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really my ideas were originally to fix whats currently available to … well lack of a better term to help with the eroticism of it.
I agree that more tender poses should be added but I think they should also fix current poses to by slightly more real.
@Adera @ kittenlepur hehehe >Girls you kidding me I have 5 handsome brothers that would drool over you two !
And I was given the nick name scrawny chicken ass for a reason! hehehehee
that is a nice thought
I wish i knew Darklim. Personally I like anal from another girl so i am disappointed.
Many of the guys here have said that they prefer smaller breasts Sunny so I wouldn't worry at all.
I only hope they like girls like me who are curvy as well. :
I dont think you have anything to worry about there Adera I am certain guy love curvy like us.
November 12, 2011 at 8:04 pm in reply to: Interesting Interaction i had with a person on Achat. #54623very freaky …
November 12, 2011 at 1:25 pm in reply to: Interesting Interaction i had with a person on Achat. #54618I had to eventually block him because of various reasons. So yes a sad end but unfortunately thats what happens when you already tow the line on someone to the point where they consider you not worth talking to you at all.
me too I love the angel and devil idea
November 12, 2011 at 7:54 am in reply to: Interesting Interaction i had with a person on Achat. #54617very true Janine its mainly the following people insert tone they think matches to what people say.
misinterpretations happen its one of the main reasons why i use emotes (like
or inserted text) to show reactions because its the best way to convey the tone or the body language i am using in the chat.
there is also the fact that these interactions can be interpreted differently depending on the person involved what their emotional state is at the time and other factors. All I can say though is i try not to be misinterpreted by being as clear as possible. (which sadly can make people think many things from either me insulting to agreeing or others)
Personally Janine Dee I am more sub/versatile then dom/versatile as a person sexually. But you are right its a question of people have no method of real control in this type of thing … even in webcams is the same thing as some people have experienced and i have to which is why i dont do it anymore. (people ordering you around and thinking you owe them is tiresome and wrong it kills the fun of the webcam and there is other factors why i dont but thats one of the main ones)
Unfortunately I had to end up putting him on the ignore list for him saying to me to many random questions that i felt was inappropriate, rude and was very much the how dare you thing. Not to mention he kept on calling me by an abreviiation of my name in that i didnt actually like and told him first. So yeah unfortunately a bad end but i can live with it.
Nor should you have tolerance for nonsense .. I personally don't either.
very true trust is very important unfortunately people fail to work that out frequently in an online situation where trust needs to be built much like in real life it does its just a slower process.
The thing i have found however when it comes to these things is if there is equal effort its much better for both of us. Frequently i have found some partners in this do not keep the two way going either by not talking or talking too much and telling you how you react (big no-no for me).
They need to take into account there is the actual need for both sides to enjoy the experience to come back so if its not two way expect the other to be very very very bored and may leave for more fun elsewhere.
*chuckles* well I have a pretty good idea of the climax of the story… *winks*
There is no wrong or right way… what works, works as a personal preference…
November 11, 2011 at 8:08 pm in reply to: Interesting Interaction i had with a person on Achat. #54615yeah i was gracious i told him i accepted his apology.
I am not saying its totally planned out because rping is a two-way affair. But what i am saying its nice to have an idea on where your going.
And even if the other person considers you both in a rp.November 11, 2011 at 4:55 pm in reply to: Interesting Interaction i had with a person on Achat. #54613best way to deal with people on her in some cases is to remember you are playing on a game. friendships that organically build are good but the ones that people assume on one side are more because they have no idea of the concept.
personally i am friendly to everyone. When people are rude to me either ignore or dont tolerate it.
In this situation i descibed it was a mix of misinterpretation and being at least on oneside unreasonable.
but the point remains.The person related to this has since apologised
November 10, 2011 at 4:30 pm in reply to: Interesting Interaction i had with a person on Achat. #54606Did the invite just come from the blue? If so he can't expect you to accept it at all.
He's asking for a huge commitment and then getting overly sensitive about it when your telling him the truth… he's taking it way too serious.
I would have a hard time wanting to play with such a partner again, seems like far to much drama and whining.
When I'm online I like chatting to my friends so if there's many online I do and if it's slow paced I will surf the web at the same time, there's no way I'm going to sit idly for a minute or two waiting for an answer.
yes it did like i said i didnt prompt the invite so it did come out of the blue. I tend to chant to my friends as well.
its really a moot point now i do not forsee a time where i will ever talk to him again anyway.
November 10, 2011 at 3:36 pm in reply to: Interesting Interaction i had with a person on Achat. #54601Names should never be dragged thru the mud here IMO..
He over reacted kiten'.
When invites are sent… and expire they are messaged as a rejection… but the why's is not important if you ask for the re-invite.
I never presume I am the one and only in chat…and my friends shouldn't either.Its why i didnt put his name up he could be having a bad night etc. Why penalise him for that. I didnt say to him for a re-invite i implied it more then straight say it. I never assume i am when i am chatting.
What can i say…….this person have to drink some tisana to calm his nervs! i don't think u have done something wrong, kitten, miss an invite can happend!
the point is why he go out of controll for this… he thinking u are at his feet!? peoples sometimes are crazy!Ty Hentai boy that is a good question but its really just confusing and silly from my perspective.
to show solidarity irl I will be going pantiless on friday. Its a sacrifice but i am willing to make it