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Viewing 15 posts - 751 through 765 (of 955 total)
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  • in reply to: Secret Christmas 2013 #115143

      As I  read what jcm0824 has said about me and i am blushing,,,,,What can I say about him is just you would be luck to met a guy like him in real life and        WOW

      in reply to: Merry Christmas to Everyone. 1 #132278

        happy Holiday, xmas new year ,

        in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #67836

          I kiss zoerink back and tell him I going to sing a song for him , so I make my way to the mic                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
          There is just one thing I need
          I don't care about presents
          Underneath the Christmas tree

          I just want you for my own
          More then you could ever know
          Make my wish come true
          All I want for Christmas is you yeah,

          Idon't want a lot for Christmas
          There is just one thing I need
          And I don't care about the presents
          Underneath the Christmas tree

          I don't need to hang my stocking
          There upon the fireplace
          Santa Claus won't make me happy
          With a toy on Christmas day

          I just want you for my own
          More then you could ever know
          Make my wish come true
          All I want for Christmas is you
          You, baby

          Oh, I won't ask for mush this Christmas
          I won't ever wish for snow
          And I'm just gonna keep on waiting
          Underneath the misletoe

          I won't make a list and send it
          To the North pole for Saint Nick
          I won't ever stay awake to
          Hear those magic reindear tonight

          Cause I just wont you here tonight
          Holding on to me so tight
          What more can I do
          Baby,  all I want for Christmas is you

          Oh. all the lights are shining
          So brightly everywherer
          And the sound of Childrens
          Laughter fill the air

          And everyone is sining
          I hear those sleigh bells ringing
          Santa, won't you bring me
          The one I really need?
          Won't you please bring my baby to me

          Oh. I don't want a lot for Christmas
          This is all I'm asking for
          I just want yo see my baby
          Standing right outside my door

          Oh, I ust want you for my own
          More then you could ever know
          Make my wish come true
          Baby, all I want for Christmas is
          You, baby 

          All I want for Christmas is you, baby
          All I want for Christmas is you, baby
          All I want for Christmas is you, baby
          All I want for Christmas is you, bay

          in reply to: Current Birthdays #73199

            I would like to wish everone in the forum a Happy Christmas amd a gr8 New Year

            in reply to: FAQ – the most common questions and answers #13262

              Thanks Brandybee  for your help

              in reply to: Current Birthdays #73195

                Happy Birthday jcm0824 on the 24th

                in reply to: Salma2011. Hi every one #132265

                  Welcome to the forum Salma,, hope you enjoy

                  in reply to: FAQ – the most common questions and answers #13259

                    Lover just one more  thing. could you tell how did you put up LOVER every moment is special, live it at the end of your post. after this i will leave you alone no mone questions 

                    in reply to: Bitchs Corner #131753

                      hi its me again  could the people in the game how say hi and more  for f—k please stop logout just after you say hi.. its donig my head in and its not nice 

                      in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #67830

                        me18_zps984d4643.jpg  I say hi and to Brandybee and ask could you put me on the list

                        in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #67829

                          me21_zpsc928fea0.jpg  ok guys who this other drink

                          in reply to: LoverBoy71. Hi #132269

                            hello Loverboy71 welcome to the forum and i have to say after talking with him last night and yes just talking. he is a real gentleman.

                            Interview with Loverboy71 from the U.S.A

                            (Q) 1 How long have you be in Achat ?
                            (A) 2 months

                            (Q)2 What do you think of it so far ?
                            (A) Its better then I expected.

                            (Q)3 Whats turn’s you on ?
                            (A) Polite and Talkitative women…Dirty talk in room.

                            (Q)4 What turn’s you off ?
                            (A) Rude people,, who put you on ignore list for just saying hi,,Women who dont talk in room..and people who never answer me at all

                            (Q)5 If you could change one thing to inprove Achat what would it be and why
                            (A)Would like to add undress pose..Sometimes its better to see if a preson is interested in you , then just jump straigh into sex

                            (Q) 6 Do you play the game for fun or to find a real partner ?
                            (A) To find a good partner.. one whom you can be comfortable with and enjoy the intimacy together.

                            (Q) 7 Do you agree with some girls looking for gifts ?
                            (A) no , a man should gifts if he likes her and she proves her worth but a man should never have to pay for virtual sex,,just to have fun.

                            (Q) 8 What was your first vehicle ?
                            (A) 2001 mitusbishi Galant

                            (Q)9 Whats your favorite tv show ?
                            (A) NCIS

                            (Q) 10 If you could have any job you wanted, What would it be ?
                            (A) A professional America football player

                            in reply to: LydiaRose. I never introduced myself #127980

                              thats nice of you to say Loverboy71 ty

                              in reply to: MF Pose Review. 90. Sweet Ride #102605

                                i like this pose and if i think of it i like all poses

                                in reply to: Current Birthdays #73193

                                  Happy Brithday Franky

                                Viewing 15 posts - 751 through 765 (of 955 total)