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Janine Dee

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  • in reply to: Pose Ideas. FF (and maybe some FFF) position suggestions. #44282
    Janine Dee

    Nope, they need to come up with more outfits no one wants.

    in reply to: Strange girls #48890
    Janine Dee

    LOL sorry

    in reply to: Strange girls #48892
    Janine Dee

    Bear… ever eat ice cream or another frozen food too quickly and get a resulting headache? That's brain freeze.

    Adera… honey, the sad truth is that stereotypes exist because it's easier then getting to know someone. Real world or digital people tend to make up a good deal of their mind before having any experience with the subject.

    Tight… While I won't argue your game analogy I feel it's a simple truth of the net that people will say and do things that they otherwise wouldn't because they are sitting behind a comp. In the better cases it can be like us here making friends in countries we will likely never visit, and being able to express ourselves sexually in ways that would have WAY too many complications in the flesh.

    In the worse cases you have those who say and do things like we're talking about.

    in reply to: Costumes Ideas. Outfit Suggestions. #49666
    Janine Dee

    A BIG part of the reason I'm getting into Sex Villa. They might not have interaction, but they have costumes AND sets. AChat would REALLY do well by itself to steal a page or two out of their book. I'm sure in some cases the graphic interface for one person versus two makes somethings difficult, but costuming, and themed rooms have to be simple enough.

    in reply to: Strange girls #48888
    Janine Dee

    Honestly I don't really let them approach too close. I get a “Hi” or a “Hello Sexy” or sometimes maybe something a little elaborate, but whenever I first talk to a person the first thing I do is bring up their profile, and if I see the Girls and shemales free, guys for A$. I tend to either ignore entirely or brush them off.

    I'm sure some are sincere, but knowing their are selling their virtual ass is just too big of a turn off.

    in reply to: More Lesbian Poses. FF and FFF. #48858
    Janine Dee

    Not the first time it's been said Sweetie, but it needs to keep being said until it's implemented.

    in reply to: Strange girls #48881
    Janine Dee

    Vent away Sweetie. You're among friends. Not surprising what you are encountering though. Before it was “Girls free, guys for A$.” Now after the shemale implement it's “Girls and shemales free, guys for A$.” Same crowd really.

    in reply to: Happy Easter Everyone 1 ! #49990
    Janine Dee

    Happy Easter Tight and all.

    in reply to: SQUIRT or PISSING ? #49933
    Janine Dee

    Agreed, and I think that they are trying to allow it to be both because it's yellow-ish rather then a definite yellow, and is labeled with a squirt button. That said, I agree totally.

    in reply to: SQUIRT or PISSING ? #49930
    Janine Dee

    The pee vs squirt debate has actually been long running.

    Janine Dee

    Damn! That is Lover! Welcome back!

    in reply to: Backgrounds & Create own BACKROUNDS #45593
    Janine Dee

    Okay, the cases I always heard were the wack jobs who just bought it and then abused it.

    I still hold that blaming the item is not the way to fix the problem. I just saw a story on Yahoo news about a mother who killed herself and two of her three kids by driving into a lake. The third only survived because he was able to escape, and while she apparently changed her mind after it was too late the loss of those two precious lives is on her.

    The point I'm trying (and possibly failing) to convey is that when people choose to do ill they will find a way. Whether it be a gun, a car, a knife, a mixture of fuel oil and fertilizer, or a commandeered 747.

    The reason I was getting bitchy was because somehow the States were getting blamed when the event that started the discussion was on a whole other continent.

    Which struck me as another case of trying to blame something other then the sick minds that perpetrate these acts.

    If anything it proves that people are people, good and bad.

    I feel that saying “It's games, or it's guns, or it's America's fault.” not only doesn't make anything better, but actively makes it worse because if anything this event shows it's a phenomena that crosses all borders.

    Even in Communist China they have some of the most restrictive laws there are and the psychos are just using knives… in schools, busting in and cutting up the kids.

    Blame never fixed anything.

    in reply to: Backgrounds & Create own BACKROUNDS #45591
    Janine Dee

    A big part of my rant on video games was that the parents should be monitoring what their kids are into. While the dual income IS an issue with games running from $20 at the low end new and over $50+ for your higher end new games the cost combined with them being treated like the adult fare they are means that some adult somewhere along the line LET it get into a minors hands.

    Now while the dual income families WILL have issues with both parents having to work they CAN just NOT buy restricted games like that for their kids, but Bear hit the nail pretty dead on that people who probably shouldn't even be watching kids are having kids of their own.

    I'm not going to say there are easy solutions, but some common sense and minimal effort would minimize the damage. Instead those same people who can't be bothered to raise their kids will scream to the government to ban those things that they should have kept out of their kids hands themselves.

    Now on the gun issue, can anyone quote any case of someone who went through the training to own and carry a concealed firearm using said firearm for one tragedy or another?

    It's not the legal users who are causing the problems.

    I do support licensing, cars are similarly dangerous items and we are expected to have licensing to use them, but I personally don't know of those who take those steps abusing said firearm. Whether the firearm is in a gun safe or concealed on their person.

    in reply to: Backgrounds & Create own BACKROUNDS #45584
    Janine Dee

    Again, define “Europe” that's a pretty big land mass. Something that could be argued to include areas like Belfast.

    As far as the GTA mention I posted a longer soap box rant… I believe it was in off-topic, but the short version would be that before they blamed video games they blamed movies and tv, or music, or books, all because it's easier then actually addressing the problem.

    And as far as the gun laws… if they were working then how did this event happen in the first place?

    I'm sorry, because I'm sure I sound like a bitch right now, but I go into bitch mode when I see blame being put everywhere but the person who committed the act.

    in reply to: New Release: Interrogation room #49838
    Janine Dee

    They get FF Obedience I may rush back out and re-enroll. As it is I'm waiting for a FF backlog to develop so I can have a wide variety to play with when I opt back in.

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