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  • in reply to: Esmeralda007. Hello. #144042

    Have fun in game and forum!  :)

    in reply to: Jasmine’s Latex Lovers #144416

    Some latex kitties to get started  ;)






    in reply to: Cakky. Introducing myself i suppose #144316

    Hi Cathy!

    Welcome to AChat! This place is full of friendly people, I'm sure you will have no problem in finding friends.

    Have fun, here and in game!  ;)

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #68178

    After receiving a hug I bit a lower lip a little and slightly blushed, giving a light nod to Lover as he asked his question.

    As Lover went on stage, I turned to Joe and ordered another shot for courage, then turned back to Roxxy and asked her: “Is it always so friendly in here? I almost forgot how it feels to be in such a nice and friendly place, well you know, large city bars are all different…” I smiled.

    Finishing another shot in one go, I felt hot after few seconds and decided to open zipper of my leather jacket. I lowered zipper to middle of my chest and moved jacket sides to take form of nice decollete, reviling my tanned body and slightly breasts.


    Can you instruct me someday? 😀
    I promise to be a good kitty! Meow!

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #68176

    Jasmine was observing people riding a mechanical bull that was giving his riders a good shakedown and occasionally sending them flying, when suddenly she heard loud and almost simultaneous voices “Hi there!”

    Jasmine was cough off guard by that welcome, quickly turned to find three people looking at her with smiles. A light blush was seen on Jasmines cheeks and her dark green eyes blinked rapidly for few seconds, when finally Jasmine were able to squeeze out of her with a bit confused voice “Em..uh…Hello!” and also returned a smile, same time giving even bigger blush.

    Bartender pours her a drink and waves her money away. “First drink is always on the house and then …”  he drops his voice, “Coves tab is usually open..”
    Jasmine stood a bit shocked and continued to blink, when finally she regained control, smiled to bartender and took a glass with dark brown liquid in it. Smell was strong so Jasmine decided to ask: “I'm driving, wont that kick me off the road, if you know what I mean?”

    Bartender smiled as he replied: “Well miss'y, judging by that tired look of yours I would advice you to hit few of those and stay in hotel for the night. It's nice and clean, I'm sure you wouldn't be disappointed.” after a short pause he added “by the way – name's Joe. Or Old_Joe, depends how you like it” Joe smiled again.

    Jasmine thought to herself: “Perhaps Joe is right, I am tired of road and could use some R&R. Those people seemed to be friendly and polite, no over drunk bully has attempted to de-bed her yet and even better is that none of those types are seen in here. Well – It's settled then, girl!”

    Jasmine raised her right eyebrow looking at Joe, brought a glass to her lips and said with a little coquettishly voice before quickly finishing the shot “Really?…” Booze was strong, but Jasmine had her deal of those before, so she almost didn't show any signs of discomfort from the strength of that drink.

    Then she took a deep breath and addressed to all three: “I'm Jasmine, nice to meet you! You have a very nice place in here…” Jasmine smiled.

    in reply to: MS. Pose Review Request. 79. Deep Anal Penetration. #84625

    Looks like I already know what I'm buying next  :D ;)

    in reply to: LeviAnne. Meet Levianne #144305

    Welcome Levi!

    Little tiny, girly lady with little tiny devil inside?  ;) I like you already!

    Hope you enjoy your stay here and in game experiences. Have fun!

    in reply to: peterkink. Introducing myself #144297

    Hello Peterkink

    Welcome to forum. Hope you will have lot of fun with people here and in game  ;)

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #68173

    Jasmine has just completed another VIP delivery of package, most probably containing some corporation secrets or plans on taking over the world. Whatever was in that package, jasmine got paid well and even got bonus for fast delivery or it was a matter of Jasmines work suit. Working as a courier for VIP deliveries gave Jasmine two satisfaction – speed and adrenaline with possibility to wear her favorite sexy tight leather suit.

    Time was late so Jasmine decided to take a shortcut by country roads. After traveling for some time, Jasmine decided to stop and rest for a while and it was her luck to notice a bar near the road with large sign – The Achat Bar & Grill

    After stopping not far from the entrance and parking hers Yamaha FZ8, Jasmine examined the bar from outside for a moment or two. Place seemed to be nice, plus some party was obviously going on inside.

    Jasmine thought to herself “Ok, lets not forget that I'm not entirely a girl… No hints for the guys!” Jasmine already had experience of fellows reacting  emotionally in other places as she refused to “go  over the corner” with them and even worse what she told some of them that she's not the girl that they expect.

    As Jasmine entered the bar, she removed her helmet. Her black hair quickly took their form, covering her neck and slightly back. There was a Xmas party going. People were having fun, sharing gifts, hugs and kisses, everyone seemed very friendly and that gave Jasmine some relief. She tried to avoid attention moved toward the bar, placed her helmet on bar stand close to herself and begun to wait for bartender, meanwhile observing action in bar.

    OOC: I hope it's not too late for me to join you guys here? I'm not very skilled with forum RP, but I tried to read previous posts and tend to interlink my appearance in bar with what was already going in here  :)

    in reply to: MS. Pose Review Request. 79. Deep Anal Penetration. #84623

    Got to try it  ::)

    in reply to: Jasmine_t. Introduction and my Achat Fun Time #144281

    There. I did my best  :)
    It was difficult to remember all what we did, but most important one I described in details

    in reply to: Jasmine’s story #144287

    We continued those sessions for several years. Sometimes once a month, sometimes once in two, but all of us were eager to meet each other again and again. Due to expression of those sexual fantasies I had buried deep inside of me, my attitude toward people has changed. I became more friendly and optimistic, so if you have something holding your back in your real life sexual life – try using latex catsuits! It is your shield and in same time your hammer to break down barriers that you may have.

    So from that experience I learned few tricks how to act like a shemale.

    Sadly but our ways parted with those girls few years ago. They went to live in other countries, got carried away by their businesses. I begun to miss a lot our relaxation sessions in Jasmines house.

    And the fact that this game allows me to be in that role again is very important for me. This is giving me a new energy source, like those girls did time ago. I don’t care which gender character is inviting me for action in game, what is important that players be friendly and open minded, maybe also seeking new horizons through sexual experience even a virtual one.

    You can never know who is relay behind that strong and tattooed stead in game – it could be Jasmine or Nadin ;)

    in reply to: Jasmine_t. Introduction and my Achat Fun Time #144279

    Well, if it is allowed to add there real life stories – I will give it a try!  :)

    Thou I'm not very good writer, I will try to add details so that reader could re-live my experience.

    And thanks for support. I'ts first forum where I share my sexual fantasies, events and talk about sex at all.

    in reply to: Jasmine_t. Introduction and my Achat Fun Time #144277

    Thank's for nice and friendly welcome!

    I think I may add a bit about my view on intimate activities, any way I have a shemale character in game, bit of story may help to relax some minds about my sexual preferences ;)

    Some years ago I was having a nice party at one of my friends house. A nice and very active girl. Everyone were curious from where she gets all that energy to be so lively. So after the party was over, all guest went home leaving me, host and another girl. After having some drinks, we begun to chat on very private and intimate topics and it went for some time, bringing our common desire very high.

    In that moment our host very bravely suggested us three to have a sex! “Enough with talks, we are young, lets have fun!” After few seconds of shock I agreed since girls already were waiting for my positive answer. (And what normal guy wouldn't? ;) )

    But what followed was something completely new in my sexual life: our host insisted on using latex catsuits! She actually had a quite large wardrobe of those already. The only problem – there was no suite for male. So girls suggested me to role play a shemale. That was also something new, since I barley knew what are they talking about. To improve that, I was put in front of computer, Google quickly found necessary videos and I begun my study of those “shemales”, while girls were dressing up.

    After theoretical lesson, I spent half an hour trying to put that latex catsuit (difficult if you have no skill) two balloons filled with water were use as my “breasts” and finally I was locked inside a full black latex catsuit. To be honest I was very exited just from how I looked inside it. A completely different state of mind. No more fears or complexes to do wild thins with my partners. Girls polished my latex with some spray and we were set to go.

    What followed was a very interesting and active night of most fetish sex I ever had! We all were very tired but extremely satisfied at the morning.

    But story doesn't end there. Few month later, I was invited by those girls to similar “lesson”
    What I wasn't expecting, that girls got better prepared this time. They still insisted for me to play a shemale role and even got me some nice stuff to use under latex, that would help me to look like one. (silicon breasts, leather corset to make my belly look more feminine)
    And thus we went for anther crazy night with them, using lot of toys, strapons, food and all that we could think off.

    After that they told me that I will always play a shemale with them if I want to continue. I agreed!   ;D

    So from that experience I learned few tricks how to act like a shemale and actually the fact that game allows me to be in that role is very satisfactory and this is giving me energy in life, thus improving my time with my girl. (She also likes roleplay ;) )

    Hope it's OK that I share this with people around here…  ::) If it's way too openly, I will delete it.

    P.S. Jasmine was the name of our host on first day of this sexual adventure  ;)

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