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Photo as in taking picture in the game? You can do that with print screen… as far as putting up your own picture… I don't know. There is already a small problem with people trying to get pics emailed to them. If it was incorporated that may make it worse.
I don't know if you've gotten into the game in a room with another woman yet, but now they have a position where one woman in kneeling over the others face as she lays on her back. So you have that option as well… they just have stopped adding to this list, and don't have it open so we can.
I second that idea. Checking my friends and lovers is basically how I start out on AChat, and filtering out those who aren't available would be greatly appreciated.
I know it would require a refresh to see when they come on, but as of the last interface unless you refreshed their profile it would be doing things like showing green, but saying their status was “In Room” so I personally wouldn't consider it that big of an inconvenience.
That's been suggested. Especially now that the numbers of positions are increasing as are demands for three (and more) somes. The collapsible menus were suggested to open up the window.
That would probably be more a matter of new hairstyle for the avatars, and with all the variety I don't know if they would want to devote the programming time to come up with ways to play with each hairstyle.
But who knows?
I would recommend making the online/room/offline more readily visible. The little colored dot is easy to miss. Maybe that part of the box that is currently gray?
Head still bowed, hands still clasped in front of her Sister Ruth gives a polite nod to the host and the other guests, waiting to see what develops.
Right now Bear that's one of the details that's being worked out.
Walking calmly, serenely, even as the speakers hammer out a techno beat Sister Ruth doesn't notice as her eyes stay demurely downward and a small smile graces her lips.
*smiles* Ah my lovely Sinnnn I knew that would be how you would answer. That's why I phrased my question like I did.
Seriously though, with the variety of clothing choices I almost prefer they keep it clothed, and then not, and work on things like kissing and caressing. Since I would think it would take a LOT of programming to come up with ways to take it ALL off.
As always lover perfection. I like the Carneval costumes, they even have a period costumes. Sweet. I like the nun outfit but I always feel like I'm sooo going to burn in hell
I for one hold God isn't HALF as uptight as we are led to believe… hence my costume debate in the Ball thread.
And the coding is readily available… I like it.
OOC: I'm on my way, but deciding between these two costumes.
Of course you will dear.
On the # of views. I know each time I've looked at it adds one, so you could easily drop the number by a third or even a half for all our return visits.
The problem with that is that sometimes the undressing it a sweet, sensual affair where one takes their time. Another you want them out of the way NOW!.
So which would we prefer? 😉