Forum Replies Created
Jim Morrison – I Miss My Boy
January 19, 2017 at 5:01 am in reply to: Are you….Soldier, Hero, Maiden, Princess.. A fun muse. #139398Hi to all of you,
This is one of the most challenging topic here. I agree with Kait that each individual speak for yourself and that we can't fit into the same pattern. But still, I think this is not meant as a discussion or conversation, more likely as a way to say something about ourselves or how we see ourselves, at least in some funny and entertaining way.
The manner in which Jensen told the story and the way he opened up and exposed part of himself here , I think, is very brave. The story is very touching and I admire you Jensen for all of that.
Finding words to describe myself I thought is easy but now trying to explain or describe who am I in English is difficult, but anyway I'll try.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name: Jean
Who am I: Dreamer
Who is my best match?: Doer
Who do I want to be?: None other than I am, Dreamer
Who do I usually pursue?: Quitters = It was really hard for me to admit this. Lol..
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________It may sound pathetic but I am incorrigible dreamer and idealist, especially when it comes to love and emotions. I believe that I have always known exactly who I am and what I want out of my life. Being a independent from a very young age (due life's circumstances) helped me to get to know real world, myself and to understand who I am and how to get what I wanted out of my life.
I used to be often confused, suspicious in terms of my beliefs, self-doubts and fears and I was disappointed countless times. Due the time things had changed. My growing up, independence and ability to handle being away from home for long periods of time taught me a lot about the real world, reality, people and about life generally . I’ve made mistakes, I fell many times but I’ve learned how to raised myself from the ashes and failures. And I’ve never stopped believing in my dreams, people or stopped believing in love. I can't help myself – I am a romantic dreamer, wide eye believer who try to reach the stars and keep my hopes up the entire road to them.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________My best match is a Doer. He has (as people say) strong power of observation and a keen sense when dealing with other people. He can be very perceptive, witty and clever. He has a natural ability of convincing others of his point of view. Doer is an energetic person who live completely in the here and now and makes spontaneous decisions from one moment to the next. He loves being together with other people and he is sensuous, lively and amusing conversationalist. It is no problem for him to be the effervescent centre of attention anywhere and he is generous. He don’t brood over consequences for long, he quickly grasps all the relevant facts, make a pragmatic decision and enforce that decision vigorously. Should a decision later turn out to have been wrong, he can always makes new plans. Doer has charisma, eloquence, charm and persuasiveness. By nature, he is much too open and direct to negatively outfox someone. Any intrigue is foreign and unappealing to him. I usually – better to say all my life looking for a Doer, but still at the end turns out he is a Quitter.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________Well, I guess we all know personality of quitters but sometimes they look like and act just like Doers. And this is probably the reason why I always get stuck with those who gave up – Quitters.
Last time I thought I’ve found my perfect match, my Doer. It seemed like my dream, my longings and desires led me directly to that man. We fell into a robust, intense, passionate love. It last 4 years, with almost unabated passion. We were filled and overwhelmed with love. At that time it seemed that we both were motivated to achieve incredible things in various spheres of our lives. After, I find out that he has been cheating on me, just at the moment we decided to merge our lives permanently.
Didn’t hurt me what he starts an affair with another woman as much as the fact that he gave up on us. We tried to overcome that but it didn’t work out. I’ve never blamed him too much. Guess he did the best he could and I do believe nothing really worthwhile in this world, like love, can’t be forced. Anyway we are still close friends and I’m grateful for it.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________One of my beliefs, I’ve recognized through my life experiences as a great truth, is that loves comes and goes constantly, we need to know how to forgive and let them go of our present when they must pass. Every love, the one that was, the one that is, the one that will be deserves to be free and released. Only in this way gets the true meaning and makes us happy even when remains only as a part of our memories. We shouldn’t forget the beauty of moments in which we enjoyed or all amazing feelings we’ve felt. Traces will remain forever, they are valuable and precious, and it is valid for any kind of love in our lives. Instead of bitterness and regrets we should let these traces become a walk in the beautiful memories that will inspire us in everything. And after all, these traces partly make us the kind of person we are today or kind of person we will become tomorrow. I am infinitely grateful for every love I've received and I was able to give.
Thank you Jensen,
This was like some kind of reliefHi Javo,
Well better late then never -welcome from me too..
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Here you have several options to personalize your profile like to upload your own picture or sign, then to add your personal text, at the end you have option to add your signature too, after you add , signature will displayed at the bottom of each your post or personal message.
Hope these instructions will be helpful for you,
See you around and have a nice day !Cheers!
Great version of the song, live performance by Jason Mraz & Khalil Fong with some blues …. Love it…
Jason Mraz & Khalil Fong – Ain't No Sunshine
January 17, 2017 at 7:53 pm in reply to: ♥ The Tattler Discussions – A-Chat Tattler 2nd edition ♥ #68525Hello
Jeana, Kaitlyn and Lover ( and all Members)it sounds good to get the Toddler going again.
If you like I can volunteer as the compositor.
I got the Software and the timeSince I am exclusive I have more free time for other things as working on my level giggles.
Na, I like creative working ( I gave up on developing in here ) But I do like the Forum, the events, and the Contests.
So if you think you like to provide me with text, picture, and reportages I`ll put it together into a jpg format
Open up an EXTRA IMGUR Account to put those files in ( only for the NEWSPAPER) and give all involved parties ( Jean, Kaith Lover)
the login data just to make sure the crew of the “reporters, editors, publisher” will never have to look for the files to keep it going if some might happen to the compositor.SO…let me know, Im ready to work with you.
( that wont change my sarcastic attitude towards the Achat gods but I am not DonQuichote
wishing you all a nice day
CougHi Sarah,
Thank you soo very much because you want to join our workteam and help us to bring back life to Achat Tattler again. I am sure that your creativity will come to the fore in the best way. It's so good to see this joint action. Sarah and Kait I'm sure you'll be great doing this job and of course I'll help . Except that I think we need a bit woman touch here
Soo we have now amazing composer and awesome chatty reporter.
At the and – girls I look forward to see yours witty sarcasm but please don't be too harsh
@ If some might happen to the compositor – haha lol think nothing can happen to the compositor, your spirit seems unbreakable but thank you what you think about everything in advance.
January 16, 2017 at 4:44 pm in reply to: ♥ The Tattler Discussions – A-Chat Tattler 2nd edition ♥ #68521I am waiting for an answer, if there are any templates or a special software. We still have to wait a little – and mabye while waiting, more members join this idea. At the moment it's just you and Kaitlyn
Me, Kaitlyn and you I hope
. At least with your wholly support
January 15, 2017 at 2:44 pm in reply to: ♥ The Tattler Discussions – A-Chat Tattler 2nd edition ♥ #68518Lover so what we can do to start A-chat Tattler again – I can do photos for news, depending on what Kait determined by the news. Right now I'm in the middle of moving to another place for living. Soon as I get settled and start again to work on my desktop computer I can do everything she needs to cover story/news for the Achat Tattler.
Kait please feel free to cover anything you want on your Chatty way :-* , looking forward to read news again. I look forward to read news in the new but yet old Achat Tattler.
Lover what about template for the Achat Tattler ? Could you do something about this, please check with Covems if its possible ?
Thank you guys,
:-* :-*Hi Minni,
Nice story, Indeed. I enjoyed reading it. Looking forward to read more from you.
January 15, 2017 at 6:16 am in reply to: We Need a revolution here, HO HEY . Just positive ♥♥♥ #159789I joined here when the poker room and the meeting places were a dream. As far as I know there wasn't much drama. And had to start chatting / rooming without the use of such additions.
The drama / conflict, started when people started to meet each other socially. I'm not complaining about the poker or the Meeting Places, I think they are a wonderful addition.
Some People like / love conflict, they like to make trouble. They live for it. I for one, don't. It spoils this place almost to the point of just forgetting about this place. The good / nice people draw me back in.
These trolls / idiots can't be eradicated. But they can be ignored to a certain extent.
As of the Forum. Lots of ideas have been ignored / forgotten. No response from the devs. Why should we even suggest ideas ? When now I know they will be ignored or not commented on by the Devs. (I know that this must take a lot of effort keeping this place active, but just a comment from them would be nice).
We just have the usual forum members making comments (which is nice) :-* and that's it. No one else. No one new nowadays seem to stick around. That's why threads die. No one apart from the resident forum members give a S***. Unless there is a competition that need votes, then all of a sudden lots of new members appear and then, never to be seen again.
If this sounds pessimistic then ……….. it is. It's how I feel these days about it all.
Now back to the shy and retiring Zuz.
, Oh and welcome back.
Edited today, when thinking straighter.
Thank you zuzannah for your welcome and your post. Yes, you sound quite pessimistic if I may say
, but i do understand your reasons. I said above my opinion about dev-team .
You said: just a comment from them would be nice – Yes that would be nice indeed , on the other hand may be also counterproductive. In this case, devs should comment everything what we want – otherwise it would have been incurred even more conflicts.
PS I will fight for your Collars Zuzannah and I'll give my best
January 15, 2017 at 5:51 am in reply to: We Need a revolution here, HO HEY . Just positive ♥♥♥ #159788Hello Jeanona,
I am a newbie
joined here April 2016.
LOL had my route to go through stages in the game as many of us.
So I will open my mouth and share my mind ( just hit the keys )First of all, like “LOVER” said, a .big problem is the language barrier English is the language of the Games website and majority of players.
Also, the forum is in English.Many Members posting in English but English isn't their native tongue.
So my wish and maybe a hint, please don't be shy of your native language and post in the information where you coming from.
It might help for the “english” to look at the other writers than with a little bit more of understanding.It was happening to me when I posted a (from my view sarcastic) thread about some frustration what causes a shitstorm. I deleted than many of my posts cuz I was frankly just pissed. Expressing in a foreigner language is hard. And I know it from first hand.
SO a little bit more welcome to all might help.Some posts I do need to read more than 2 times with help of a translator. AND NO Google translator isn't the best to translate a longer sentence. We never should forget what the game website capture for clients.
SOME like me
hey let's look giggles hot stuff for free too WOW sex free and anonym, great game.
But then, we start to talk to the AVATARS. And find out, hm…… might be a nice Typist behind that Carton figure.A friendship developed, Feelings grow. The play continue, BUT then, A post just let the Ballon burst.
TROLLS and SOCK PUPPETS spoiling the game. A scream out to the AChat Gods was like a cold invite-is wasn't answered. That what happened in the past too much too massive. I am in many other 3D games but honestly, I never faced such a trolling or sock puppet shit play.Simply Rules and policies are not been followed what is a shame to those who do.
It's a game, yes a sex game but still a typist is a human been who should at least have some kind of manners. Call it internet etiquette.
That was my 2 cents of my thoughts.Ein liebes SERVUS aus good old germany
CougHi GsCougar,
First of all thanks for the hint
I'm not ashamed of my native language, I simply forgot to add that information here on the forum. Just corrected. You're right a big problem can be language barrier. But it may be overcome if we motivate members / or new members to relax and to try to communicate with us despite the language barrier. Just like you've done in this post. So thanks a lot for that.
Also I appreciate for sharing your thoughts and experiences about the game and main problems. I agree with you – players should have some kind of manner. Shitstorm lol sadly I wasn't here to see that side of your temperament, I like your spontaneity and the way you express your feelings in English, although it is not your native language.
In addition I enjoyed very much in your topic Good Bye 2016 Hello 2017, in all those wonderful pictures from party 2017. You and BB also were so sexy, cute and irresistible in dancing. At the and I admire your and Vaughan relationship . Just like in a movie – its amazing.
Nice to meet you GsCougar !
January 15, 2017 at 4:15 am in reply to: We Need a revolution here, HO HEY . Just positive ♥♥♥ #159787Hi Jean *hugs* I enjoyed reading your thoughts and also the clarification in your meaning after Gigi's post. That's what a forum is ALL about; conversation, dialogue, a discussion between two or more people. The objective and results may differ, perhaps ending in understanding, or in disagreement but as long as we engage each other with “truth” and provide mutual “respect”, we learn, acquire an appreciation for somebody else's perspective. Why would be want to ALL be the SAME, I prefer lots of flavors over just vanilla…… just say'n
YES, I agree with Gigi, I am NOT a fan of DRAMA, the contrived type. But I am a fan of “DEBATE”. I want to stay open minded, I want to hear other points of views. This does not imply these discussions have to cover RL things, I too agree this place is an escape for us ALL. A different WORLD that comes with its own discussions and politics too. 😮
I am a relative newbie, although I am active in forum, I have not yet celebrated my one year birthday. I am also an avid reader and have read much of the history here. For those that have not looked, let me share …. there are treasures to be found in these halls, these threads. I understand Jean's words, when I look back upon this forum's history I see a world more engaging, more inclusive, more dynamic than the forum today. There is a small group here that keeps these halls alive, not as many as it used to be. Is that bad? Is it good? I can not say for ALL, it is relative, we are each here for our own reasons. I say contribute when you want, take what you like and leave what you don't for others. We should be, BETTER be, all ADULTS here. We do not have to share the same views and opinions, just respect that we are different. Have the courage to believe in your convictions without the need for them to be right for all others. I am not sure bout all of you, but if I tried to please everyone around me ….. I would NEVER get anything done.
While the “game” develops and grows in numbers it appears the forum is shrinking. There are countless explanations, each personal. I find this sad, I happen to enjoy the forum, preferring words to the click of a mouse, but that does not make it better, more right. It just fits for me. We ALL have RL that demand our time, while our time here is voluntary. I think everyone must be true to themselves, be SELFISH with their spare time and do what they want …… as long as it does not prevent anyone else from doing the same.
Jean, thank you for launching this discussion, it is a perfect “trap” for me. I am a chatty creature, I can't help myself from rambling.
Probably more than my two cents ….Dear Kait, hugs
I totally agree with your opinion about many things you've stated here. And also I agree we don't have to please everyone It would be pointless, or like everyone have to engage in any topic – no, no. In just one sentence you clearly say exactly what I think we lack here now “more engaging, more inclusive, more dynamic “ thank you.
Same as you I like debate too. It's really important to stick together when we want more from this world and from devteam too. I can remember the time when we are in these common situations asked many things from devs and they gave us requested. Some things we get soon after they requested , for some we had to wait some time, some / rare I would say / have not yet fulfilled. And for those things that have not yet been obtained, I believe there are reasonable reasons and most likely complications. Although it may not seem so.
I believe we can change things if we want, on the way we want, to make things even more fun and better for all participants in the game and on the forum too. It is important to stay positive in everything
Cheers !
@ Lover thank you so much for being here, for your compliments and your opinion. I appreciate it. Sorry, In one thing I can't agree, I don't believe they don't listen members , or they don't care about them , sure they don't ignore members either – this is entirely true, otherwise none of us would be here, this Achat world would not exist. Moreover I don't know them as such – quite the opposite. I speak from my experience with devteam and definitely during this experience I have repeatedly been able to meet their attitudes.
I'm sure they care about everything and they doing their best at the moment. We don't know and we can't know all reasons why has not filled this or that. A little understanding, patience, positivity and perseverance I believe would brings us much more.
Sorry, I'm such a incorrigible enthusiasts and optimist … You can't take that away from me
John Hiatt – Have a Little Faith in Me
January 13, 2017 at 2:49 am in reply to: We Need a revolution here, HO HEY . Just positive ♥♥♥ #159782Hi Gigi,
Thank you for your comment , I appreciate it. The name of the topic is just for fun and of course to improve the forum and the game too – meaning more entertainment and enjoyment in the game and on the forum too. It's not imagined as an invitation to drama or conflicts . The part where I mentioned conflicts is in fact only an attempt to compare how different involvement of members when it comes to conflicts over other treads here. That's all. Me neither, same as you, don't like drama or conflicts to much.
Main point is that there has been much more activities and fun for all than now – that's all.
“Witch place” did i say that haha..
sorry .