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Viewing 6 posts - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)
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  • in reply to: New Action. Titanic Pose Fun! #159288

      Amazing dance :p

      in reply to: Game Idea. Creation of a nightclub. #159266

        Some idea more that could be better, eg by room, we can really move freely to go outside really make a more immersive virtual game, the possibility also on the power of dating seats send a private message to the person so as not to be forced to speak in a public chat.
        The truly immersive winded side could really be a real asset :)

        Quelque idée en plus qui pourrait être mieux, exemple en room, qu'on puisse vraiment se déplacer, librement pouvoir, aller dehors vraiment faire un jeu virtuel plus immersif, la possibilité aussi sur les places de rencontres de pouvoir envoyer un message privée à la personne histoire de ne pas être obligé de parler dans un tchat public.
        Le côté immersif vraiment poussif pourrais vraiment être un réel atout :)

        in reply to: Game Idea. Creation of a nightclub. #159262

          Merci de ton avis Chacha… il faudrait déjà que je sois disponible et pas entrain de dancer avec quelqu'un d'autre ;)

          Encore faudrais t'il que l'équipe qui gère tous ça visionne mon poste pour que cela soit réalisable… c'est pas donner.

          in reply to: Poll: Like/Dislike system #159163


            I find the system of like and hates it really useless, why made a system like this one, we are not on Facebook or tinder.
            It would have rather added things really useful and which would return more the platform amusing, there are so much possibilities still to explore.

            in reply to: Game Idea. Creation of a nightclub. #159260

              Yes … Laura very good idea, i like your view for the nightclub it's very great ;)


              in reply to: Game Idea. Creation of a nightclub. #159257

                Hello Nat :)

                I thank you to have given your opinion, Nat, I did not know that had stays to propose, I see that you are rather for, my idea, and, I like that, that would be well if that could really be done.


              Viewing 6 posts - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)