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Janine Dee

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  • in reply to: The rude, the crude and the downright nasty. #42891
    Janine Dee

    Tight, I think that is a large part of the problems in the world, but I've ranted on this in many threads. People are left to see freedom as freedom from consequence. They can do what they want to whomever they want, and anyone that tries to hold them accountable is oppressing them. It's online, it's offline, it's every damn where.

    in reply to: General Chat #42473
    Janine Dee

    I would say the swimwear should be optional.  ::)

    I would also say that I can't see private rooms as THAT large of a programming hurdle to require a bump in membership fees. I'm just brainstorming ways to make it both available to all (general type chat) while making a premium perk to encourage memberships.

    in reply to: The rude, the crude and the downright nasty. #42886
    Janine Dee

    “beach”?? If someone would call me a bitch I would at least hope they could get the spelling somewhere resembling right.

    As far as names… it HAS been done… once that I can remember. I haven't, and I've wanted to a time or to, so I honestly don't know what to advise.

    The one time it was it was telling about a serious mind fuck… well I don't want to go reopening any old wounds, but it was serious.

    So I guess the main question would be if it's worth it? I've dealt with assholes, and some I've wanted to name for the world to see, but in the end I didn't see them as worth any extra stress on my part.

    Janine Dee

    LOLOLOL THAT must be why they haven't implemented any new clothes for the guys!!!! They can't appreciate new outfits like we do! :P :P :P

    in reply to: Pose Ideas for Threesomes. #42868
    Janine Dee

    #3 WOULD have to be able to at least pleasure themselves, if not get some help from one of the women on the dildo. It's literally not possible to do it any other way. ;)

    in reply to: General Chat #42469
    Janine Dee

    Let's assume the Development Team reads this.

    Would we want to say pay 1A$ every time we open a room?

    In that case I would want to be able to invite in whomever I wished.

    I would prefer private rooms being a premium perk. Then people have more reason to pay for memberships, while chat comes back and private rooms do exist. Now, would we want only premiums to be able to enter private chats? Or just that premiums can open rooms but invite anyone they want?

    My vote would be it takes a premium to open, but they can invite anyone in.

    in reply to: Game Idea. Free Male able to do group with Two Premium Players. #13386
    Janine Dee

    Frankly I'm arguing a lot more passionately then I need to be as I don't want to have sex with men free or otherwise.  :P

    That said if I were I would be less ready to pay for threesome positions as there are less partners available. The current guideline seems to be if someone has the position anyone in the room can use it. If you really wanted to crack down on free users people would only be able to use the positions they've paid for.

    The idea that more free options would drive down memberships seems based on a threesome usage that isn't happening. People aren't having threeways, and I imagine it's a good percentage of why they have made threeways such a low priority.

    It feels like those strip malls that are built before the space inside is sold and stand half empty the first five years. You have to have people there to use the service being offered, and by excluding free males they are excluding a lure for the bi and het women, which also excludes the premium men who would want to have threeways with the bi and het women.

    in reply to: General Chat #42464
    Janine Dee

    Oh Tight sweetie, they've had that lesson beaten into them at this point.  :P I too hope for private chat rooms, and while I would be willing to pay a trivial amount of A$ even if it's free making it an option only open to premiums wouldn't be a bad idea. Either with only premiums able to be in private rooms, or only premiums can open a chat room, but invite anyone in.

    Janine Dee

    Something would be nice, because as it stands it feels like the pricing is designed to get us to part with our A$. Which is fine when you're dealing with the hookers, but a point of contention for those of us who paid real money for this virtual money.

    in reply to: Pose Ideas for Threesomes. #42865
    Janine Dee

    It's not a bad position Adrea, it's like being Mistress of ceremonies.  ;D Having two women there laid out panting and moaning and knowing you're making them that way…. yeah. 

    in reply to: Female Impostors. Male Imposters. Gender Fluid Avatars #42771
    Janine Dee

    Actually if you've ever been to a gay bar on a weekend there's a good chance you've seen a drag show. Some of the drag queens there… the fact I they were in the contest told me they were guys, but if I hadn't known in advance?  :P So it's not just online.

    Still, I have a feeling no argument will have you thinking “Maybe I should just chill out a bit, and let it go.” So just continue on your female impersonator hunt, I'm sure it will be more fun then using this cybersex program for cybersex.

    in reply to: Game Idea. Free Male able to do group with Two Premium Players. #13385
    Janine Dee

    Bear my dear, logic like that has been used to justify paying men more then women for ages.

    I've agreed to a certain degree when it came to FF and FFF implements because of the fact that heterosexuals outnumber lesbian and bi women, but I haven't said that meant they could just ignore lesbian and bi women entirely.

    Hence the compromise of two premiums being able to invite a third regardless of their status.

    My argument then as well as now would be that no economic model should say “We'll take your money, but don't go expecting anything in return.”

    What's being said to the bi and heterosexual women is “We'll change you full price, but don't go expecting the full range of options.”

    in reply to: Pose Ideas for Threesomes. #42860
    Janine Dee

    Marry me Sinnnn!!!! Oh… wait… we're already married.  ;D :-* ;D :-* :P

    Though I have to ask was it typing that made your hands tired?  ;)

    For FFF I has said before and will say again.

    -All three F's on their sides. #1 licking #2, #2 licking #3, #3 licking #1.

    -The double headed dildo (a toy implement I just want to see in general for FF as well) for FFF #1&2 would be on either end while #3 holds it steady and plays with #1&2's tits and clits. (This could also put a M or S on the #3 spot for others.)

    in reply to: Game Idea. Free Male able to do group with Two Premium Players. #13382
    Janine Dee

    Ah Bear, gender equality has it's place in economics. I feel they need to modify the rules.

    As long as one (or maybe two) of the threesome participants are premium they should be able to invite whomever they want. Because if the free users are here to provide partners for the premiums it should be across the board. Not based on whether or not ENOUGH of your gender are paying, just as long as you are.

    in reply to: Female Impostors. Male Imposters. Gender Fluid Avatars #42762
    Janine Dee

    You want to solve this problem? All the guys who insist on knowing it’s really a girl on the other side must get a confirmed penis measurement so their avatar can be adjusted.

    ;D Bet that would shut them right up.

    And frankly if this girl who may be a guy can carry on a conversation beyond “Hi” *cold invite* then they are damn well worth my time. 😛

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