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Janine Dee

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  • in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49186
    Janine Dee

    Hey, part of the fun with this is everyone getting to contribute. It's a literary gumbo.

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49184
    Janine Dee

    And not everyone has played D&D, I'm just using it as a frame of reference… heck I even bought the “Book of Erotic Fantasy” supplement.  ;D

    The idea is basically that the more grievous the injury the harder it is to heal. Death being REALLY injured.  :P Assassins still have a great deal of use, but they either are going after targets that won't have access to those mighty resurrecting magics, or they take steps like disintegrating the body. There is even similar mighty spells that can bind the persons spirit so they can't be brought back.

    I'm not saying an assassin has no place, but since we have magic he's going to have to factor that in.

    For Silvermane… it's your tale Bear. If anything I could see you keeping a close track of the days. So it certainly fits into the story.

    Should we have the festival culminating at that point?

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy. #48996
    Janine Dee

    The bath's were as busy as the rest of the city with the number of travelers normally impressive tally doubled for the festival the natives struggled to compete, but compete they did. All seeking to either remove the grime of the day or freshen up for the revels of the night. Yet as I walked among them I found myself starting to smile.

    I could see why I had been mistaken for a native because even before I took up the sword I had cast down modesty, knowing I was expected to keep my flesh covered, but caring about as much for that as I did the expectation that I should find a nice boy and settle down to start having children.

    My body was not diseased or deformed, and I had never seen undue need to cover it. Even now while I had picked up scars in battle I always healed cleanly and those feint reminders seemed to more accent my beauty, giving it a fierceness most women never considered matching.

    Here however clothing more for ornamentation or protection then hiding breasts or genitals, and where most baths had people wrapped in towels or darting from one place to another in hopes they weren't noticed people without a stitch on and their towels over their shoulders walked openly and unashamed.

    All that was seen over the main desk where a woman and a guard stood collecting coin from all those who sought to enter.

    My smile served me well, and both returned it as I explained I wanted a female attendant and a full massage as well. I paid the extra coin and was directed to a private room with a cloth covered table in the middle of it. The woman from the front desk set some oil to warm and then left.

    Knowing what was expected of me I undressed and set all my gear in the corner, though as always my sword was on top and angled to be drawn quick and clean. Though I can not say I expected an attack I always prepared for one.

    Now naked I laid on my back and laced my palms behind my head as I let my body drowse. In that half daze I heard some cries of passion that told me it wasn't just nudity that they were comfortable with, and I smiled.

    I heard another person approaching my door, and turning my heard I saw a swarthy young woman. Slender of limb with swarthy skin and long black hair to her waist, breasts the size of apples capped with nipples already hardened. At the juncture of her legs was a mass of curls maintained in shape, but otherwise grown freely.

    “You wished for a massage M'Lady?” I nodded. “Then we usually start with you laying on  your stomach.” I had given a great many messages to my Lady when I served in her army, and simply rolled to my stomach, my hands still laced, but my cheek now resting at the top of them, my face turned towards her, smiling as she stepped next to the table.

    She picked up the oil and poured it at the small of my back. First she rubbed upward smoothing the oil into the smoothe skin and long mucles of my back, and already I could feel old aches starting to ease.

    She continued her ministrations to my arms, showing she knew her profession as she paid extra attention to my wrists and hands, obviously aware a warrior puts a great deal of strain on them.

    More oil was added and she started massaging downward. I smiled into my hands as I knew she spent an inordinate amount of time massaging my bottom, but she was not the first woman to enjoy digging her fingers into the muscular globes, and she certainly would not be the last.

    The long muscles of my legs came next and between them and my feet I found myself groaning in appreciation.

    “I'm pleased you are enjoying yourself M'Lady. If you wish to enjoy yourself more you will need to roll over.”

    I did so, my hands now at my sides as I smiled up at her, and she down at me. As she gathered the oil again I allowed myself to regard her more closely, and the nipples that had seem just textured from exposure to the air now seemed painfully erect, and the curls at the juncture between her legs now glistened with her arousal.

    If I still had said curls I would be in a similar state, but I had shaved all but the smallest patch at my sex, and instead I felt that arousal mixing with the oil she had rubbed into my thighs.

    As she poured the oil onto my belly I noticed her noticing my signs of arousal and could tell she was just as pleased. Her overall demeanor though was calm as she rubbed the oil into my stomach, but as she reached the proud globes of my breasts and started rubbing them my own drawn out moan stated cracking her reserve and she started breathing heavy as she squeezed the mass of my breasts and tugged the hard nipples.

    I was wondering if I might reach release just from such treatment, but she stopped, knowingly or otherwise and got the oil again.

    More was applied to my midsection, but this time it was massaged downward over my legs again, and I KNEW the little vixen was teasing me. I met her eyes and the twinkle there confirmed it. So I spread my legs wide and rested the sole of my feet on the table.

    That got a nod from her in response, but the dreamy cast to her eyes made it almost look as if she was nodding to herself.

    It was then her hands moved to my needy sex. The first two fingers of her right sliding easily into my hungry folds while her left quickly moved to the top of my need and pressed down firmly to make my back arch, raising my body into her touch.

    As skilled as her fingers were it was obvious I was close and she was moving firm and fast to get me there, and with a delighted shriek I crested, and broke, my body giving several lurches upward, my mouth emitting several sobbing cries before I felt my body start to go slack.

    I believe my internal muscles had clamped down as well, because it was only then she was able to remove her fingers from inside me, but it was just as possible she had simply wanted to feel my pleasure from deep within.

    She climbed up on the table next to me, and I realized it was sized for just such a thing. While sexual services were neither asked for nor offered it seemed a custom here, and prepared for.

    I felt one leg laid over mine as a arm was rested over my still heaving chest, but while this darling girl may expect most clients to be satiated and rest I was not.

    “Climb up and straddle my face.”

    My words seemed to shock her, but once they sunk in a dazzling smile took over her features and she complied, and I had my own bright smile as her dripping sex was brought to my mouth.

    My hands moved up to rest on her thighs and hold her open to me as my tongue happily worked to gather the taste of her now soaked into her curls and coating her soft flesh.

    After several long moments of my tongue lapping happily between her legs I moved my mouth up to suckle that hard little pearl of her need and it was her turn to cry out. Just as it was my turn to tease as I quickly returned my tongue to pressing between those gripping internal muscles.

    She sobbed her frustration, and I could no longer deny her as I again sucked that hard point of flesh and she cried out her delight, my face finding itself coated with a fresh wave of her nectar.

    My hands had to move quickly from her thighs to catch her as she crumpled, not unconscious, but nearly. Still my reflexes were more then up to the task and I cradled her to my breast as she regained her senses.

    Soon enough she did, and got up on shaky legs to being the process of scraping the oils from my flesh, in the process removing the fluids from our combined arousal as well as the grit and grime that I carried from my journey here.

    Though I still required a bath the process had left my skin softened as well as cleaned, and freshly aroused.

    The darling girl recognized my state, and seemed confused as I guessed the normal clients of the baths didn't recover their passions so quickly.

    That adorable look of confusion remained as she directed me to the baths where I could finish cleaning myself up.

    I felt her eyes on me as I walked over to my gear and kept my legs straight as I walked over to my gear and bent over to pick it up, giving her a good look at my sex, where her fingers had been so deep inside so recently.

    I smiled as I looked at her dazed expression and walked to the baths.

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49181
    Janine Dee

    In D&D the raising of the dead has two forms. One is more like the Biblical Lazarus, and that is done by a Cleric, a caster of divine magic. There is also the arcane necromancy which returns a semblance of life, and yes disguising ones features would be a definite concern just in the case of communing with the dead.

    A solution that was in one of my gaming books had little metal hooks that would be inserted in vital organs after the person was killed so if they WERE brought back the hooks were there unless someone thought to check and remove them, and the person would die all over again.

    Another out is the magic tended to need at least part of the body, unless REALLY powerful magic was available then disintegrating the remains would be sufficient.

    In all cases lower level divine is just healing, and necromancy was just animating zombies and skeletons. The true raising of the dead or the animation of intelligent undead is the realm of the most powerful of magics.

    Again, this is all just D&D, but it's been around forever so it's not a bad basis.

    For Silvermane… it's sounding like you are looking to be the misunderstood hero.  ;) Which is very cool. I don't know if our stories will meet, but I wouldn't mind that, and I needed to know how you wanted to approach it.

    For the contests, as I note above healing magic is fairly available, and I see them as a sort of paramedic. Minor injuries would probably just get treated with traditional medicine, but a cleric would probably be on hand at the gaming grounds so if someone needed emergency treatment.

    For the participants… they would be expecting males, BUT I don't see them say calling out the guard to keep a woman from participating.

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49178
    Janine Dee

    Okay, I can follow you there. It's one thing for thing to get out of hand. With a gladiatorial type of contest at least some death is sort of in the programming, but accidents happening.

    As a note we will want to keep in mind, this is also a magical world where healing magic is available. In my story I mention the attack on the observer would have left the man crippled if it weren't for mystic healing. So the games would doubtlessly have healers on hand. it wouldn't' stop EVERYTHING, but it would be a definite factor.

    Especially if your ranger is there to assassinate someone. With magic able to heal it would be a factor. I'll admit I'm using my geek girl D&D experience and that even has spells to raise the dead, though they are rare and expensive

    in reply to: Suggestions for foreplay/teasing poses #48607
    Janine Dee

    The big concern with user developed stuff (clothing was also suggested) is the verification process that it's safe. Making those options available would also mean making operating code available, and that raises security issues.

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy. #48994
    Janine Dee

    At the gate I catch the eye of the guards, but that is not surprising. I was catching people's eyes long before I ever took up the sword.

    I suppose it could be a contest, my lean, muscular frame in black leather breeches with knee high boots in the same with steel shod toes and knees, obviously there for combat.  My only other coverings a black leather brassiere and black leather gloves, with the rest taken off and stored in my pack in the warm weather.

    Just as easily however it could be the sword hanging easily at my hip. Not only is it exceedingly rare for a woman to take up the blade, but to wear it with the easy veteran's confidence I do would mark me to them whatever my gender.

    Their wide eyes and urgent whispers coming from the fact that it's the massive hand and a half blade commonly known as the “bastard” sword. Less then the mighty two handed claymores and their kin, but longer the the long sword favored by most men at arms. Most could only hope to wield it with two hands, but I could wield her with one, and with such speed that I could end a great many fights before they truly started.

    Still, I do not blame them. They are the city guard, and they have every right to mark my passage. Were I here to do harm I could go a great deal, but I am here for the celebration of the coming summer.

    It was actually here, but the festival was always held a little later then most of it's ilk to let the city fill to capacity.

    Lidibinis, the City that Morality forgot. Or at least that's what a great many called it, doing so in scandalized whispers.

    Of course I had warranted those whispers more then once myself and when a woman who had paid my bounty on a bandit leader and his lieutenants had mistaken me for a native after our tryst I knew where I would go to spend the windfall the murderous rabble had provided after they had become enough of a nuisance to get gold placed on their heads.

    While I had bathed in several streams I would almost swear I could still smell the smoke on my hair from the bandit leader's tent. After I had snuck in  during the dark of night and slit his throat. Then looting his tent I set it on fire. As the bandits battled the fire I slipped amongst them and cut down their leaders. By the time they had realized they were under attack they got to watch the last lieutenant fall, and had simply fled in panic driven chaos.

    Yet while I was a woman of the sword I was still a woman, and now that I was in a city it was her I would take care of.

    The guard had been a little nervous when i first started speaking to him, but I would guess I was hardly the first traveler to ask the way to the baths.

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49176
    Janine Dee

    Okay, so like the jousts, archery contests, wrestling? I dunno about gladiatorial though, just my opinion, but gladiatorial contests were heavy on the bloodshed. The feeling I'm having for this city is that contests of skill are one thing, but spilling blood and ending at least some lives for the amusement of the populace… I'm not seeing it.

    At least not yet, but as long as no one says it doesn't exist it can when someone wants it to.  :)

    So Bear. There's your shapechanger AND a lycan? Do you think people would be able to tell them apart? Or would it be a case of mistaken identity waiting to happen?

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49173
    Janine Dee

    Awesome. This is what I was hoping for. A comparing of notes so even if certain paths never cross they can influence. Like if one of us gets in a fight another may see the guardsmen running in that direction, or even use it as a distraction.

    While we'll have our own stories I'm liking the idea of them all having the same stage.

    For the lycan/war games, how are they impacting the festival? Are people openly aware of the lycan or is the city guard trying to keep it quiet to keep people outside and spending their money?

    For the war games… how does it fit into the larger festival? How did a summer festival in a city literally named for it's sexual excesses get war games?

    Just my own questions for my story as I write it.

    Now, one thought I had for the city is that it's NOT like one large red light district, but rather a sort of REALLY big free love colony. Prostitution is certainly legal, but I see the citizenry as simply VERY comfortable with their sexuality.

    If you've read Jaqueline Carey's Kushiel series or Anne Rice's Claiming Beauty you'll get a good picture of what I mean.

    As far as Janine the swordswoman… while I'll detail it more in my post I'll put up sometime tonight she's just here for the festival because she had a lover mistake her for a native  ;D for her adventure will come by chance. Though with the fellas already kicking around I wouldn't be surprised if paths cross.  ;)

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49169
    Janine Dee

    If anyone has any story based ideas can they post them here because I keep wanting to post more, but everyone keeps coming up with such wonderful ideas and I keep remodeling.  :P

    in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #11497
    Janine Dee

    Tight, you need to quantify. More male clothing that does NOT look like costuming for hardcore gay pornography.

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49166
    Janine Dee

    Oh, sort of a sexual tourist spot… I LIKE it!

    And don't worry Sunny. I just thought you wanted to start your character's story on an island.

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49160
    Janine Dee

    Ummm K  ;) Well Bear said he was in the city, and Tight and I are just arriving, and Adera seems good with the city as well.  Still, have fun on your island and we'll maybe meet up.

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49158
    Janine Dee

    And I like the idea of sea travel being an option. So it looks like more votes for coastal.

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49154
    Janine Dee

    Just to (re)state what I had in mind for this thread is that we each start our own story. In this case revolving around this central city (though you can certainly be elsewhere if you wish), and as we go we can start working threads together if we find ourselves wanting to, but it's not MANDATORY. Just write your own fantastic, erotic tale, and let it go where it goes.

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