Forum Replies Created
Hello Ken, Mantoy, and Anthony. I want to welcome you to the board, and also hope that you'll stay. While we've had some gay/bi guys step in they stepped back just as quick.
If we want more of an alternative lifestyle presence in the game I think more of an alternative lifestyle presence here on the forum is a step in the right direction.
Here Silence=More of those horrid loin cloths.
Sandra honey, I was a premium for a full year. After I expired I decided I would let my account linger a bit, logging in only enough to keep my account from being flagged inactive while I waited for them to come up with new FF and FFF positions.
My count is at 1, the FF dance, which as we all know came out awhile ago.
Technically they came out with the FFM reworks of poses I already have, but since I'm not into the M I don't count them since I've got no reason to spend my A$ on them.
After my year as a premium and almost two months since I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to be waiting awhile, because the patterns they are showing are patterns they have been showing for quite awhile.
May 14, 2011 at 4:59 pm in reply to: Robot Girl / Boy – See poses and clothes on them before buying. #50557Ohhh, okay I thought we were referring to a Real Man or Woman with the two Robos to test a threesome. I can say for a fact Robot Girl can be with two real girls for a threesome… if you can put up with her speaking every time you speak to each other.
May 14, 2011 at 6:55 am in reply to: Robot Girl / Boy – See poses and clothes on them before buying. #50554My guess? A room can handle only one set of robo code at a time.
Problem is sweetie that if you have A$ they already have your real $ and are under no real obligation to you at that point.
Because linkai2 there is a bit of a difference between your golden retriever and a close up shot of your junk, and if you are bringing up the persons profile because THEY hailed YOU (which is the situation where I always saw the penis pics) I basicallyget a “Hello, and before you can look away here's my privates!”
Welcome to the board Tom! I don't think we've seen you around the board before.
As far as the dream tits even I personally have to think they are all wonderful in different ways. For the purposes of AChat offerings of different sets like faces, or if the development team was feeling really ambitious a customizer seems more the ticket.
Prias I am gay, and have it in my profile, and the guys still invite me. They're just assholes who I'm sure can read, but refuse to.
That actually would explain it perfectly Bear.
And I thought the lady love… no real shocks there.
As far as the Storm Trooper… it's a lovely look, but the platform heels might be part of why they never hit the Rebels when shooting at them.
Sorta an inside joke Adera about “converting” women to being lesbian/bi rather then just opening their eyes to options other then Male-Female.
Have you checked your messages upon checking back in? There should be one where you acknowledge they ended the friendship or they acknowledge you did. Then you can resend.
May 5, 2011 at 10:24 pm in reply to: Why does AChat Censor some Profile, Forum and Chat Messages? #50193I know I'm not coming back until (unless?) they make it worth my time in FF(F), and I don't even say that in anger. It's just common sense.
Another not seeing it Tight. Could it be your ISP registering you are on an adult site and spamming you?
I'd just convert the innocent little darlings… to the Dark Side.