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Janine Dee

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  • in reply to: Backgrounds & Create own BACKROUNDS #45577
    Janine Dee

    “Europe” is a big area, and there are some areas where it is about as common as the States, but I think that we've lost something if we get too blase about it.

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49243
    Janine Dee

    I have the plan to continue, but inspiration works on it's own schedule.

    in reply to: Relationship Cancellation and Requests in Game. #49821
    Janine Dee

    And make sure they know exactly what is going on, because the first thing they see if the friend relationship ending.

    in reply to: Swapping Real Life pics #49631
    Janine Dee

    Curiosity is very natural and very human. I know for my part I just wanted to make sure you were comfortable with that, but happily you are.

    in reply to: Relationship Cancellation and Requests in Game. #49824
    Janine Dee

    Just note that people will have to log out and back in to get the assorted relationship ended/new request.

    in reply to: Swapping Real Life pics #49621
    Janine Dee

    I share what I chose to share when I chose to share it, and if someone pushes then I feel they are NOT the ones to share it with.

    in reply to: Threats in game for having a girl… #48779
    Janine Dee

    Bear, the sad truth is that it's often too much to ask of those engaging in D/s in real life. So on here we can talk it up, but the realistic expectation will be that idiots like fighter will never lack the next one willing to listen to him.

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49232
    Janine Dee

    Hey folks, while I've been wanting to post more no real big ideas have formed… probably part of the problem with not coming in with a big plot like Tight and Bear. Anyway though I did my last post to sort of put myself in limbo because I won't be anywhere near a computer for the rest of the weekend, but will hopefully have something good when I get back.

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy. #49009
    Janine Dee

    I spotted the pixie heading towards my bag by the third step towards it. I recognized her as a pixie as I picked up a decent amount of knowledge of the fae after making the acquaintance of a nymph I visited every time I was anywhere near her pool. I knew that this pixie was a male of their species as she possessed the male genitalia, and I knew that they usually kept to their own realm.

    I decided to let curiosity win and not interfere unless it looked like she was out to damage my possessions. She quite nearly did, but my habit of running my sheathed sword through the straps of my backpack to weight the scabbard down in case I would need to do a sudden draw meant that she pinned it through the straps.

    As sharp as I keep the blade if it had been off the ground it would have sliced the straps cleanly by the sheer weight of the pack, but since it was just driving through the straps of the pack that was already resting on the floor the real damage was to the wall.

    One of the attendants came over to survey the damage, but with several women willing to state I was with them they were more embarrassed that someone had tampered with another person's belongings, a sort of rule in public baths. Knowing a  pixie would have no knowledge of such a thing, and having no need or desire to pursue the matter I let it drop.

    The pixie had been led off to be massaged, and I had several women I was more interested in. Both because they were both alluring and attentive, but also because several mentioned offers of employment. While I was here to enjoy myself if the offer was enticing enough I could be convinced to miss out on some of the fun.

    Before any of that I wanted to find myself a room. While several said they would happily find me a bed I ALWAYS made sure I had a secure place to rest no matter how many beds I may lay in.

    I managed to charm them enough that they didn't take it personally, simply explaining that since I didn't know what if any employment I would accept during the festival I wanted to make sure I would have a room to myself, and so they directed me to one of the finer inns in town.

    For at a fine inn I would be more likely to find a room as most would seek accommodations that gave them more coin to spend at the festival, but I would also have the extra security that would come with a finer establishment, not to mention that I would be able to enjoy the luxuries that I am not able to out in the field.

    Because for all my skill at arms, and all my strategic savvy, while part of me would always be on the battle field the rest of me liked to savor life's pleasures.

    Putting on some fresh clothes I put my pack on my back and my sword on my hip and headed in the way they had directed me.

    Janine Dee

    The numbers would be impossible to compile really since the heading can be changed. The reality though is that they have to play the numbers. MF will always have more positions because there are more people willing to buy the MF positions so AChat will cater to that market. It's not personal, or unjust or anything like that, but simple economics.

    That said the gaps can get sorta crazy and SHOULD be smaller, but they seem to be getting more responsive, like the FF double header/scissors and foreplay releases. So I'm hopeful.

    in reply to: Add a shemale section in the forum: #49527
    Janine Dee

    If it helps, they've basically abandoned those sections. The moves listed haven't been updated in well over a year.

    in reply to: To all my friends #49510
    Janine Dee

    You've been missed, but it's good to know you are well.

    Janine Dee

    That, and those numbers are based on a bisexual. As a gay woman I know I don't have 77 options available to me.

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49221
    Janine Dee

    I would think that would be up to me really. You think a warrior doesn't keep an eye on their weapon? I have something to add, but I haven't had the time. Feel free to continue with your story until I do.

    in reply to: FAQ – the most common questions and answers #13161
    Janine Dee

    In room the “naked” position is the “sex clothing” change. Otherwise if you jump into a position your clothing will change and wwn't change back unless you click the fully clothed box.

Viewing 15 posts - 736 through 750 (of 2,459 total)