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Janine Dee

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  • in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49219
    Janine Dee

    Sorry, was hoping it was a misscommunication.  :)

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49216
    Janine Dee

    I have to object to Signis being able to bed young boys without anyone acting, BUT I am seeing the word boys as children. Young MEN are one thing, but honestly working pedophilia in just takes some of the fun out of it.

    For the city of Libidinis… open sexuality does not breed abuse but curbs it, and that's something that I see coming out. I mean if this Comes is always retreating to his private room no one knows about rather then having consenting adult relationships… people will notice.

    By the same token if sexuality is an open matter kids aren't going to be afraid to tell, and if this guy has a taste for male children people are going to know, and I just can't see it as people being content to cluck their tongues disapprovingly.

    Edited to add. The kids is the big thing to me. Having people overlook the suffering of adults is… frighteningly workable, but children fire off primal instincts for too many in my opinion, and again personally VERY uncomfortable with that idea no matter the sad level of historical support.

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49211
    Janine Dee

    On marriage, would Libidnis have any problems with adultery? I ask because as I'm seeing the nation marriage would still exist, but having other lovers would be seen almost as a matter of course, BUT that sort of thing could range from people assume it's happening, but never talked about, to open secrets, to just plain open.

    I could start weaving into your story right now Tight as I see the women I'm in the baths with as members of a sort of women's social society… which this being Libidinis of course includes a great deal of girl on girl action.  ;D I also see it as an inroad to the various strata of the city.

    As far as the other ideas… I do see that sort of sexual enslavement you described as an abomination in Libidinis. Sexual servitude would be one thing, and a mutually agreed on situation, but what you seemed to describe was anything but consensual.

    By the same token while I would see kids as taught that the body and sexuality are not BAD I see turning kids into sex objects as you describe the prefect doing would also be called an abomination.

    Which of course means I wouldn't be hired to guard the guy as I'd pick up on that soon enough and probably kill him before you got over the wall.  ;)

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49208
    Janine Dee

    It will certainly move in thread, but I thought it better to start it here since we're all putting in some truly quality work, and I know I for one didnt' want to just stomp on in.

    As far as Adrea and the baths? I dunno, I see Libidinis as a society where bi is actually the norm. So shock would be understandable, but it would likely quickly turn to curiosity.

    And for me to meet Umbra… I would basically have to be in the same area. That's why I mentioned possibly being hired on to bring some skill to his personal security.

    If we want to weave all the threads together Bear's demon might have a cult, either that Umbra's target is a part of or the Brotherhood itself is a part of.

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49205
    Janine Dee

    Actually, maybe it's time to start working on working each others threads nearer if not together.

    Just putting Adera in your story would make it much more lighthearted Bear. Just like it could give your story the direction you seem to be wanting Adera.

    Right now I deliberately set myself in a spot where I could branch into other tales. The ladies I'm meeting in the bath might have recognized an experienced sell sword and may introduce me to the guy Tight is supposed to kill so I can then get hired to protect him.  ;)

    Or they might tell me about the beast hunting the cities streets at the nights of the full moon.

    I can also cross paths with Adera, but at this point either she'll have to come to the baths or wait for me to get out of them.

    But otherwise I have some ideas I will probably mix in either way, but am also ready to develop on my own.

    Janine Dee

    I sure hope so. I've been aching for Sinnnn to give it to me.  ;D ;D ;D

    in reply to: Game ideas. Sound Effects & Music for the Rooms #49499
    Janine Dee

    I'll play the reluctant killjoy and say that the big issue probably is copyrights since AChat IS a for profit venture.

    Janine Dee

    :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy. #48999
    Janine Dee

    It seems the sounds I heard were coming from others getting “massages” as the bathing area turns out to be more sensual then sexual, but that makes sense as the point is to remove the residue of ones actions rather then soak in a communal pool of the same.

    The bathing procedure in these baths reinforcing that idea as one was expected to first wet themselves with one bucket of warmed water, soap themselves up, and then rinse the soap away with yet another bucket of water. You would repeat until you felt clean and then you could enter a communal soaking pool of gloriously warm water where you could soak until you were content.

    The communal pool was truly communal and men and woman lounged. For the men my gaze passed over them quickly. While they were obviously unarmed I quickly picked out those with the physiques that came from a life of physical labor, and then sorted them by those who had the callouses of laborers without the scars of fighting men. The fighting men looked to be guardsmen, either belonging to the city or in the employ of one noble house or another, but in both cases more suited to carrying weapons and looking threatening then actual combat.

    There were even some veterans, but I marked them as they marked me, giving mutual nods of respect.

    There were other men with the softer physiques that could mark a merchant or a academic, but since they weren't a threat unless their study was the mystic arts I disregarded them as unless they wore the trappings of a spell caster they couldn't be recognized as such until they started casting spells.

    The women got a much longer perusal, and much to my delight I got similar long gazes, and when I smiled the smile was mirrored many times over as well. At first I wondered how so many of the people, both men and women had such fit frames, but then I realized that in Libidinis where the body was exalted it would only be natural for the body to be maintained.

    The fact that the women of Lbidinis were as open with those lovely bodies with each other as they were with men was a refreshing change. As while I had never had any real trouble finding lovers the fact that I wouldn't have to worry about introducing the very concept of womanly love… I could say that it made things much easier, but the deeper truth was that it made things more welcoming.

    A welcoming that the women of Libidinis made in person as I slipped into the waters and several drew closer to make my acquaintance.

    in reply to: FAQ – the most common questions and answers #13156
    Janine Dee

    You have to end friendship, log out, log in, send lover invitation.

    They have to log out, see the friendship end message, log out, log in, and confirm lover message.

    in reply to: BDSM, Bondage and Fetish Poses. #48669
    Janine Dee

    The honest truth though is there are ignorant people on both sides of the issue.

    There are certainly those who see the physical aspects of BDSM and recoil, not understanding how or believing that anyone could ever willingly consent to such a thing.

    The other side of that coin is that there are those INSIDE who either see the chance to control others or the ability to surrender responsibility for themselves, while not seeing the responsibilities that both sides entail.

    Both help dirty up the image of BDSM.

    I am simply happy I have been able to help clean it up in my own small way.

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49197
    Janine Dee

    I just keep imagining in the monastery.

    “Is it true no ranger sent to Libidinis has ever returned?”
    “It is.”
    “They all died?”
    “No, they just refused to leave.”

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49195
    Janine Dee

    I think we all agree that these are stories first.

    And don't see yourself short Adera I'm vacationing as well, but some of the best stories are the ones that just happen.

    Janine Dee

    Well I can't comment right now because it looks like I managed to drop from premium and it's a couple weeks before I'll be able to renew. I will, and once I do I'll add my thoughts on any and all FF that's come out in that stretch, but I can't see paying for a three day with A$ for a single pose.

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49192
    Janine Dee

    Wicca is actually a fairly modern term that people use for a fairly wide variety of practices. Religiously Wicca wouldn't exist because it's a religion of this world, just like there isn't Christianity or  Buddhism. The practices however would certainly be there, and it would be a matter of what you practice Sunny.

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