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Currently I'm working on new stuff for guys, it's not yet finished but it'll be soon i hope so
Thanks Guys,
yes, Alita as Lover say we don't have maps yet… hope soon we will have some news about new maps..
Long time i didn't made any dress so here it is little cocktail dress ….
together with stockings, gloves, garterbelt all in separated maps …
idea of the gloves is proposed by HB, sorry for waiting HB – kisses :-*Here they are two variants of green-blue shorts as wished Miss Brandy
Let me know what you think..Oh, this one is so lovely! It seems like an Elven Outfit to me and I like the blue flowers…
Perhaps we could have elven ears aswell from the dev team. And I'm already “picturing” some elven makeup…
Well done, Jeanona. Amazing like always.Thanks M,
appreciate your opinion..
Jaenona, you know how much I love your creations.. am I allowed to make an observation?The Green/blue top/back is loose fitting on the top & front, but round the ass from the back it fits like a pair of very tight shorts?
How does that work, or am I just being stupid?
Thanks Blu,
yes you well noticed..
This is the only way to make something like coat for women cause we don't have map for coat, so only thing I could do is to make some wrinkles that would not look so tightly around the ass.
It took me a lot of time in order to look good.I hope we will get map for women coat ,with right map everything will be much easier with this type of suit
Thanks HB,
hugs and kisses back :-* :-* :-*
The details are beautiful and perfect as always. I just don't know if i like the “binder” (pants – top) or if i don't like it. It's something we never had before
@Thanks Lover
I like it, it reminds me of mermaids and shells for some reason …. I wonder if the hot pants may be better in blue with a hint of green, in contrast to the top which is green with a hint of blue anyway, I like it… its different.
Great work jeanona. :-*
Thanks Brandy,
I will try to make shorts in blue green variants as you suggested and we will see what is better. I thought about it but I came to the conclusion that it might be too much to be a whole outfit in these colors, but maybe I'm wrong :-*
Thanks jcm !
Here it is something new…
I agree HB, didn't think about it
I will suggest to Tom, if it is not too late, thanks :-*Cute! about the second one….the tattoo is part of it!?
Yes it is HB !
This is a set of several new make-up I've already sent to dev-team
hope you like themthe last one coming with red sexy lady set ..
i bough an outfit that i didnt noticed that dev team made , and now i have a very sexy hot red short
And I bet it fits perfectly with your red hair
Oh, come one, Jeanona….we always love your dress and let me say we are greedy waiting for the next one!
Dear Dear HB,
I love when you suddenly jump out with your pleasant appearance and kind words :-* , thanks ! :-* :-* :-* :-*
Congratulations Jeanona… once again you've added something special to AChat, as all the designers have done. You people amaze me with your talents and your dedication, and I envy that.
…now… about those shoes…..
Thanks for letting me share,
PafeThanks Pafe ,
as HB said we miss you it's a pleasure to see you!
Yes yes, i know about your shoes… I promise you that I will not give up asking from the dev team for the appropriate map for your shoes.. :-* :-*