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Janine Dee

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  • in reply to: curious fact #46058
    Janine Dee

    To be fair I easily consider myself vastly more intelligent then most of the population.  ;D

    in reply to: Owning. Getting REAL PISSED with the “owning” thing. #46180
    Janine Dee

    Okay, I am known enough for my actual D/s experience.

    So one thing I learned is that a great many who like to call themselves Dominant do so to mask their own insecurities. There are plenty of names for them, but one of the more polite ones is embarrassments.

    The fact that they respond so poorly is a clear sign to me. It could be one thing if they would simply say that they are playing the game how they and their partners  enjoy, but the fact they are aggressively trying to coerce others says plenty.

    It makes me want to break out some of the other terms, but I've learned to give those wastes as little of my time or attention as possible. If anything the fact they raise their own flags with this “owning” makes them that much easier to avoid.

    I do however want to expand on an idea. For some being “owned” to them means that they are treasured, valued, while it looks like the concept is being hideously abused here the core concept of the submissive being a treasure of the Dominant.

    Well if you look back in Sinnnn and my theater post when we decided to become spouses… she didn't give me a ring. That's it being done right.

    in reply to: FF. Pose Review Request. 15. Foreplay – Lying on the bed. #46169
    Janine Dee

    For me there is a line. When I am the customer I am certainly willing to see where the business/employee, etc is coming from, BUT there is also the point that if you want my money I can expect a certain level of service. If you can not or will not provide it you certainly can't expect my patronage. I am wavering on that line at this point, and seeing where AChat falls.

    in reply to: Underage people #10092
    Janine Dee

    Here in the States that can be called entrapment. So inciting them to commit the crime is illegal, BUT posing as a minor and then letting them come onto you is okay. So even a mediocre lawyer could make a case coming on AChat posing a minor is entrapment, but a mediocre DA could argue that as long as the person posing as the minor didn't make the approach it wasn't entrapment.

    The law is no where near as cut and dry as it likes to think it is. That's the nature of the adversarial system.

    And I wasn't intending to start a anal argument sweetie. All I was saying was my feelings on it, and that just because *I* happen not to like it doesn't make it wrong, as long as both are those consenting adults.

    in reply to: FF. Pose Review Request. 15. Foreplay – Lying on the bed. #46167
    Janine Dee

    I thought I'd expand on why I had the pronounced reaction I had.

    I assumed this was never coming. I had lost hope that the Development Team would take time between designs for ANOTHER FM pose, or MORE overpriced clothing. What's so big about that is I used to practically be their cheerleader, sticking up for them when people had concerns, keeping positive and energetic about what was coming next…

    I fell far.

    For me to fall that far I feel it shows a fairly pronounced failure on their part for a pretty good stretch of time.

    I used words like “step” in the right direction, because I'm not back to believing they'll support their full customer base…

    Not yet.

    in reply to: Underage people #10090
    Janine Dee

    That's a part of what I was referring to. If two consenting adults say “Were both adults, now let's play otherwise.” there's no legal entanglement. Any court in the land would toss out any chat logs. Those types of stings keep the chat logs, and make sure the logs show the stinger saying they ARE a minor. Even if they technically aren't there has to be a proven knowledge the person thought they were engaging a minor.

    For me, I FIGHT not to make personal judgments. There are certainly areas I don't want to go, but I've also stated I just do NOT like anal. Not only is there a pain issue, but hygiene is also a big concern for me.

    That said there are MANY here that adore the practice.

    The consenting adults is the only real line for me. Everything else falls under personal preferences. 

    in reply to: FF. Pose Review Request. 15. Foreplay – Lying on the bed. #46165
    Janine Dee

    Find me Baby.  :-* :) :-*

    in reply to: ATTENTION! AChat set off Avast. #46173
    Janine Dee

    I ran a full scan and got another file from the exact same day (5-05). I'm fairly certain that was the day I uninstalled and reinstalled, and since it's been there over seven months now without setting off a scanner or doing anything noticeably malicious I'm thinking some update to AChat, Avast or both is adding up to a false positive.

    in reply to: FF. Pose Review Request. 15. Foreplay – Lying on the bed. #46163
    Janine Dee

    About FUCKING time!

    DEFINITE and IMPORTANT step in the right direction.

    in reply to: Room Ideas. #14079
    Janine Dee


    Had to be said.

    Was most likely to be me saying it.


    in reply to: Underage people #10083
    Janine Dee

    The trick here is that for most ageplay you really don't need to implicitly state a number. I mean when I'm playing the schoolgirl I'm playing the character, I don't NEED to state she's under eighteen.

    So in plenty of cases there really shouldn't be any issue.

    For those who NEED it things get tricky because for some they will swear up and down it ruins it for them to have to cover their legal bases, but tough. In any kink, or just sex in general, if you don't play responsibly you risk more then yourself.

    in reply to: Costumes and Sets of Clothes for RP and Fantasies #45913
    Janine Dee

    There there Love, there there. I know *Kissing the top of your head.*

    in reply to: Underage people #10076
    Janine Dee

    In that thread Lover mentioned though I had several long winded posts on how a disclaimer is needed. If it's say something in the profile stating a love of agePLAY, or something when chatting with a partner where you state being of legal age clearly.

    in reply to: Favorite TV (remake from Say…) #20242
    Janine Dee

    No clue. It's entirely possible, but yeah, never heard of it.

    in reply to: Favorite TV (remake from Say…) #20240
    Janine Dee

    Mystery Science 2000? I've only heard of 3000.

    But I also know of the website that was set up by the creators after MST3k went big and the owners of the copyrights of the crappy old movies they made fun of started wanting a cut. Now on Rifftrax they watch a movie, record a MP3, and you buy the MP3 and watch the movie on your own.

    Much the same effect, but big time titles like Iron Man, Harry Potter, etc.

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