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honestly I feel a little insulted by your post chien_lubrik… mainly because it feels like your belittling mine and a few other peoples opinions.
I may be assuming tone here though. It just seems like it when you read your post a few times.
Yes we do know that not all guys are the same. But when we are speaking of our negative experiences it is important to note we have had them and it makes us just a little more cautious when dealing with someone new. Something that still happens regardless of sex.
I try when talking with someone new not to judge them by my past negative experiences but that doesn't mean the thought doesn't past through my head.
From my perspective it is more a minority that wrecks it for a majority. Much like racial stereotypes people can be very much sticking on the whole idea of the fact that people are that way but that is not true. Its only true to the point where are a stereotype is confirmed by the person.
It is not about just treating one person right but about treating all people right with respect they are all due (note how I have not said earned but due. This is because respect should be given at the start not gradually given like a miser)
All mis-treaters get what they deserve in the end and its usually the friend that is the good person that brings us back out of the depression related to it.
Its always important to treat the other person as a person first (that is how you should be treated) after all the thing that will happen will happen. So do not force it or try to force it. If it has merit it will occur.
Thank you Treky and everyone for the posts … its always good to have another perspective on a conversation/issue to work from.
@ Islandsun
I know you have it called a restraining order where you are but i thought I would call it what it was locally. I should have just used the restraining order term easier to understand.
Then you know where I was coming from Island its not a good experience for anyone. I think its great your trying to help people through the process I dont like to think about it orย relive it so I try to stay away from it -because all it does is start tears-. We all cope in our own ways. I can safely talk about it but yeah.
Yes that is true they are …. but I believe its because people aren't taught how to give basic respect to others with the way everything is up and easy to get they believe relationships should be the same way. Which they aren't ever.
Honestly I hate it as much as you do.
We might have ulterior motives considering the randy spectators you know.
Hum, it would be hot to have a 3some version of this pose, either where the second girl gets oral from the one receiving or where she sits on the bed playing with herself while watching. I might get to see Kittens cute expressions in this pose then.
๐ ๐
-gives Adera another kiss- I agree but I do love having an audience
A 3some version of this pose definitely is a good idea.
๐ we could have change pose for every person in it too
๐ I definitely like that idea. :p
and what sweet kisses they must beโฆ
๐ ๐
Had to look up what an AVO really was, even though I kinda got what it was from the context. It's kinda sad that such measures are needed against some individuals, imo noone is going to get happy from it… but I guess it's an obsessive thing.
Sorry Adera, -cuddles- I should be clearer there but its good you were able to find it out. Its a cease and desist order it also doesn't allow the offending person within a certain distance of you for your protection. I agree I didn't want to put it out against him but trust me it was something I needed to do just for my own personal safety.
@kittenlepurrย ย lesson learnedย Thanks
Very much so Islandsun it was not the best lesson to learn just really the only option.
If i may offer my own advice for you HB
First of all -applauds- For you putting yourself out there.
When I am uncertain about my feelings I usually find a way of working it out.
First I ask myself the simple questions.
How do I feel about this person ? I do not think in detail but think for the first answer because its more often the true one.
How does he/she feel about me ? Harder to answer unless they clearly state it which he has for you.
What do I think of him/her as ? Based on the other two questions.
Will the other person accept a slow approach? Thats the question thats very important… you will be able to work out all of them over time as long as they have patience.All I suggest though is for you to be very honest to yourself and him. Go with your instinctual feeling .. if it feels right then it usually is or you will know quickly that it is not.
I wish you the best of luck. We will be here if you want to bounce ideas off us.
@ Urban so right chat first and some flirting aceeptable > but to day on yahoo chat had arabic man lol all i did was ask about where he lives and now hounding me> scouts honour didnt do anything to him react thatย way ! gulp > wants to marry me to make me respectable and honest woman > i think i have a cyber stalker > shit inthat country id be so dragged in middle city and stoned to dearth ! hehehehee well my older sister did tell me stay away from those countries when i star traveling next year
Thats one of the main reasons why I only chat with a person I meet on achat in achat or the forums. Giving out your yahoo is just a little too personal to do even if its just a yahoo thats used specifically for achat. The reason why is because it always comes with expectations from the other person. (and I have had negative experiences from there in the past)
I think its because he has a different idea on what kind of relationship this is I dont doubt you were very clear on that Island but still some people need it drilled home to them. The whole “we are playing to have fun. do not take it overly serious” … personally irl I tend to stay away from arabic people due to having an ex-bf-stalker that was arabic that forced me to change states to get away and put a AVO that i have to renew on him yearly. The secondary reason why I stay away from them before you think its racist is just because in some cases their attitude stinks and they can be very restrictive in their attitudes. (Something thats very much against my personality)
Change role is difficult as the girl can't give… but perhaps the A-Team reads about your wishes to change and adds a strap-on and a change role button?!
It seems to me, more shemales prefer to be the girl then the man, hopefully A-Team recognizes it.Lover I was presuming that they would be putting the strap-on in this one as a change role.
A change role button wont be available in any FS pose, what they have done sometimes which I like is when they release two SF poses that you can switch between and where the roles are reversed.
It could be that most of the females who buy FS poses only buy the poses where they get fucked so the reverse version of a pose statistically sells much worse than the other one. Another factor can be that there are more shemales who only want to be the giver in a FS coupling as ewell… it's hard to tell.
I can't help but feel that the available FS poses makes people think that a shemale is the natural giver or even the dominant in a FS coupling, that's even expected by many females I've found out.
I would rather see poses where we're more on equal footing and/or where it's not so centered around our penises, sure I have that but sometimes I rather not use it that much.
I've said it many times before but a double ended dildo pose for FS or poses kinda like that are poses I would like a lot.
Honestly though Adera, I think they should add the change role … they exist in the others. So we know they can do it but to make two poses one one way and the other the other way and make switch is just doubling your costs and unfair.
Honestly I would think the shemales (if you dont mind me speaking for you for a second Adera) would value the option of having the change role so there is an option to switch around.ย Despite their personal preference at least having the option is good.
As for people purchasing I cant speak for others but if I buy FS poses (which has been admittedly rare) I tend to buy a mix … something i like … something they are on the receiving end or seems that they are. Very few poses convey that so I always check the forums before i do that.
You maybe right about the preassumption that they think the shemale is the natural giver … from what i understood thats not the case.
I agree some of the poses we have in the L would be good for S to have double dildo is a prime example… not to mention some of the other ones could be used.
there is no “change role” option for this one ? -sighs- I can see why your disappointed.
I'd like to add to something about the partner preferences. A very important element.
Both sides listening …. do not ignore any question posed on either side … you can actively choose not to answer if you feel its rude or in appropriate (even state that fact most people do not realise after all they are not in your head). But reiteration for the person originally asking the question when it was posed and then when something (an action in achat) that is hinging on the question being answered (direction of answer was not the important thing) them taking a liberty to do the action without answering the question is a quick way … to put some on like me off from continuing. You cant listen, Then why should they waste their time.
… but I gladly accept kisses. :-*
And I gladly give them.
Aww kitten, I do hope they make more anal options so that the females that love it can get their fair share of itโฆ it does feel so good imo after all. ๐
another reason is so they can simply shift a little to make it available for you too Adera.
And your making me jealous you naughty one. -kisses Adera-
I agree with you kitten, I think it's the best pose right now and more really wouldn't hurt.
Hmm is the “At the wall” pose anal in MF? In MS it is… ofc.
With front to the wall one … I can move my ass back on the cock … but as for picking anal no disappointingly. (I dont know the male choices)
With Back to the wall I can move my legs that should make anal possible but again no I dont have the choice of having it in my ass.There are only very few that are pure anal in MF or where the girl has the choice to have it in her ass… which for me for my love of anal… really disappointing
True Kitten I wold like to see more anal adaption…with the combinations that are sometimes available in vaginal sex…rather frustrating that if you choose an anal option the breast play.. clit play is in conflict and overridden on the other poses.
yes without doubt bear …. not to mention the fact that when cumming occures you mostly have to pick the previous motion in order to get the cumming result you want (also to avoid what is it called the “ragdoll” animations when they are having orgasms. I dont know about you but when I am cumming my head doesn't move from side to side like a spinning top). eg on the butt… creampie … over the face (which is why irl and in achat my char wheres glasses when having sex… cum stings in the eyes)
this pose is definitely my favourite one currently. i still think there needs to be more anal poses though.
@kitten: *hugs* I hope you're holding up.
-cuddles- I am
its better without him anyway