub it can be used as a signal that play is starting, but it can also be a signifier that a submissive is pledged to a specific Dominant.
In command parlance “Collared” means just that, being pledged to a specific Dom.
So while there can be and are play collars when talking about them words like “play” should be added, and in text I like to use the capital C to help add the additional meaning, but the one thing I really felt the need to convey is that when talking about collars one should realize they can have a wide degree of meaning, and people should make sure they are on the same page when they finally get brought out.
Going to add a quick post to my Dungeon in Erotic Fantasies as while it certainly applies here I like to keep that as a clearing house for BDSM knowledge.
January 27, 2012 at 5:13 pm in reply to: Erotic story contest II, once upon a time in the summer? #59044I'll add my vote for Tight, this has been his baby since it's inception. I can't see handing it over to anyone else.
As I see it there is animal, and then there is creature. I mention my swordswoman having periodic trysts with a nymph.
I think a humanoid form ( dragon having the ability to assume one counts.) would be recommended, but even more then that consciousness to consent to the encounter.
You might have better luck just reading the quick start guides and if your question isn't answered posting there.
Been caught up with the roof over the head, groceries in the house aspects of life, but still determined to get back in.
And yes, we REALLY need breast play.
Yeah, but foreplay has been the popular trend right now so I'm seeing this as their nod to that.
Good job.
January 24, 2012 at 12:40 pm in reply to: An Apology To All My Friends In The Forum. (Rape story) #58924Just as New had the right to post the consensual play Adera had the right to turn down the request to join it.
The tricky situation here is that there is no “right” to it.
January 24, 2012 at 1:42 am in reply to: An Apology To All My Friends In The Forum. (Rape story) #58913With the format I for one pretty much approached it as, by being a part of the conversation they were giving their consent to be in whatever was happening in the conversation.
I know I'll be sorry to see you go New. You brought a great deal of fresh energy to the Forum and I hope you'll be back soon.
Belief vs Believers and Science vs Scientists are certainly distinct concepts. I just reflexively argue with absolutes. Existence doesn't fit in the boxes we try to cram it in. Problems come more from being “certain” then from confusion.
Like when women think they're flawed somehow if they can't find their G-Spot. (To bring it back.
I can't help but think if they were to fully develop and implement this tool they could probably pull most, or even all development resources from clothing development and channel them into poses, and rooms (as well as room decorations).
I may be blue skying here, but Tom, Susy, and all applicable parties, you may want to put some thought into that. It could help AChat grow exponentially… but I'm guessing you are already considering that idea.
The way I understand it is the neurological-chemical workings of first falling in love are akin to being on cocaine.
And Urban, I see you saying what science SHOULD be, but it's not. There are far too many scientists far too ready to insist they are right, and it's just a matter of proving they are right rather then finding out if they are.
They are just as much believers in science as believers in anything else.
Of course. I was just giving my thoughts.