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Janine Dee

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  • in reply to: Should Non-Members play with Premium Members? #17113
    Janine Dee

    I have to say though Im glad Sinnnn brought this up as it's really bringing up some interesting ideas. I mean I had always thought of it as a positions thing when people requested Premiums, but Bouli's thought that it was about gifts IS a very valid one. I'm enjoying keeping up with the ideas being exchanged.

    Janine Dee

    As one of the primary culprits you're you and more then enough motivation, whatever the line up.  :-*

    in reply to: Should Non-Members play with Premium Members? #17111
    Janine Dee

    Welcome Jazelle, I've always enjoyed taking a newbie under my wing and showing them around. It's what motivated the creation of the user made user guide, but I've also found that for me to get to the point of finding out they are a newbie involves chatting. That's just to say that some either do cold invites, or focus on getting in my pants so quick that I don't care to take the time to teach them just how poorly they are acting.

    I actually kind of like the idea of lesbian and gay chat sections, though considering how many woman prefer the “bi” label to “homo” it would probably need to be open to both.

    The other ideas for premium chat areas, or creating rooms (for specific groups) is a popular one that has been suggested multiple times. As has filters for things like invites.

    For instance as a lesbian I would want to filter invites from guys, as would many of the straight men.

    As far as filtering chat… after discussion many feel that the possibility of meeting new people is worth more then filtering idiots that can always be ignored.

    But in the end we all share our opinions and see which ones the development team agrees with.  :P

    in reply to: Login failed! Check your internet connection! #17128
    Janine Dee

    I can't say this will help, but when I get the message I shut down the program entirely, and reopen the program. Once it finished loading the second time it connects just fine.

    The only other thing I can think of is to uninstall it entirely, do a fresh download, and reinstall. That fixed it one time when I kept getting an error message after it finished loading.

    I hope one of those helps.

    in reply to: Should Non-Members play with Premium Members? #17106
    Janine Dee

    *I* always thought it was because of positions. Two non-premiums are probably going to get bored fast.

    Janine Dee

    *shocked happy expression* I was going to come on here and say that Sinnnn knew where to find me, now I just find myself thanking the development team for group sex.  ;D

    Though I would follow that with thanking God for naughty girls. (I paraphrase.)

    Janine Dee

    Because then they have to at least “play the game” enough to woo. Otherwise they could log on grab Barbie or Ken, get off, and go.

    in reply to: Should Non-Members play with Premium Members? #17101
    Janine Dee

    For me it's the individual. I have played with both members and non and the big difference I can see is that the members seem more into it. Maybe it's because they were into it enough to spend cash, but the majority of the lame lines/guys not getting I'm gay/ not realizing that I might be too busy when THEY happen to hail me seem to be the non-members.

    I don't ignore people because they are non-members, but many of those I end up ignoring happen to be non-members.

    in reply to: FF Pose Review Request. 40. Crab. #4778
    Janine Dee

    I’ve said it before, AChat takes full advantage of the fact that the avatars don’t have the skeletal/musculature system people do.

    The crab is a perfect example, but now that I’ve had the chance to try it I have to say I REALLY like it. I LOVE that I can have sex on here that I would have to limber up for in real life with zero fear of falling and hurting myself.


    Add to that the amazing graphics and you have another win for the development team.

    Janine Dee

    Umm Marion darling you can make it full size and it's as big as your monitor… so here I think it's more a matter of lay out.

    Though the resolution and graphic user interface are more then valid.

    in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #10940
    Janine Dee

    Actually for Ramrod's suggestion… there HAS been talk of fetish wear, but it was in the SM position section.

    So it's good to also mention it here.

    Janine Dee

    Actually I saw her concern as the opposite. Why have to buy the same position multiple times for different gender mixes?

    I want just the one mix and want to only pay for that which I'll use.

    Janine Dee

    I could agree with that. Since blue star does not have to mean you have all the positions.

    I would even say having Robo 1 and Robo 2 for the Boy and Girl so you can have two bots of the same gender for group sex. (Like FFF in my case.)

    in reply to: Janine’s Pool Party #17057
    Janine Dee

    Smiling I can see the party is just getting started, and everyone seems to have gotten hold of the idea that clothing is optional, and for us ladies actively discouraged. I can see it's not the only thing being grabbed as the naked horseplay is showing some signs of getting amorous, but I hardly object. I just make sure my hostess duties are taken care of that much faster so I can look to join in the fun.

    in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #10937
    Janine Dee

    I'd pull down my panties and lay across your lap to offer my ass to you, but I'm afraid that might require you to go put on another pair of panties.

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