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Janine Dee

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  • in reply to: Poses for other genders #71263
    Janine Dee

    Words are useful, but unless backed by action they quickly become useless.

    in reply to: Poses for other genders #71257
    Janine Dee

    The thing is Hentai that after 2 and a half years I just can't bring myself to continue to beg for AChat table scraps, and then thank them for it.

    I pay the same, and don't get the same level of service, and now my first year is on them. I mean in the 21st century it's not unreasonable for a gay woman to at least think she should get comparable service. (With SOME adjustment for the fact that heterosexuals have greater numbers.)

    I was foolish enough to buy a second year, and that's on me because I allowed myself to be appeased rather then wait for a lasting change that at this point I don't think will ever come.

    Past behavior shows it almost certain that they will release a few (less then half a dozen) poses, take a increase in sales of them (and a few membership sales from those who were foolish like I was) and then resume throwing one out every 3 months or so until the complaints increase again.

    Every sign we've seen says that is how their business model handles the non-heterosexual patrons of their business. I've just finally come to terms with it.

    in reply to: Poses for other genders #71250
    Janine Dee

    LGBT= Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender

    Again, unless it is a on going change it's meaningless. Appeasement will no longer suffice, after literal years I can't call it anything else.

    in reply to: A Petition to AChat #71140
    Janine Dee

    I voted yes,but honestly not because I think it will do any good. Been there, done that, several times over at this point.

    in reply to: True story. Guys act as Girls. #71176
    Janine Dee

    Okay, I first want to say that I'm not “sorry” I came on as strong as I did because the pushing for voice/cam/pics is a topic that does elicit a very passionate response from me. I do however hope no feelings were hurt by my words/tone.

    The irony is that the no cam/voice/pic rule is how I keep this a “game”. While I can and do share some details I am 100% in control of them, and in being that in control of them I keep this place a refuge where I CAN share details and have people to talk to about them, but can also not mention certain problems and effectively “leave them at the door” for a time.

    I myself actually wavered once on the Voice Contribution thread because I was considering sending my voice in, and while I said I didn't like how I sounded the better way to say it was I heard my own real life voice and thought. “Oh FUCK! Too real! Too real! Retreat! Retreat!”

    I just stand by my earlier end of post where I said you have to take people as they present themselves and go from there. It's as real in real life as it is online. Anytime you grow close to someone if you are close to them for any length of time you will find out ugly truths.

    Now in this case I won't argue the truth was pretty profound, but it still holds.

    As far as the aftermath? All I can do is say my view on it. There are plenty of guys I would have sex with if I were sexually attracted to men, and I mean that I can have an emotional intimacy of a close friendship, but for the arousal of a sexual intimacy I need a woman. So if I were in the place of learning a female sex partner on AChat was a guy using a female avatar… the emotional closeness is there, the feminine arousal source was there, but after learning they were actually guys it's gone.

    If you know who you are and are comfortable with that person the rest of the world flows around you.

    in reply to: True story. Guys act as Girls. #71166
    Janine Dee

    Okay,first to moderator, this isn't really a “Erotic Story” kind of post it seems more a “Everything About Sex And Love”.

    More to the point it's nothing new. It existed long before AChat started up,and will be happening long after the last of their servers goes offline.

    The problem you are going to face Dion is that we have plenty of reasons to not voice/cam/pic. In the “Everything” board my friend ChristinaK has a thread on what happened to her when she had a guy who wore her down.

    So you can either trust no one, and have few friends, or take people as they present themselves and go from there, because it isn't just gender, it's age, disability, or just a body that's less then the avatar ideal we get on here, or countless other things. People don't owe you the truth, and you are responsible if you seek it out.

    This other person gave you limits and you pushed them till they blew up in your face.

    I'm sorry, but in doing so you surrendered the victim card.

    I'm sure you'll disagree, but please try to take from this that you are only entitled to what the other person chooses to give.

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68996
    Janine Dee

    I allow warmth to reach my eyes as I smile softly as I gently touch Blue's cheek after she kisses my hand. Otherwise I keep the poised serenity my chosen style of dress would expect as I see the party is running smoothly.

    in reply to: More Lesbian Poses. FF and FFF. #55564
    Janine Dee

    I don't have any plans to leave the Forum, I just don't see myself putting any more money into a game that I can't my monies worth out of.

    in reply to: More Lesbian Poses. FF and FFF. #55559
    Janine Dee

    The problem is that I don't see the pattern breaking. If we make enough noise we'll get SOME attention, but ultimately it will switch back to the Het Set getting flooded while everyone else gets ignored, and after seeing it so many times it's hard to even muster up the outrage. I voted with my pocket book before when I let my membership lapse for like 6 months. I see that vote becoming permanent this time.

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68980
    Janine Dee

    My frown continues to grow as I look through my closet. Of course I have a wide selection of clothes, both play and otherwise, but I want something unique, something to make me stand out.

    I smirk at my beloved hip-high black lace ups, even reaching out a hand to twirl one of the long laces that run from ankle to hip, but I let that thread drop. I suppose I could wear my all time favorite play outfit of JUST the boots, but with it being a mixed crowd at the party that would probably be a bit TOO distinct.

    The smile becomes distinct as I reach into the closet and pull out the black silk kimono, and white wrap around belt.

    I lay it out on the bed while I move to my vanity, applying a light amount of delicately fragranced body powder before I put my hair up  in a traditional style to match the kimono.

    I used heavy whitening for my face, accenting it with contrasting black to my eyes and lips.

    Then putting on white, split toed socks and black wooden platform sandals I stand up in front of the full length mirror to check my appearance as I put on the robe and it's wrap around sash, before walking out of my dungeon and into the party.

    in reply to: MMF Pose Review 5. Classic Fuck & Suck. (F bent over double) #13353
    Janine Dee

    Agreed, the sucking of silicone will never be terribly popular it seems.

    I want to grade on a curve as at one point the thought was that at least they were putting out something, but when that's the only thing it's just too depressing.

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68953
    Janine Dee

    I smiled softly, bringing my right hand to pet her hair as I kissed her forehead. I then put my cheek to her chest, listening to her heart as I watched her face.

    Sometimes I watched her busy fingers, and occasionally I let my eyes wander her body to see the effect those fingers are having on her, but they are the briefest of interludes from watching her sweet face, watching it flush, seeing her pant even as I feel her breath ghost across my face.

    I place a kiss to her pounding heart as she reaches her peak, and smile as I feel sleep start to pull me back.

    “Such a good girl.”

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68948
    Janine Dee

    I lay there, my mind gloriously empty, not thinking, only feeling. Feeling the softness of the covers, the gnetle support of the mattress, and of course the warmth curled around me.

    Then I taste, a taste both familiar and still so wonderfully new. Partially my taste, and partially hers  as her tongue carries my arsoual into my mouth. I'm panting into the contact until I need to pull back to breathe, but even then I keep our foreheads pressing together to keep us touching as much as possible.

    Our eyes meet, solitary flickers in the greater shadows, both showing joy as well as passion as we take a short eternity to simply look at each other.

    Then I roll us onto our right sides with me cradling her in my arms. I let our right hands intertwine before I rest them against her stomach while I bring my left hand to explore the rest of her gorgeous flesh.

    As a kiss and lick along her neck my left hand caressess over the toned plane of her abdomen before finding it's way to the warm swells of her breasts.

    First I content myself squeezing the entire globe, first the left, and then the right. Enjoying the warmth and weight of them, but soon my fingers are massaging up to hardened nipples as she starts to squirm in my arms and make small sounds of her growing need.

    My breath is blowing in her ear as I kiss long the same before she turns her head to steal a passionate kiss, a theft I welcome as our tongues dance once more.

    As one kiss becomes a series I feel her left leg raise up to rest itself on mine, opening herself up to me. The silent message, the unspoken need is in her eyes as much as it is in her act, and my same questing left hand starts to find it's way back down her body in response.

    Once I reach the damp curls at the junction of her thighs she gasps and I respond silently, letting my eyes tell her she can let go with me, that it's just us, and she needs no pretense, and that I both want and need to simply share this as much as she does.

    I don't know if she realizes she gives a actual nod, but my hand moves to cup both swollen vaginal lips and protuding clitoris, and her eyes close for a brief, delerious second before opening again, her eyes swimming with passion, but also bright and happy.

    Continuing to cradle her in my arms my middle two fingers slip inside her while the outer two aid the action by presing gently on the outsides of her sex. My thumb doesn't have the angle to do anything, but my palm gets ever more slick as it rubs on her clit.

    Soon Christina is pressing into the action, pushing forward into my hand, and then back into me, but I am doing much the same as I press the length of my body into her.

    Though my breathing is ragged with passion it's nothing compared to the gasps she has been brought to as the passion radiating from her core leaves her capable of little more then rocking against me.

    She still grips my right hand in hers as I curl it to her chest to keep our bodies even closer, while her left hand is now digging into my left hip for much the same reason.

    Then I feel it, her mucles starting that rythmic contraction around my fingers, and I drive my lips to hers, my tongue matching my fingers as I penetrate deeply into her mouth.

    Here she is just as welcoming as her tongue greets mine, and the keening of her release slip past our joined mouths. 

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68944
    Janine Dee

    My eyes shine brightly in the darkness, not even wanting to hide my delight. Moving close enough to share our breaths our legs entwine, my left between hers and her right between mine as my hands start running over her shoulders, and exploring the lines of her back.

    The only time I'm not smiling at my explorations is when I am bringing my lips to hers for the softest of kisses. Still definite, but so very soft, our tongues staying in our mouths as we build connection, and just let the passion simmer.

    Christina's hands are at the small of my back, gently working the muscles as I start to suck on her bottom lip, leaving her top lip to smile.

    My body starts showing signs of having other plans, perhaps memories of it's earlier need, as my legs spread enough to let her thigh slide up enough to brush against my sex, and I feel myself gasp at the contact, a ready warmth spreading up from that juncture.

    My protege seem happy to oblige my body's request and brings her breasts so our hardened nipples may brush each other, causing both of our chests to heave with increasing passion.

    I however feel my own desires rising rapidly, with no desire to rein them back into control, and Christina works happily to fan those flames as her lips move to my neck, kissing and sucking her way up to suck at my earlobe with increasing fervor, and then returning to my neck to suck with a intensity that the logical, detached part of my mind is sure will leave a mark.

    It is but a whisper however as my body arches at the sensations rushing through it and I push the length of my body into the contact.

    A contact Christina shows her enjoyment of by sliding her hands from the small of my back to the globes of my posterior, to dig her fingers into the muscle as she encourages my lower body to continue it's contact at the increasingly wet flesh moving against her thigh.

    My fingers move to ding into her shoulders as I bring us to a kiss, bringing my tongue to dance with hers.

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68936
    Janine Dee

    My room now readied I've taken off my leathers and cleaned them both outside, and in.

    I hear a soft sound of movement in the room, but I know it's just my pet getting used to her new home.

    I slip into the Victorian, four legged free standing bathtub that I put in for both aftercare and simple clean up, and I let out a happy sigh as I feel the warm waters envelop me.

    As I feel my body relax I let my mind drift and I think about the arousal still gently writhing through my body that had been coiling inside me like some mythic serpent.

    That darling, darling girl blu had been eager to satisfy it, to be sacrificed to that mythic beast, but I didn't want to.

    Even now as I lay here I didn't feel that urge to satisfy it on my own.

    For blu it was one of the greatest secrets I have learned as a dominant that spared her… though I do allow myself a smile smile as I think “For now.”

    Dominance , in it's purest form for me, is about giving. Is about taking a deep and profound satisfaction from the submissive's pleasure as you could ever take from your own.

    I wanted to savor blu, to explore and enjoy her, and to make it about simple physical release on my part seemed to cheapen it. Through her Mistress's blessing and her willing submission she had given me a gift, and I drew a deeper pleasure from it then simple physical climax.

    I smiled happily as I thought back to the shaken legged, happy, girl that continued to her duties once I was done with her.

    The joy that the image, and my deeper contemplations of it was so strong it pushed that pleasure/pain threshold itself, and I savored that ache as a delight all it's own.

    I continued to do as as finished bathing, while I had washed away a great deal of the remnants of blu and my passion before I had begun arranging my arriving things I had known it would be a sweaty process, and had waited till now to fully clean up.

    Realizing I must have drowsed off I heard sounds from the main hall, and set to drain the tub, and rinse my body with the detachable shower head. Not being one terribly worried about modesty, and knowing that it would be a wasted notion in the Ice House I simply dried myself off and walked into the main area.

    There I saw Christina and her house sub tango.

    With no need for tango I ignored him, knowing that his place as a house sub was to be quiet and unobtrusive until called upon.

    Christina however had my full attention, and from the smile on her lips, and the heat in her eyes I had the same from her.

    Now while I was as naked as she often kept her subs I displayed the difference in how I carried myself as I walked up to her and gently put my hands on her hips so I could raise myself up and give her another soft kiss that she seemed quite content to accept.

    Looking in her eyes I spoke normally. “Thank you for blu Christina darling. You should know she did exceptionally well and deserves to be rewarded.”

    Arching up further I then put my lips to her ear. “And so do you.”

    I then lowered myself back down before turning and giving an inviting look over my shoulder before walking back to my quarters. Stopping at the door I didn't look back as I spoke “Whenever your wish it.”

    I then slipped inside and walked to the four poster bed I had contemplated bringing blu to rest in, but had realized it better to let her return to her duties. Climbing in I left the blankets still folded down to lay by my feet as I felt my body rest into the soft materials.

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