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Janine Dee

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  • in reply to: Pose Ideas. Extra 3some positions (and others) #13869
    Janine Dee

    Oh sweetie, I know, but I was making a specific request and I wanted to make sure I was understood. “Daisy Chain” is slang.

    in reply to: Pose Ideas and Actions. Pose variety more realistic #15313
    Janine Dee

    I have to agree with Lover. I like not having to worry about my period on AChat.

    For me part of the fun is that reality like that can't get you.

    Janine Dee

    The counterpoint dear would be that right now the chat window is small enough to not interfere with the animations.

    Would a larger chat window be worth smaller avatars?

    I honestly don't know, but picturing it in my head I start to see a noticeably larger  chat window obstructing the avatar view.

    in reply to: Suggestions for a better AChat experience #9688
    Janine Dee

    I thought of that too, but when I come up with suggestions I try to think of it from the programming level as well, and I think all those additional avatars would cause processing problems. If not on their end then on the users. AChat is nice because it's not terribly heavy on system resources, and a list letting you know the names of those watching would have ALMOST as nice of an effect.

    in reply to: Suggestions for a better AChat experience #9685
    Janine Dee

    If they were on my ignore list I wouldn't want them to be able to watch either, but that's me.

    I will say that my concern is that I would want some control over others chatting while I'm playing. I mean applause might be nice, but if someone decides to heckle I want to be able to shut them up without breaking stride.  ;)

    in reply to: Guide to descriptive roleplaying sex #15145
    Janine Dee

    Kaileen… I love you. I love you and I want to gay marry you.  ;)

    Seriously though I've been using ideas very similar to yours for cybersex ever since I learned of the concept.

    Though I will say the only “code” I tend to use is ** for actions, and even that's primarily if I'm mixing words and actions. In my experience once the connection is found and that chemistry is flowing you get that if your partner is typing “OMG, OMG So GOOODDDDD.” that's obviously words, and “My eyes are smiling at you brightly as I pull my fingers out of you and keep that eye contact as I lick them clean.” would obviously be an action.

    Just like “BRB gotta wash my hands.” Is going to be a requirement not to ruin ones keyboard.

    On the need to be descriptive… honey you did a service starting this topic. When I first logged onto AChat I will admit I was a bit of a tramp. It was just all so neat that if a woman invited me I usually agreed. That however quickly got old as I would be typing out lines, and lines, and lines of description, and get “yeah” or “oohh that's nice” so I quickly learned to start filtering out those partners and focusing on those who gave as well as they got.

    (Actually it's a second reason to avoid cold invites as those who aren't imaginative enough to give you a reason to want to join them probably aren't going to be very capable at descriptive text.)

    So yes, yes, and yes, and Ill even throw in a Ohhhhhhhhhh yes! because we are talking cybersex.

    As far as roleplaying… I just discovered that on here, but I have been having a wonderful journey of discovery.

    in reply to: Suggestions for a better AChat experience #9686
    Janine Dee

    Page 6 of this thread, towards the bottom.  :)

    in reply to: Suggestions for a better AChat experience #9684
    Janine Dee

    All ready being discussed in the Sado/Maso poses.  ;D

    in reply to: Suggestions for a better AChat experience #9682
    Janine Dee

    Sorry I had meant that yes when you open a room you would decide if you wanted the watchable option…. hence the “Watchable Rooms” list.

    A good addition though may be some sort of controls over who gets to watch or how much they can do.

    I mean yes they wouldn't be able to join in, but I personally think they should be unable to chat, simply because I know I would find cross chatter distracting as I play.

    I also know that there may be times I don't want certain people to watch. So maybe everyone could join, but the two main people in the room can kick any one at any time, and the kicked can't return?

    Maybe if a viewer is on any of the main players ignore list they can't enter?

    Just throwing ideas out there.

    in reply to: Thanks to the A-Team #10181
    Janine Dee

    You get a LOT of requests here. Some polite, some not, some that I'm sure have you thinking you will never have us happy.

    In a certain way that is to your credit. I know if I didn't love it here I'd be gone. The fact that people want all these things has the unspoken addition “Because I plan on staying and this will make my experience better.”

    Otherwise they too would already be gone.

    So I wanted to say a full, formal and heart felt thank you.

    in reply to: Suggestions for a better AChat experience #9680
    Janine Dee

    Actually I think it would be a whole new button. Something like “Watchable Rooms”. Which would bring up a list almost like friends/lovers, which you can then click on.

    The problem would be that if I'm in the middle of playing I don't want to have to approve everyone that would like to watch. So a second “auto-approve” check box might be a good idea.

    Not saying the messaging system doesn't need work, but I think this is two separate things.

    Janine Dee

    I've felt this way too, though perhaps not as urgently since people do seem to understand one can get swamped, and one can send messages to the wrong person if you forget to change the name in the little box.

    That said should they create all the rooms? Should they have a main room and we can create others? Should people be able to lock the rooms?

    Or could there be a simple solution with say an option to block hails from strangers? (Only those on your friend list.)

    In another thread it was suggested that one could block invites from one gender or the other, or hails from one gender or the other.

    This seems an important idea, so let's state some specific requests.

    in reply to: BDSM, Bondage and Fetish Poses. #13499
    Janine Dee

    I think this is solved simply enough… while sex with men is available (and offered at random) I'm not interested, and so I don't use it. Now on the other hand giving some of those wonderful women I do have sex with a good spanking would be wonderful.

    So offering things like spanking, or maybe a dungeon room where the various positions come with restraints (say tied in position bending over the table) would seem a step in the right direction where those who are not interested don't have to, those who are curious can experiment, and those who enjoy it thoroughly are able to.

    If this is being considered a poll might be a good idea where people can pick favorite options so they can be fairly certain they'll be well received.

    As a PS another way to offer this would be in clothing options (kind of like what already exists with the strap on you can put on in the editor). A nipple clamp “shirt” (I would suggest shirt because there are male submissives too), collars, and other fetish wear could help people find that mood even without the rooms and positions.

    in reply to: Suggestions for a better AChat experience #9676
    Janine Dee

    There's no search function, but the blue star by the name means they are premium users, and they are always first in the search list.

    in reply to: Underage people #10045
    Janine Dee

    The question here is not so much those who ARE underage, but those who are claiming to be such. The argument is that they are probably just playing young versus, better safe then sorry.

    But you already seem to be with most on the better safe then sorry (as am I, they can at least state ageplay in the their profile or something).

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