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  • in reply to: Is enough being done to combat hookers? #57359

    We are close in age hentayboy 30 years old here, don't forget about cult anime from where we were kids like Captain Tsubasa ( Holly e Benji for italians) or Hokuto no ken ( Kenshiro for italians )  ;D
    Atm I'm following One piece, Bleach and Naruto Shippuuden which I'm liking a lot, but I followed a lot of different anime in my life not hentai only ofc I'm not that hentai after all ( for those who don't know it hentai in japanese means perv ) or at least I think lol

    in reply to: Is enough being done to combat hookers? #57350

    Ignoring who has gift = sex in the description should be a golden rule for every guy here that wants to build a reletionship, personally when I contact a girl sex is not my first though, the girl has to attract me mentally for me to even start thinking about inviting her. Chatting and getting to know people is what gives the spark to everyone's immagination  8)

    To hentaiboy: Hentai rocks! :D

    in reply to: Is enough being done to combat hookers? #57343

    if you “hit” them whit the right word and feeling, you can have their attention……

    U're completly right hentaiboy and that's is a big if, I gues I'll have to improve my comunications skills :P

    P.S. Your nick is because u like hentais or because you are a hentai? :P

    in reply to: Is enough being done to combat hookers? #57339

    oh trust me rukya I've tried all those, just doesn't seem to work, I always have to come up with something much much better

    in reply to: Is enough being done to combat hookers? #57337

    Keeping a conversation up is not a problem if she’s up to have a chat, the problem comes she aspects SUPER clever opening followed by SUPER interesting second phrase. Tehy should understand that impressing someone like that out of the blue is not that easy especially because most of the girls just have to wait to be hit on, for us guys we have to wrok harder 😛

    in reply to: Is enough being done to combat hookers? #57335

    I feel you Apollo too many girls asking for gifts. I’ll never pay for sex on principle, I guess the real problem here is ti come up with the right phrase to get a girl/woman interested. Just hi or similar will just be ignored by most of the girls, which I guess could be understandable but come on give a guy a chance? How do you expect to start a coversation with a monologue? 😛

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