Forum Replies Created
Honey, I'm not saying your bad, or that it's wrong. Just that it isn't a big thing for me.
I've said it before, it takes a lot for me to Ignore. Which is why I will use decline first because I'm not interested… it's sort of my “No thank you.” Yes, I know that most won't get that, and wouldn't care even if they did, but it's one of the reasons I CAN feel I'm better then them, I don't cold invite, and I know how to take a hint.
But even I would like the “FUCK OFF” button from those who keep with the lame come ons, and repeat invites.
Mostly I feel sorry for the straight girls who don't really have any other option, and the guys who suffer the guilt by association.
I've never been there, but I've also heard that Redlight is VERY prone to glitches, and not very responsive in fixing them.
I agree on the FF though, can always use more FF.
Ohhh Honey… if you like Rammstein have you heard the mixes a Russian DJ made of them and Tatu?
Okay, laughing quite hard at that… yes bouli if every invite made a sound… I can't even cringe I'm too busy laughing. As it is I'm so used to clicking “Decline” I've actually had to have girlfriends send a second one a few times because I automatically clicked that box.
What AZN said. Spankings are frequently mentioned, but I think the real problem is that a great many BDSM actions require additional accessories. Yes, yes you can do a great deal with hands, nails and teeth, BUT to get past roughish sex and into full on BDSM items become involved, and that's a whole other set of coding.
June 17, 2010 at 2:58 pm in reply to: Game Idea. Cum dripping, Female drippage and other sexy details like gulping. #18085I think in the MF position where the two are masturbating the woman can lick her dildo, or fingers depending on what she's using. I know in the case of FF to FFF the commands are the same whether it's two or three girls playing with themselves or if you are watching two pleasuring each other. So I would imagine the female masturbation is the same all through out.
*Nodding at the new arrival Sister Ruth keeps her head inclined as she smiles.* Your first post and it's your entrance to the Ball? That is most impressive child.
Actually if I were to wager the information is simply lost and we'll have to rebuild the old fashioned way.
It's kind of like a digital restraining order.
This was like hearing. “Um, we lost the paperwork.”
June 17, 2010 at 12:33 am in reply to: Game Idea. Cum dripping, Female drippage and other sexy details like gulping. #18083LOL… actually that's NOT a terrible idea. Right now the threesome positions are based on the third watching. They could cannibalize the two person code, add the third with their watcher actions and they should have a working, new, threesome position.
Actually I have to say I'm not.
Tasting your lover on the toy is one thing, but I'm thinking your talking about your partner basically fellating it?
Not this one
but I will join you in supporting the pig tail platform.
Check your ignore list people. Mine's been pared down to 8 entries.
My Ignore list is currently at 8 people. I know this because I can see 8 and can't scroll.
I LEARNED this because the JACKASS I use as an example of what NOT to do on AChat managed to message me. I don't know if he remembered/recognized (showed no outward sign), but NOT cool!
This is the first time I've really complained guys, but I don't use the ignore list often. So when someone makes it on there I would like to know they won't leave until I say so.
Add: Then some guy demanded his way onto my ignore list, and now it scrolls to 9.