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Janine Dee

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  • in reply to: Guys-New Outfits. Macho Man Costumes #44530
    Janine Dee


    in reply to: Guys-New Outfits. Macho Man Costumes #44527
    Janine Dee

    Even in normal fashions exposed flesh is far more common in women's fashions then men. Their t-shirts reach their belt lines, and their jeans don't stop just above their ass crack. It extends even to clothing that's meant to have skin showing as you find more of the trunk style swimwear then the banana hammocks.

    Now for me I PREFER the fetish gear that shows skin, but that's just another example of the gender difference.

    in reply to: Campfire at Lover’s Lake #44464
    Janine Dee

    Bobbler has a certain point. Even in my old Pool Party I started out getting naked and giving the atmosphere a sexual tone to it right away. The advantage is you can have as many extras as your want to start getting sexual with. Right now you that sexuality isn't there, but as always just my A$.02.

    in reply to: Guys-New Outfits. Macho Man Costumes #44524
    Janine Dee

    Well now guys to be fair (and to give me a chance to be a smart ass) when *I* wore a system of leather straps *I* got compliments.  :P

    in reply to: More Lesbian Poses. FF and FFF. #24459
    Janine Dee

    When you put it that way Tight… economic systems follow many of the rules that organisms do. One of those is that the grow to fit their environment. In this case the market for everything other then FM is smaller because their “habitat” is smaller. Much like a business doing more business if they stay open longer, or start selling over the web as well as at a physical retail site… a VERY valid point.

    in reply to: Janine’s Soap Box: Juan Willam’s Whining #44432
    Janine Dee

    Agreed, and there are certainly those gay rights activists who would rather FORCE Churches to perform same sex ceremonies, but they are just the flip side of the coin that wants to deny all same sex partner rights.

    The key for me (but you said this too) is that the government issues the same rights to all unions, and Churches perform the ceremonies as they see fit.

    Some had wanted to have marriages stand, but give same sex partners civil union's or something like that. Which sounds to me like the “Separate but Equal” (Jim Crow?) laws that were struck down.

    As long as the field is equal I'm okay with it.

    in reply to: Janine’s Soap Box: Juan Willam’s Whining #44430
    Janine Dee

    Bear, I think we are demonstrating how this country SHOULD work. I just wonder if we are a minority, or it's just a vocal minority that's in front of the cameras convincing people to act like that?

    in reply to: Pose Ideas. FF (and maybe some FFF) position suggestions. #44164
    Janine Dee

    For a FFF you could have the two women standing, kissing, caressing each other with a third on her knees fingering one and licking the other, or fingering both.

    in reply to: More Lesbian Poses. FF and FFF. #24442
    Janine Dee

    Okay, I can't bring myself to complain too loudly about the latest implement since new male clothes have been even longer in coming then a new FF. That said it's now 6 weeks since a FF update.

    in reply to: Janine’s Soap Box: Juan Willam’s Whining #44428
    Janine Dee

    We agree quite a bit Bear.

    On the Freedom of Religion issue, as I interpret… one of the things that had the colonists first leaving England was the Church of England. At that point there was one Church allowed, and that was it. The problem that is arising now is that the marriage between the religious and the right is seeming intent on creating a Church of America.

    We may end up making this a new thread, but I use the Gay Marriage issue as my example as there ARE churches willing to perform union ceremonies, but other churches are using their political allies to force THEIR interpretation of scripture. While I obviously have a personal bias every time someone says how the Bible defines marriage what they are really saying is how THEY interpret the Bible.

    And they are seeking to make their interpretation the law of the land.

    The problem is that both sides want to have it all their own way.

    On Williams. He ABSOLUTELY had the right to make the comments he made. What he didn't have was the right to demand his employer accept them. That is the crux of my argument here. That the political party that normally is trumpeting the idea of personal accountability is insisting he shouldn't have any.

    On NPR itself, they have their own responsibilities to advertisers, to donors, THEY would have bared the greater brunt of blow back over his comments if they had let them stand and kept him on. They seemed to have had a damned if they do, damned if they don't position.

    in reply to: Janine’s Soap Box: Juan Willam’s Whining #44425
    Janine Dee

    That happens where ever you go. There was a big flap about Japan editing it's history text books to minimize their WW2 atrocities and the nations that they had committed those atrocities against were understandably upset. It's nationalism, and I can't imagine any text books being truly neutral in their reporting of history.

    But that's really a whole other topic.

    in reply to: Give a new girl time to get her “hairs” done. #44400
    Janine Dee

    Maybe I read it wrong, but either way people I've never talked to have sent me friend requests out of the blue without anything resembling an explanation.

    in reply to: Give a new girl time to get her “hairs” done. #44398
    Janine Dee

    Actually, this could also be a good place to tell you that you may log on to find friend requests from people you don't remember talking to. It's not that you forgot talking to them, it's that some seem to just go through the offline lists and send the requests. It baffles me why people would spend their time on such a project, but there you go.

    in reply to: Guys-New Outfits. Macho Man Costumes #44505
    Janine Dee

    I might not want to see men in fetish gear… especially THAT fetish gear.

    😉 But I am VERY happy to see fetish is still here and still growing.

    in reply to: Janine’s Soap Box: Juan Willam’s Whining #44423
    Janine Dee

    The thing is that no matter how well established a rule may be there always seem to be those who figure it applies to everyone else. They are special, they aren't like the people who normally break the rules… it's why lawyers are despised, yet still aren't having any problem finding customers. It's just that the continuing story was pissing me off that a grown man (with white hair even) is behaving so childishly and getting some fairly wide spread support (even from elected officials) that are saying his employers should not have the right to deal with a problematic employee.

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