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Janine Dee

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  • in reply to: Favorite Music #17303
    Janine Dee

    Carli, darling, I'm sure I speak for everyone on this board when I say we welcome your passion.

    in reply to: so i can’t use my purchased poses if not subbed? WTF? #17789
    Janine Dee

    I'll say again the level of free access AChat allows is anything but shady. From all accounts it's unprecedented, and the fact that they expect compensation for the finer details is only fair.

    I mean on the other side of the coin people would have less reason to resubscribe if they had all the positions they bought available.

    in reply to: Soapbox: Do’s and Don’ts on finding playmates. #17736
    Janine Dee

    Hummm… I must admit I never thought of it that way. For me homo equaled homosexual.  Silly me  :P. Still, that makes a great deal more sense then people who don't know what homo means.

    in reply to: Pose Idea. Pile driver position #17429
    Janine Dee

    I will admit it was more of a problem back before I developed my screening process.

    in reply to: New game idea, what do you think #17743
    Janine Dee

    I once heard of Howard Stern having a “Lesbian Dating Game” on his show where women you hadn't had sex with another woman, but wanted to could come on and compete for a promised sexual experience with Jenna Jameson and Jill Kelly (there was no money exchange, just a promise on their end).

    Maybe we could have something similar where there would be a “host” and three bachelors or bachelorettes who would be asked questions by the host and then send the answers to the host in personal messages.

    The host would then relate the answers to the bachelor or bachelorette and they would pick someone based on those answers. Who the host would then reveal at the end of the “game”.

    in reply to: Pose Idea. Pile driver position #17427
    Janine Dee

    I try not to get TOO angry, because calling out what you are going to do before you do it would ruin the mood, but anal tenses me up rather then relaxes me. I KNOW I don't have that box checked on my profile.

    in reply to: Favorite Music #17301
    Janine Dee

    Please don't get me wrong. I love Ozzy, I'm one of those generational Ozzy fans, and that would be part of his allure because I know I'm not the only one to find Ozzy in their parents record collection, but comparing what I found then to what he's putting out now… some like Ronnie James Dio burned cooler, but burned longer.

    Ozzy's burned hot, and bright, and he's burned out. His age combined with his drug use… I mean there was a commercial for this cellphone that had him on it because he's so incomprehensible while speaking.

    I know that on his tour with Rob Zombie he had a team of sound engineers because it sounded like a couple hundred Ozzy's were coming out of the speakers, and that's apparently the only way he can tour. His normal voice is so shot.

    Yet with all that in mind he's putting out ANOTHER album. Now “Black Rain” wasn't awful damn well wasn't Blizzard of Oz either, and I can't see “Scream” getting that lightening back in the bottle.

    Instead it will just try to milk his popularity for one more album, one more Oz fest, just one more, until the fans say no more, and that LEGACY dies.

    Yes Ozzy will always be remembered, but at this rate it won't be as one of the Metal Gods like Ronnie, but as a has been touring  reality tv like Bret Michaels.

    in reply to: Janine’s Pool Party #17064
    Janine Dee

    *looks up from helping another one of the girls try out the hot tub jets* Have a seat, relax and enjoy. The point of this type of thread is not to have one.

    in reply to: Pose Idea. Pile driver position #17425
    Janine Dee

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I am not big on anal. I've been playing more then once and the girl in question will be going after my ass while I'm thinking “Hey, hey, hey! At least ask first!”

    On here it doesn't have the issues it does in real life, but maybe the development team decided to stick with the point that's actually built for penetration for a little while?

    in reply to: New game idea, what do you think #17741
    Janine Dee

    I'll agree in theory, but the details would need to be worked out.

    I mean if the sums are effectively imaginary then how will there ever be a “winner”? Wouldn't people just keep going and going?

    As far as the auctioned participating… if you're going to sign up you can be kept on the honor system, because to sign up and then not follow through… why did you bother? Theoretically though the imaginary sum could be refunded I suppose.

    in reply to: Favorite Music #17299
    Janine Dee

    Oh sweetie *patting that hung head* if you're going to watch 80's movies you need to watch the comedies. Today's comedies just aren't as funny  as the ones where Williams, Ackroyd, Hanks, Murray or Chase were in their prime.

    Now it seems like as soon as some Saturday Night Live looser comes up with a single winning skit they get a movie deal… back then they had to have some actual talent.

    in reply to: Should Non-Members play with Premium Members? #17124
    Janine Dee

    I dunno, the pimping out to get in MIGHT get worse, but the whole hooker issue is because people are pimping themselves out to pay for memberships. So it almost seems moot.

    Heck, those who sold themselves to pay for membership would probably sell their ability to invite.

    The problem is that with the unprecedented access AChat allows free users I can't see them allowing us premiums to separate ourselves like that. I wish it would happen, but the fact is I would hide out there a good percentage of the time, and that's precisely why the development team will probably never develop it.

    Today's cold inviting creep may be tomorrow's paying member… unlikely, but I figure that's part of the business plan.

    in reply to: Soapbox: Do’s and Don’ts on finding playmates. #17734
    Janine Dee

    I haven't had Apollo's problem with “clickers” but I would have those as soon as I would be typing “Hello” the 69 would be flashing.

    It was crap like that which taught me to know what I was looking for and stat screening before ever entering a room.

    As far as the “homo” guys… *I* have had problems with them hailing me… though I usually don't respond because they make my head hurt trying to decide what I should explain first. That female homos don't have sex with men or male homos don't have sex with women.

    Of course they apparently disagree.

    On the conversation front… absolutely it should continue… though the after conversations have sometimes had me giggling as they've gotten fairly deep… while the avatars keep grinding away…  :P

    in reply to: I relinquish my posting title to… #17659
    Janine Dee

    Agreed, but this is not so much a matter of how great or not the ideas may be. It's numerical so it's purely based on who babbles the most. It's almost a dubious honor if you think about it.  ;)

    in reply to: More Lesbian Poses. FF and FFF. #17243
    Janine Dee

    In their defense, they DO listen. The recent surge in FF positions, the fact that one of them allows one to simply pleasure or be pleasured orally (as compared to the 69 position)… so they do listen. It's one of the reasons I figure they must have reasons for the things they don't implement.

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