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  • in reply to: Sexy GIFs (not 56K friendly) #88847


    in reply to: Things that make you smile & giggle #164351


    in reply to: Your Dream Dinner Date #166010

    My dream date will always be with my amazing Husband and Master.


    in reply to: Music Association Game #41541
    in reply to: Forum Game. I Wish for an Image of …. #162994


    I wish for a picture of…..magnificent heat lightening on a dark sky

    in reply to: Forum Game. Carry on with the last word… #166024

    “Accents are hot mama. I am trying to sound Welsh for me gal cuz she says it turns her on”

    in reply to: Music Association Game #41539

    Walk of LIFE ~~ Dire Straights

    in reply to: Things that make you smile & giggle #164349


    in reply to: Forum Game: 3 words game #127026

    She smiled and

    in reply to: Forum Game. Carry on with the last word… #166022

    …full fat sandwich in his face saying “You did not finish your dinner!”

    in reply to: Music Association Game #41532

    I WANNA Dance With Somebody ~~ Whitney Houston



    Hi Analetta!  Welcome to the forum!

    in reply to: Music Association Game #41531

    BLUE Ain't Your Color ~~ Keith Urban

    Amazing song.


    I decide on my own what is beneficial to me.
    Thank you.

    Don't knock it till you try it.


    in reply to: Just everyday crap, Bad Behaviour – just let loose #24117

    This thread needs to be brought back to life! 

    Boredom on this rainy covid infested Florida day found me looking for something other than the newest corruption-Trump-scandal to read with my morning coffee.  I tried to read Bolton's extremely badly written book but it was too hard to follow with coffee and oh so much worse without.

    I have not read most of the posts here but most of those I did read had my fingers wanting to quote and reply.  Too many posts for one day in one thread so forgive a mash up reply.

    First of all working in Retail sucks.  I did it for a while in high school. In those days customer service training taught you that the customer was always right.  This mind set, unfortunately for retailers, provided the customer with more than the buying power they deservedly had.  It gave them the right to abuse sales clerks in any way they wished.  Now that I am on the other side of the cashiers register the rules have changed. Of course. And it seems the customer is never right.  But working in retail still sucks.  I feel for those retailers having to deal with inconsiderate customers who refuse to wear a mask or be respectful and think the clerk should kiss their ass for the sale.

    Someone said that Europeans consider themselves to be more civilized than the USA.  Yes they do think that.  And they are right.  They are more compassionate.  They are more civilized in every definitive meaning of the word.  And I say that as an American who has traveled to Europe more than a few times.  I can say that at this point in American history I would gladly live in the UK, Germany, France, The Netherlands, Greece or Canada than in these United States that used to be great  just a short 4 years ago.

    As for the justice system in this country??  It's a joke if you have money but I think that is probably true in any corrupt system.  If you are of color it is a nightmare and you are rarely out of the system once caught up in it.  They make too much money in fines etc to ever let you go. I've never had the prison experience myself but I know many who have and I could share many a story but I will share just one.  My cousin was murdered by her estranged husband. She sat in a car, that her mother had just stepped out of to greet her husband. My Aunt and Uncle stood at the front of the car as they watched their son-in-law slip into the car and blow their daughters head away as she sat next to her grandmother. My Aunt started to scream and he shot at her as he slipped back out of the car. Thankfully he missed.  Thankfully the neighbors having seen his car parked in the street had called the police and they arrived on the seen as the murderer ran from the garage. He was arrested covered in blood and holding the gun.  Yet he was released on bail that night since it was Christmas Eve.  He ran of course.  Out of state to Florida where he dyed his hair and stayed with friends.  They caught him eventually and at trial he stood and threatened each member of his dead wife's family. Told us he would get us all when he got out.  They gave him life. HA. Joke.  He is out now having served his term they say.  But he lives and breathes and walks amongst us now.  My Aunt lives in fear everyday.  ME?  I pray he comes for me.  I am armed and ready to serve him the justice the law should have taken care of.

    As for cops?  As in every profession there are good ones and bad ones.  I have encountered both but I am a white woman so get treated completely different than a black male would be treated.  The problem is that the cops are allowed to investigate themselves so little gets done to correct any problems.  This gives bad cops the ability to do as they please.  That and the code of silence against each other has to change. If a good cop sees a bad cop breaking the law they should be required to report it not shame them for doing the right thing.

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