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As far as putting anything in the profile that you expect a person to read… I know I can usually be sure they won't, but at that point I feel they have then entitled me to treat them however I choose. Sort of like a sign that says “Trespassers will be shot.” If you then trespass, you can't bitch about getting shot.
That said at this point responses are more rewards from me. I tend to simply use a little i ignore where they can't even be sure I'm on. I even let those damn cold invites click to zero unless they pop in when I'm character editing and the like. I just don't want to give them the time or energy.
October 7, 2010 at 9:46 am in reply to: Anti-virus problems and Free Anti Virus protection for your PC or Lap top #43240AVG is good, I personally like Avast after AVG decided Malware Bytes was itself Malware, but I will agree 100% that Norton and McAfee are just bad programs. I've tried both at one point or another and was profoundly dissatisfied.
Bear, I think she was referring to the fact both Blade and Neo wear trench coats.
October 5, 2010 at 7:36 pm in reply to: Trojan horse in achatupdater? – No, false detection of McAfee! #43225I'm about to run my scanners, but I will already say that a trojan is meant to allow a outside user access to your computer, like an updater. Ill be back in a couple hours with my results.
Okay I had a friend stop by after I finished my anti-malware program and I was clean, and I will run anti-virus when I am able.
As a note though he's better with computers then me and when I started mentioning what happened he finished my sentence on how the updater COULD be misinterpreted as a trojan since it has a similar purpose.
Bah, Kate Beckinsdale and that latex/pvc dream she was wrapped in for the movie Underworld.
Yes, but the one in question had a medical fetish, and yeah she would get hot during her pelvic.
Vampires don’t sparkle!!!!!!!! Sorry I feel very strongly on this. 😛 😛
October 5, 2010 at 6:10 pm in reply to: Trojan horse in achatupdater? – No, false detection of McAfee! #43213I noted in more detail on that board, but I'll note it here and say security programs DO get false positives. I will be running my scanner once I'm done with all I need to do, and if anyone has free time on their comp to run an in depth scan they may wish to, but unless others with other anti-virus programs run into it I would say it's on your end rather then a problem with AChat.
October 5, 2010 at 6:05 pm in reply to: Trojan horse in achatupdater? – No, false detection of McAfee! #43223The problem is security software can misidentify. I once had an anti-virus say my anti-spyware remover was malware. (AVG vs Malware Bytes) Looked into it and Malware Bytes has talked to AVG repeatedly because it would give those false positives.
I will run my anti-virus in a bit and if I run into the same (I don't use McAfee or AVG anymore) I will note it here, but if I don't I would say it may be your anti-virus rather then AChat.
To the development team… you could make us pay A$ for the designing privilege (or make it another premium perk) while making sure all designers click an agree box that AChat retains the rights to their designs.
I think people would go for it.
To those who would want to go for it, there may be security concerns as you would have SOME sort of access to the operating type system of AChat, OR they would have to have you send it to them, they would make sure there's nothing hostile in the coding and THEN put it up.
:-* ;D :-* ;D :-* ;D :-* ;D :-* ;D :-*
I've known some ladies who've had to struggle not to get wet during their pelvic, but I am not one of them.
Pshaw Lover, for the other girls maybe, but barring the occasional good conversation you guys are just scenery to me.Â
Careful with the tails. When I was cosplaying on here for Sinnnn as a catgirl I made sure to note the tail was on a belt hanging down rather then the butt plug sexual costumes often use for tails, but then again I'm not a big fan of anal.
Free users can't climax? I love the idea and think it's hilarious!Â