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I don't take it personally Unhealer. I just assume that those who thought this wasn't that bad of an idea know nothing about pleasing a woman.
The girl on all fours can basically Enjoy. lean forward, rub her breast, or raise her leg… or suck that damn dildo. No way to touch the girl on top.
The girl on top can rub her own breast or use her fingers or toy on either of the openings on the girl below.
Hence my extreme lack of enthusiasm… I mean you can't even look at each other really.
The implant were frighteningly obvious, and her tan had progressed to the point she looked more reupholstered then anything.
I bought this… to see what it was like, and because I want the full FF(F) assortment … I don't see myself using it that much. The biggest reason being that despite being fairly well read I can't find the words to describe my thoughts.
Really, I've been deleting and retyping this quite a bit… so no, sorry development team, just no. You've been given plenty of suggestions, and while that tiny shred of optimism that tends to stay with me wants to say maybe you were trying to surprise us even if that is the case it was not a pleasant surprise.
Even if you don't want to try any of the suggestions here… at least try ONE without the damn silicone. Please.
Yeah the one no at this point WAS me.
Okay, I have no problem with the Carnival, but I think my avatar actually looks MORE realistic then the woman Tight posted.
Not insulting, just not my thing.
I like the idea of the girl's school, but I gotta be me.
Still the boy to girl ratio as well as the interest level seems promising.
I'm just not going to be interested in playing het set ring master.
February 13, 2011 at 10:16 pm in reply to: Group Pose Ideas : MMF. FFF. SFS. DOUBLE PENETRATION POSE #48258I’m with you in theory, and I certainly want a position like that recent update, BUT I get nervous any time the development team breaks out the phallic objects. 😉
See, but there is the issue Lover. So I will simply state… I'm not going to take care of all those boys.
I'm sure you are one of those few who look dignified in your banana hammock Unhealer, rather then laughably ridiculous like the rest.
Oh, and on boy's schools and such. I'm not OPPOSED, but I won't take responsibility for that part of any thread. So the better question is if anyone will.
I'd screen, and if necessary train my staff better then that.
Ardeur sweetie, you are SO hired. :-*
Adera, you would have to decide what kind of student you wanted to be, and then see what would happen.
Zinah/Tight, all good classes have labs. A proper education can not come entirely out of a book.
… Okay I'm already starting to feel a lesson plan coming on.
I’m also careful not to buy my own hype Adera
;). All modesty aside I’m good, very good, a natural even, but once I started that natural part of me was also ready to remind my ego that when I have another persons safety in my hands I can NOT take that lightly.
Where I am going is that I have a GREAT responsibility because I’m not the one that’s been tied up, but that submissive has to communicate their wants and needs before, during and after. In many cases like during they can communicate by not communicating and I know I’m not truly hurting them, but it could be as simple as a muscle cramping after being bound. Unless I’m looking closely at the muscle in question I’m not going to realize it unless the submissive lets me know.
An example that didn’t happen to me was a gay male Dominant with a new submissive. They were having a WONDERFUL session until the Dominant said “Take it like a man.” The submissive had an abusive father, and their father said the exact same thing, and the submissive started panicking and needed to stop.
The Dominant stopped and immediately moved to aftercare.
What’s perfect about that example is both parties fulfilled all their responsibilities and still managed to have a session go bad because they managed to hit an old poorly healed mental wound. The submissive didn’t realize he could still be effected by that past event, and the Dominant didn’t know there was a key phrase like that.
I once heard a submissive say it beautifully when he said that sometimes they don’t realize a line got crossed until after a session ends entirely, but he also said that he considered it his responsibility to communicate the full event to his Mistress, and to know that she would never seek to truly harm him.
So for Tight, the agreement is vital, but as much in spirit as it is in letter.
In BDSM there are hard limits and soft limits. Sharing one of mine I would say a soft limit as a Domme would be breaking the skin… it just feels like starting down a bad path. However I watched another Domme whip a submissive as well as use a disposable scalpel to cut her (disposable for sanitary reasons, opened for the session and discarded after) and afterward the Domme honored me by letting me look at the injuries and it was like reading BDSM sheet music to tell light cuts versus the more scraped lines from the whipping.
Breath play however is a hard limit, because the epidermis heals much better then a brain deprived of oxygen ever will. In my mind breath play could mean PERMANENTLY damaging a submissive, BUT I had a sub who tried to press me on the issue, and she was so sure, and so trusting and so eager, I faltered, not for long, but I did, and then I stopped it myself.
As I see it it’s not so much a matter of knowing each others roles, but knowing ones own, and finding another as strong and secure in theirs.
Not just the guys.
No argument there it IS an outfit that CAN look amazing, or horrifying, but that's true of just about any form fitting garment.