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  • in reply to: Achat POSES #68473

    its all the same,Ahat will do what they want not what we want,

    in reply to: Achat POSES #68469

    'Lover' I have  be in games where there is 50 in a room and i can tell you its not a mess,all i say is look at the replies the Bar & Grill gets. how think if thats was a room anyway you would not have 50 people chatting to each other. All i can say to you go and look at other games like achat

    in reply to: Achat POSES #68467

    I think your wrong I have made a lot of friends on here it could be a gril thing,,,,,, lol

    in reply to: Achat POSES #68465

    I see what your saying, but i think Achat will miss out, A lot of people ask me how to get to the Bar & Grill thinking its a room, and im not ask Achat to  do the same as the redlight game,all i like is just 1 room where we all could meet.But i cant see it happening. So i think i will be leaving like a lot of my friends have done. 

    in reply to: Achat POSES #68461

    I have a few months to go on my prem and i make my  mind up  then HB, I have be to other sites and this is like the poor preson site, what i love to see is a room like the Bar & Grill, and if they say it cant be do, well i have see it on other site where you can have up to 100 people in 1 room and you have music from Capital FM playing, so i think its up to Achat to do something like this to keeps us   

    in reply to: Achat POSES #68459

    A lot of my friends have left this game and im thinking of doing the same

    in reply to: I got a strange personal message.. !? #68800

    I feel sorry for Fannini, but what she did was wrong,and what happen to her was wrong to, all i like to say is that this is a game not a date site,

    in reply to: Mickaell. Looking for a Mistress / Cherche une Maitresse #64593

    welcome Mickaell,hope you find what you are look for

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66645

    This is the first time I have watch pudding wrastle, I really enjoy it, but glad I didnt enter into it, so I make my way to Bar to get  bottle of wine from old joe, ask jd who should I pick this is hard one to pick, jd looks at me and smiles, cant  help you there you will have to pick for yourself, so I make my way tooo.

                 my bottle of wine goes to Tight,,

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66631

    Hi everone, this is my friend from Russian Gothic Girl her name is Oxana, So lets give a big Welcome to the Bar & Grill,, her english is good but not as good as ours, so be easing on her..

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66616

    As I sit with ssgt i see a young girl enter the bar, only she  can look good in a leather jacket and jeans,I stand up and wave at Gothic.. she see me and comes to join us..

    in reply to: Bachelor Autcion for a good cause #68895

    hope you can work it out Tightfit74. but cant see how it would the help of Achat.. if i can help i will

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66609

    nice song sstg i tell him as he comes back to table, see i knew you had it in you. go get your hat.  ok sstg says back soon.
    so bono whare have you be for the last 6 months I ask..

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66602

    As sstg and I go to sit back down I see someone that I have not see in a long time, Looking at ssgt i whisper in to his ear love give me a min just see someone I have to talk to,,he say ok. I turn away and walk to where he is stand with lover and jd. I walk to the back of Jd,I whisper into his ear how are you after other night just before he can answer me i say hi to lover and if it is ok if i talk to Bono..lover and jd walk to the bar.”Bono” long time girl. yes i answer, so what bring to the bar bono, tells me just in town for a few days and he love my song. ty have you the gultar with you, its in car lydia, go get it and do a song for me like the old times,he agree to do it,Before he gets it I show where im sitting with sstg in the cowboy hat.I make my way back to sstg and sit down. Hope Bono will come back and sing.

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66592

    I whisper into ssgt ear, Its open mic night think  I will go up and give it a go what do you think. “ssgt” tells me to go for it.. Ok i will I get up and make my way to stage climb on to stage , walk over to the band  guys do ye know this one,, “Band” we will give it a go.. so walk back to mic pick it up  and say this one is for all the guys in here tonight,, here goes

                                      oh baby dulls
                                  I know you like me
                                  I know you do
                                  That why whenever I come around shes all over you
                                  And I know you want it
                                It”s easy to see
                                And in the back of you mind  i know you should come home with me
                                Dont cha  wish your girlfriend was hot like me
                              Dont cha  wish your girlfriend was a freak like me
                                Dont cha  dont cha
                              Dont cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me
                              Dont cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me
                              Dont cha      dont cha
                              Fighting the feeling
                              Leave it alone
                              Cause if it aint love
                              It  just anit enough to leave a happy home
                              Let keep  it friendly
                              You have to play fair
                              See, I dont care
                              But I know she aint gon” wanna share

                              Dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me
                              Dont cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me
                              Dont cha  dont cha
                              Dont cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me
                              Dont cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me
                                  Dont cha  dont cha

                              I know I”m on your mind
                              I know we”ll have a good time
                              I”m your friend
                              I”m fun
                              And I”m fine
                              I aint lying
                              Look at me, you aint blind

                            Dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me
                            Dont cha wish your

    girlfriend was a freak like me
                                Dont cha    dont cha
                            Dont cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me
                            Dont cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me
                                  Dont cha  dont chat

                              See, I know she loves  you
                              I understand
                              I”d probably be just as crazy about you
                              If you were my own man
                              Maybe next lifetime
                              Until then, oh friend your”e secret ia safe with me

                              Dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot  like me
                              Dont cha wish your girl girlfriend was a freak like me
                                    Dont cha    dont cha
                              Dont cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me
                              Dont cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me
                                    Dont cha  dont cha



Viewing 15 posts - 916 through 930 (of 955 total)