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*shrugs* It seems like they're not very interested in the project at this juncture anyway… so there's no rush.
But my experiment also brings up… would they just want the vocalized sounds? I mean once I really got wet it was picked up by the mic.
But which two to three? I agree that additional actions would be better, but on all the FF positions there were still spots open if they wanted to fit in more actions. So I'm inclined to say as long as actions aren't being left out for faces… the more options the better I say.
Let us hope. Again though I just wonder if they want to keep the “image” of a large group of people open to everything.
Well I've already used that fantasy plenty sinnnn, in order to do the rest however I would have to break out the laptop and try it's sound recorder.
I did experiment here at the PC however and ran into a problem… I'm more of a panter then a moaner, and the recorder was having trouble picking me up… which almost seems funny since it had little trouble picking up my fingering when I was really wet, but the heavy breathing didn't seem to record well…
I have to wonder if they would need you belting out like a porn star to be considered.
I ran into that as well… another one of those cases where I would have liked to have been able to sell it back because I bought it with the idea that when using the strap on positions I could use my strap on.
BUT if you have it on as lingerie you can use it in some sex positions (just tested, but didn't test them all so I don't know which ones at this point).
:-[ Well now I'm not even sure WHAT I should record. I mean just playing… orgasm? I mean except for the parts where we can squirt there's no “climax” for us ladies… so I'm not even sure what I should do.
Now I like the faces, I and more then a few girlfriends use them to show when we're reaching a higher level of arousal.
I was going to post my thoughts on the various lesbian positions that have come out, but I realized *my* thoughts might not mean much to a prospective buyer without knowing what she likes.
So maybe when people post here they should include other positions they like, or just types of sex in general. Like someone who likes anal might miss it on that bridge position, and would want to know, but someone who doesn't really care for it wouldn't miss it.
I have to admit a good percentage of what's worthwhile now a days started in the 80's and 90's.
But I have to say this out loud… Ozzy needs to retire… he's needed to retire for a long while now. His best days are behind him. He needs to take a page from the Scorpions who are putting out one last album, doing one last tour, and retiring.
I think it was around 2000 that companies started to manufacture bands… and that's when things started to go to Hell, because even those with genuine talent were encouraged into mass marketed boxes unless they were already proven successful.
Now if it isn't from the distant past
it's from Europe… like Within Temptation.
I also like Incubus/Succubus… I'm hoping Rob Zombie manages to get a tour going with them. At last I heard their pagan themes have them banned here in the US.
Oh but on a distinctly AChat related theme I would recommend anyone with a taste for metal check out Halestorm (spelled like that) more specifically their songs “I get off” and “Dirty Mind”.
Now, now you're the one who's gotten me able to enjoy the other side of the crop love… all I ask is to be able to skip the tail.
Another position where I'm glad it's the avatars and not real people… I mean that looks like a severe risk of head and neck trauma if someone were to slip.
I have to again vote for the gender invite filters. While I'm willing to talk to guys their invites are a waste of both of our time. I know there are many hetero guys who would also love to filter out invites from men.
It's almost TOO Much like real dating to have to fend off guys who can't grasp I have no desire to have sex with them.
I still get some cold invites from girls, but the percentage is WAY lower.
Ummmmmmm bit, bridle, those awesome hoof-boots, the tail, and that's about it.
I could become the pony-girl whisperer!
June 12, 2010 at 4:05 pm in reply to: Game Idea. Robot Girl / Boy have All the Poses to try before buy. #17093That's not a bad idea. I wonder if more system resources would be needed for that many droids, but since they only respond… it would be minimal if anything.
I will say though, having it free with the bots until the next position is out seems long to me. A day however… that seems okay.
But again, just my .02 A$.
So are they still taking submissions… because I was considering recording myself and seeing how I sound.
AZN, sweetie. They can't improve them THAT much. It's just the nature of technology. It sucks, but there is no 100% reliable connection, and when you've got thousands of connections there will be those who get dropped.