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Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 76 total)
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  • in reply to: Forum Game: 3 words game #124093

      I'm going down

      in reply to: Music Association Game #26371


        Scorpions – Blackout Live @ Wacken Open Air 2012 – HD

        in reply to: Music Association Game #26369

          Robin Lee Black Velvet “Official” Video

          I love any excuse to listen to this song!  “Hey skinny sexy elvis in the black leather outfit …I'm over here!”  “Oh scary drugged out elvis..I think the girl that was yelling for u went off that direction.” whew

          in reply to: Music Association Game #26367

            AC/DC – Back in Black



            Oh it's a stretch…lol

            in reply to: FAQ – the most common questions and answers #13274


              If you are seeing my wild girl character than I did it right!

              If not…well I will keep working on it. I love doing things over and over, faster and faster, till i cu…get it right :)

              Yay! it worked…o look out I gotz pictures now!

              Thanks again :)

              in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #68058

                As I enter the bar for the first time I see two lovely people, both wearing corsets, one of them wearing a very sexy, very short leather skirt.
                The leather skirt lady is being led away by the other girl.  I notice she is spilling her beer a little and hope she doesn't get any on her corset.
                Both of the lovely people have intent hungry looks on their faces.  I sense passion between them.  I feel a twinge of desire.  For a second I think
                of approaching them but dismiss it. Then the two of them seem to disappear into the wall by the pool table.  I shake my head and look again.
                Nope they are gone, if they were ever there in the first place.

                I look up at the stage and I see a striking figure.  I am still feeling aroused by the sexy phantoms that passed me a moment before.
                So the lovely person on the stage has my full attention.  Though I must admit it is more lustfull attention than paying attention.
                He is saying somehting about free drinks for everyone, except bears have to pay $25 per drink.  I vaugely think that is not really fair.
                Why do the bears have to pay so damn much to drink here?  Then I think maybe bears break stuff if they drink too much.
                I take a look around but don't see any bears drinking here.  I am not surprised though.  I am sure most bears cant afford that much for a beer.

                But I do see a very lovely creature covered in what appears to be pudding walk past me.  I get a mental image of licking pudding off of a hard nipple.
                Then I watch to see where the pudding girl is going.  She goes through the door to the spa. I think good thing.  She does need a shower.
                I fantasize for a minute about helping her wash that pudding off and what pleasant surprises may await as I …I find I am starting to walk towards the spa.
                I stop in my tracks and shake my head to clear the fantasy and let my attention go back to the stage.

                There is now a singer doing a catchy tune that I have not heard before, but the name he sings of in the chorus sounds very familiar to me.

                I notice someone else that is sitting at one of the tables…She keeps looking towards the spa…staring over there actually.
                I just assume she is either having the same lustful fantasies about the girl covered in pudding as I am, or she is lucky enough to be here with her and is waiting.

                I have to move aside to a allow a couple people to get by.  They are carrying what appears to be some large deflated inflatable. I wonder for a second…
                is that one of those bouncy rooms filled with balls.  I do like balls a great deal, especially when they are bouncing.  Once again my mind has gone to sex.
                From bouncy room with balls, it is not that much of a wonder I think of balls bouncing against me during wild sex.

                Which makes me long once again to go into the spa and pull off my little skirt, white stockings and pink top and join the lovely girl in the shower.
                But I am actually very shy with new places and people, so I get a beer from the bar.  I make sure the tender knows I'm not a bear, so I get the free drink.
                I then make my way to a table, that is located well for me to sit and drink and people watch.  I feel that once I get past my shyness I could really enjoy this place.

                in reply to: FAQ – the most common questions and answers #13272

                  OK I am sure I missed this Q and A, since I didn't scan all 20 some pages of this post.  However I would like to know how to post a picture directly from my P C hard drive to my post on this forum.  I clicked the “insert image” button, expecting the chance to browse my drive and upload.  Didn't get that so now I am befuttled. Is it possible to upload direct from my H D to a post?

                  in reply to: Music Association Game #26365

                    Skillet – Hero [Official Video]


                    in reply to: Music. What song are you listening to? #106385

                      I am on a Gaga binge right now. Love Game just ended and now I am listening to:

                      Lady Gaga – Applause (Official)                 

                      in reply to: Forum Game: 3 words game #124091

                        fire on water

                        in reply to: Forum Game. What does it tell you? #112548

                          My favorite hair style!

                          in reply to: Music Association Game #26363

                            Mariah Carey – Hero (Live at Madison Square Garden 1995)


                            in reply to: Favorite Music (remake from Say…) #19942

                              My favorite songs change with my mood and what is going on in my life.  But three songs that always seen to follow me are:

                              Evanescence – Snow White Queen (music video hq)        

                              Evanescence – What You Want                                        

                              Marilyn Manson – Beautiful People                                    

                              One last one…someone was talking about Veronica Maggio…I like this video by her…very sureal

                              Veronica Maggio – Hädanefter                                          

                              So I suppose it's safe to say that I really can't pick a favorite song…so I just put some re occurring favorites :)

                              in reply to: Music Association Game #26361

                                Yay…I love this game…I do want to say Momma, your pictures you posted were some of my yummy faves..and now you posted my fave cougar song.  I like your taste.

                                So this one is a stretch I took fire as in ready aim fire

                                Scandal;Patty Smyth – The Warrior


                                “shootin at the walls of heartache…bang bang”


                                  I am totally addicted to the forum already.  Thank gawd I work from home over the net.  I have spent so much time playing on the forum today, I will be up all night working again tonight. Last night I got all into downloading naughty things for my sims. (Sims want to have fun too) so then I was up all night doing my work.  But since I love my work and my play, I suppose it's a win win.

                                  I am going onto A Chat game now just to send friends requests to the people who have answered my post.  As I said earlier, the random 'hey baby' thing is the only down side of the game for me.  So hopefully ill build up some friends from this forum and I can skip the people that leave the room for random un-explained reasons or that are is such a hurry that dancing and talking to build the mood seems to annoy them.

                                  I have my times when I just want to mount up and ride till I scream.  But a lot of the time I like the closeness of dancing, talking, foreplay, then wild sex that leads to BOTH people having an orgasm.  I am a submissive personality, but to a gentle Sir or Mistress.  Spank me, choke me, call me bitch.  I love it, but tame me…never!

                                  So I am sure I will be back very soon…just going in game to send friend requests

                                Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 76 total)