Forum Replies Created
oh islandsun,
i hope u become the arms around u
and i hope more that we become the rooms -.-
in a outside area ever
but only in AChatbut the big snack pls on a outsite area
i think we must report this to the support…
i wil have this rooms/ areasand i think u all too
i hope we become this new area´s then ur feelings of them are really nice.
thx to all 🙂
and then the sex on other public places…but the fuck on car hoods was a nice thinking
i find the idea nice with the hood of a car
on a public parking area
thx love for the poll
but the support feedback was very nice
@ Lover….
a big thx to u.
i have votet too…
i hope it give this places. and i hope the support give us her feedback
so i think we have alle the same whiches….
so we can only hope that the support make us the roomsmy ask. how many ppl of us owuld have sex in outdoor?
i can say I WILL HAVE IT
hey hey hey,
i think it was not the theme
but i think u both are the same thinking we is nice to see that other useres thinking with me..
but what make the support?
the support ignore that?i have read the other posts too.
but before i´ve see the post i have write my post.
its is good that´s any ppl read my post and i´m not alone with my thinkingthx.
i think it was nicely when we become new areas to more fun.
this is my real thinking then i would have outdoor toodear community,
i have a idea for new rooms.
i think it was nicely when we become a new area in form of a park or a beach.
i hope the most of us have the same thinkings about outdoor sex.
personally me make it very wet and i think the most of us too.the payment for the rooms or areas was the best i think to buy it one time and can use it permanently.
pls think about it.
i hope of many answers.
best regards
P.S. sry for my bad english