Forum Replies Created
What's better then one girl with red hair
two girls with red hair
You can sleep with a blonde, you can sleep with a brunette, but you'll get no sleep with a redhead!
xxThats because unlike redheads we exhaust them into comas :p
Good luck Selene.
Just remember the idea of Achat is mutual fun … your fun and his are just as important and if you need to talk or ask for advice feel free to ask on the forums.
I have to agree with Bear … communicate with him if he does this an he is aware of the situation and keeps doing it.
Dump him and you can try with bear :p
-sighs- Simpletons
I got a new one being choked or having someone refer to it. So annoying … I just end conversations there or sessions. I hate when it happens.
Ask before doing it.One reason why I always put on the busy to free-users whenever I log on.
I appriciate all your replies. But i do not greet someone in a rude way nor do i invite after someone says hi. I do enjoy a chat to get a feel for the person before i even ask for a dance or room and even then i do dance and talk. Sometimes thats all i do im not particulerly a sex crazied maniac. But your all stereotypeing us men to be some sex craized maniac. When we arent all that way best way to find out is to just take a chance ^^ if they are rude ignore them. If not then wouldnt you be glad you replyed and had a good conversation?
No we are not but we are judging those that we encounter on Achat as such and in many cases out in the real world too. Its based on experience … besides scientifically you men do think of sex more often (its hardwired into you)). So making then leap based on body language or first correspondence is perfectly valid especially when your interrupting me. Which is usually the case on Achat and sometimes the case in real life.
Here is an example of the majority ruining it for a minority. True some people will take the chance but not all of us I am retisant to actually respond to people that I don't know either from the forums or originally talking.
Our experiences almost always dictate future reactions the vast majority of the messages I have been getting have been the other type. (Even from Premium members)
Overall I do agree to you point that it might be a good idea to reply. However, honestly why should we? especially if we either don't want to or we are simply only interested in talking to the people we know.
My appreciation for any explanations I've got to read above.
While I accept them in the whole, I only suggest that ladies (excluding those who kindly replied to the topic, showing some sensibility to the issue) would consider even a polite “Sorry busy” as often as they can, expecially when the approach shows an originality's effort in order to catch their attention.
It would help to incentivate our attitude for smart chats .
See I have done the “sorry busy” and people seem that it is an invitation to find out what I am busy doing (and they are not friends that are asking). Its easier not to respond especially when your in the middle of typing a long sentence to someone and really the other person is not terribly interesting. Its different when people are polite when they try to get my attention I am more then willing to respond then. However, I am sure alot of others on here get messages that seem, weird, insulting or a little inconsiderate.
Some originality in parts is well and fine but I bet with some messages people are copying and pasting to get peoples attention especially when its some kind of roleplaying. No gauge on someone and you send an rp idea? not exactly a good icebreaker.
I would suggest that people look at both the
“What Turns you off in Chatting?”,1711.0.html
“What Turns You on as far as Chatting?”,217.0.htmlWe actually do discuss ideas on approaches if I remember correctly in those topics.
I can say some reasons why I don't reply to someone.
1. I am in the middle of a conversation and your message gets lost.
2. What people send may not even be remotely interesting. eg “I wanna cum will you help me?”
3. I could actually be afk. (despite what you think its still possible that they could be afk even joining 2 minutes later a room afk at your message time)
4. Bad experience with the person in the past. (so I don't want to repeat)
5. You cold invited before talking.
6. They only chat with people that they know. (Friends/Lovers/Spouse or people from the Forums)
7. You didn't read their orientation and thus they ignore you because your the wrong type.
8. You insulted them in the first message.The explanations go on and on but this are some of the reasons why. All I can recommend is talking to someone like a person and not be disenheartened by the “rejection” of a non-reply.
I did rape role play a few times on Yahoo and they didn't like it. hehehe
The guy expects you to eventually submit or start to like it… Um, no. You want a rape scene? we're doing a rape scene and I fight and scream and bitch through the whole thing. ( I am a writer)They try to type in “you are starting to get excited by my fucking(or whatever)…” NO I'M NOT!… eventualy they leave.
LOL, ohhhh good times, good times.
This is where the whole people telling you how you react is alot silly or they try to some how change your reactions. I had one person type my reactions for me I stopped them point blank saying. “I am having the reactions would you please let me have them if you just want to write a dialogue script you might as well do it with the robots.” or something like that.
Some can accept that others just leave because they aren't “getting off” but really if you have to get off by telling someone how they react you might as well not be chatting with someone. Fantasy is fine but if your interacting with someone let them interact.
Doesn't seem like that was a proper man, nor a very manly man either. Excuse the language but why do insecure little shitheads have to try and act all dominant?
Imo that's something that's supposed to be somewhat natural to the individual, like having charm, principles and such.
Overcompensation they try to do so because they aren't you can tell it from a kilometer away.
excessive hair is turn off for me.
I would prefer no body hair at all facial hair is ok but body no. Also I would rather they keep their lower area tidy at least or bare.
I agree its all in context personally though I don't mind the use of those words. Either by me or others.
Do I enjoy them again CONTEXT dependent.
Yes to Both with a Yes as icing for the other answer.
Most of the time though I seem to exhaust men. Teehee
(Mainly because they don't have the stamina) Mind you my current bf is keeping up more and more.
December 20, 2012 at 12:20 am in reply to: Cut or Uncut? Size? Shape? Tell me your favorite Penis #77768hmm…for me it be cut slightly bent up in between medium and large size and cute, also attached to a TS
…..sorry guy I'm not on the menu lol
on side note , cut or uncut it really doesn't matter. the only thing iv seen or was told it make you look bigger and cleaner.
Cut does look neater but I like uncut guys more mainly because if you lick under the skin you tease between both the cock and the skin around the head.
Ahaha way to go girl.
I tend to lose *pout* he might get drained but then I'm most often fucked senseless as well. *Sigh* losing can feel really good.
I should make a topic about this, might make for some fun posts.
-cuddles Adera-
I loose sometimes too no reason not to smile about it
I think you should could be fun to hear about it from everyone.