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  • in reply to: Marriage certificate and Pregnancy #163521

    No no no.  We adults come here for the fantasy not the reality.  We get enough reality in rl.  Do not need diapers and feedings here.  No on the divorce papers too. haha

    in reply to: Room Feature – Versatile Camera that can “Fly” #164093

    Agree completely especially with removing the interface.  Perhaps even an option to black out all but the people in the frame. 

    in reply to: Verse & Haiku’s by Jessi #164253

    Terror Inflicted

    There is always blame
    for frantic screans in the dark
    TERROR inflicted

    Your right to kill me
    outweighed by my right to live.
    Your God over mine.

    Power votes for sale
    For the blood of our children
    to the highest bid.

    Blood splatters on all
    who support the right to kill
    A child and their friends.

    Like any killer
    they hide their greedy intent
    behind false concern.

    The power of change
    is on all their blood stained hands
    wiped clean with payments.

    Terror inflicted
    in a mall, movie, or school.
    Murdered while dancing.

    To not search for blame
    Perpetuates the blood flow
    pooling on the floor.

    Some search so they cope
    I search so I don't cope with
    TERROR inflicted.

    I don't wish to cope
    with the deaths of innocents
    Never make it norm.

    in reply to: Verse & Haiku’s by Jessi #164252
    Skill can be taught
    Lessons learned
    from trial and error.

    Talent born of passion
    cannot be taught
    It must be felt.

    Passion is found in
    the mind and heart.
    Kill one kill the other.

    How easily wings that
    took flight today
    will be still tonight.

    Pictures void of shaddow
    tell not the story.
    Without depth there is nothing.

    Without breath there
    is no life.
    Without music no song.

    A guide written by me
    would teach nothing
    to those who do not feel

    in reply to: Verse & Haiku’s by Jessi #164251

    Thank you my darling husband. You are ever so kind.

    in reply to: Verse & Haiku’s by Jessi #164249


    He sleeps unaware
    of my watch
    of his very breath.
    I reach out and touch
    his curved lips
    as he smiles in his slumber.
    For this moment in time
    there is no price
    I would not pay.
    I am his and he my gift.
    His arms my home,
    I dread the morning!
    in reply to: Verse & Haiku’s by Jessi #164248
    To Him:
    Words are not enough
    The words to tell you my heart
    seem to not exist!
    Looking in your eyes
    I see the questioning hope
    and my heart takes flight
    From the first meeting
    I knew we were meant to be
    I knew I was yours.
    You looked at my soul
    As if you knew me forever
    and my heart whispered.
    The touch of your hand,
    your breath on my skin was like fire
    and my heart whispered.
    Laughing till we cried
    Hours and hours felt like minutes
    Good Night was painful.
    Loving till we cried
    our souls joined and rejoicing
    my heart screamed your name.
    Not an easy path
    we have traveled hand in hand
    Never looking back.
    We chose our colors
    And created our bubble.
    We are our bubble.
    A day without you
    Is a day without breathing,
    A day with no joy.
    In your arms I'm home.
    When I am with you I am complete.
    With you I am me.
    So to your question
    there really is no question
    it is destiny.
    My heart hears your song
    Do you hear the harmony?
    Saying YES YES YES!!
    in reply to: Verse & Haiku’s by Vaughan #163297

    I hope you know the desire and sparkle is equally shared. Love and admire your talent and skill in putting it into words.

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