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LOLOLOL *I* didn't notice till everyone was congratulating me.
But thank you all.
All this time and I still haven't shut up. If anything I think the change in seasons is encouraging me to get more active again.
September 23, 2011 at 5:02 pm in reply to: WTF !!!!! CLOTHINGS AGAIN !!!???? (Poll included & renewed) #53834Actually we just got “Against the wall.” and I'm thinking of going premium again. Winter's on the way and I would be a nice way to keep myself occupied. Not to mention I would then feel qualified to do the massive update to the “Women with women” thread for all the poses.
I'm gay. I have Homo clearly clicked, and mention it in my tag line, and I still have guys trying to hump my leg.
Some won't even accept when I type it to them directly.
While I don't think an expanded tag line would help with those people, you shouldn't focus implements on the bad elements, they will always ignore, or work around, or whatever.
An expanded tag line would however help those of us who DO read profiles, and someone who took the time to fill it out could help distinguish themselves in that initial screening process.
I'll just throw in my “me too”.
I could even get behind that. Anyone who's read my Erotic Fantasy posts knows I kinda get off on being watched. So any guy who could respect that any contact he may have would have to be with the other F if she's okay with it… yeah I could even enjoy it.
I'll even admit that when I get back to Premium there's a more the decent chance I[ll buy those modified FFM watcher poses they released a while back.
They aren't counted in my requirements to resubscribe, but would give me something to spend A$ on after I would be back, and the all the FF updates that had happened in the meanwhile had already been bought.
Ohh, I was a slut when I first found the game. I'll admit that. The problem was that I have a very active imagination, very healthy sex drive, and excellent descriptive skills.
I started loosing interest in every girl who'd have me as soon as I realized a great many not only couldn't match my level of play, but had little interest to.
For me I take it as an extension of the “The guys have the A$.” business model.
There are no guys involved in FF and FFF, so while they know there is SOME money I think there might be a perception of there being LESS money, and looking dispassionately at the numbers they're probably right.
A primary assumption that we all agree on is that there are more premium male users. Catering to them is simple economics.
Now anything with an M in the grouping can at least theoretically appeal to that customer base. (With MM and MMM seemingly ranking last in the M options.)
Anything that's all F's, by definition excludes the M's and their A$'s, so seemingly faces an uphill battle. Now when I was still premium when a new FF pose would come out the servers would light up with ladies logging on to try it out so I like to think that percentage wise we show the numbers, but even if the percent were LARGER then the mixed M sales (non MM) a larger percent of a smaller number is still a smaller number.
It's why I certainly want MORE before I'll resubscribe, but I have no illusions about equaling it out.
I figure the more we try to meet them half way the more likely we'll see our ideas developed.
What success I've seen in pushing for FF has been through striving to see it from their perspective and then using that to push my suggestions.
Avalucia sweetie, I deliberately started a fresh post and didn't mention your because while it helped inspire me wanting to make this post I didn't want to make it anywhere near confrontational.
I just felt that defining the discussion was a needed step because some wanted leaps and bounds and while your post included right in it that your requests were a bit overreaching some come in and expect MASSIVE overhauls and they expect them yesterday.
I want to see AChat keep developing, and growing, I just thought that establishing groundwork would help because comparing AChat to RLC or 3D Sexvilla is the apples to oranges (yet the one of the most popular things in the numerous other posts that ALSO inspired me to write this) but would require basically altering the very nature of what you are talking about.
I just feel that steps are better then leaps. Like a restoration of the group chat channel before the implementation of the “lounge” type area people have mentioned.
Still, people are certainly free to express all opinions they want. I just wanted to express my opinion that some requests are getting a bit out there.
Again, yours was the most recent Avalucia, but you also said you knew that you wouldn't be seeing those developments any time soon.
Yours was actually happily unique in that aspect.
Okay, I'll go ahead and say it.
They will probably charge for any new implements. Sometimes they will release modifications for old poses for free, but this IS a business. We don't need to argue, primarily because I don't know of any argument that will keep their servers running, and the programmers programming that doesn't involve money.
FF (Yeah probably won't get the votes, but I gotta be me.)
Kneeling or sitting facing each other. Kissing, caressing of breasts, fingering of pussies, hugging, hugging to deliberately rub nipples together, kissing over neck and shoulders, leaning of one girl back to kiss her breasts and stomach or suck on her nipples.
Actually the blue haired neko is Felicia from the video game Darkstalkers.
Love it! VERY nice.
I don't know who saw the very last episode of Xena, but there it is officially put into cannon.
At which point of course Xena dies. Which sucks.
Well up until that point however yes. The Amazon's and Gabrielle's being the Queen there of alone creating PLENTY of opportunity. It took a turn into just plain ugly when Lawless married a writer, producer, whatever and they made a deliberate effort to play down the chemistry while introducing some just ick story lines.
Then the show took a dive and they realized it was being held up by the girllove
Also, a Seven of Nine catsuit please! Preferably with the sexy implants for the face and hand. (I don't want to just say implants in general because Miss Ryan is WONDERFULLY endowed.)
The ability to save chat logs could prove very useful period. Though I'm guessing the rapidly vanishing chat material is in part due to save server space.