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I found an interesting tool and I will share. It is a reverse image finder. You give it an image and it will find the sources, so maybe you can find more of that model. it isn't 100% but I am impressed.
For instance it found the set to this one even though my image was in black and white.Happy Birthday Mr.Sexlover, sorry if I'm late
A cabana type tent, because it could be used in many roleplays.
Smashmouth – Allstar its still a fun song and that was a fun summer
It was a long time before John wasn't nauseous. Eventually he was helped off the floor by Laura. No one else was seeming to hold much sympathy for him. Even Bianca held an “I told you so” look for Laura. There were no goodbyes, she just got Johnny to her jeep and went home.
John woke up in the spare bedroom and the events of last night came crashing into his consciousness. He had to get home. Maybe someway he could salvage this. But deep in his mind was the thought 'Isn't this what you wanted? You're free.' It seemed so callous, but there it was.
He limped out of Laura's back door and got to his car and sped home only to find a lot of his things scattered on the front lawn as if tossed out the window. His laptop was in pieces. It was destroyed before it was ever thrown outside. All the slide bolts were thrown. She was home but she wasn't going to talk to him. John slowly gathered up all she had thrown out. He kept looking to the windows but she never showed herself. With one last look he climbed back in his car.
John lay in bed in Laura's spare bedroom and stared at the wall until January second. He cried a few times but mostly he was numb. He tried to call Jill but she wouldn't answer. He went to his in-laws and wasn't let in the door. He wondered how much they knew. And so he left and came back here. He lay there not thinking about it. If he thought about it he got a tightness in his chest. Finally Laura came in to talk to him. She sat on the bed, behind him and smoothed his back.
“Sweetie, I'm sorry.” Laura said softly.
“Can I stay here?” He finally asked in a flat tone..
“Of course.” She quickly answered.
He laid there in his melancholy, and she decided to leave him alone. In fact she went to work. When she came home it looked as if he had never moved. So she called Bianca.
“He's really depressed” Laura said with concern.
“That's about normal for a man who's wife caught him cheating and tossed him to the curb.” Bianca was glib and pulled no punches.
“I feel responsible.” Laura admitted.
“Oh Really? Tell me more of this sudden sense of responsibility you have.” Now Bianca was being sarcastic.
“Why are you being like this?” Laura got loud with her mentor.
But Bianca got louder. “Because I warned YOU and YOU didn't listen! YOU are the Domme. YOU should have cut it off until he sorted out his feelings about his wife! And if he chose you then fine, he should have been upfront with her and YOU should have made sure he did it, but if he chose her, YOU should have washed your hands of him. But YOU didn't do any of that.” Bianca was yelling into the phone now. “You played games and now people are hurt.”
Laura was silent on her end. She couldn't argue any of that.
“If you truly are a Domme, I suggest you go take care of your sub, because he is in pain.” Bianca hung up the phone.
Laura made him a sandwich and some carrot sticks and celery and carried it upstairs. The sun was going down and it was very dim in the room, but she left the lights off and set the plate on the night stand.
“Johnny,” she sat behind him again. “I'm sorry, baby. I really am. I was in charge of this and I screwed up.” she ran her hand through his hair. “Johnny?”
“I don't blame you.” He said quietly.
“Thank you, sweet boy, but it has been pointed out to me that it is my fault.”
John rolled over and looked up at her. Even in the darkness she couldn't meet his gaze. Bianca was absolutely right. She put her hand behind his neck and directed it to her lap and then stroked his hair.
“I was selfish. I wanted you and I didn't care about anyone else.” she confessed. “You are the sweetest guy I have ever met and I caused all of this. I wish I hadn't and that is the truth, sweet boy.”
“What should I do?” He asked simply.
“Give her everything, don't contest any of it. And then forgive me.”
John began to cry softly in her lap. He was getting a divorce and the finality of it struck him. Laura stroked him and petted him.
“I still cried when I divorced my ex, even though we were at each others throats in the end.” She told him. “You remember that once you did love them, and the thought of them made you smile.”
It took three months to finalize. John's lawyer used the finances as leverage to get him good visitation rights, it's all he wanted. Jill got everything, so it wasn't that difficult. John lived in Laura's spare room, his room now. Laura had rules for him, if he was to be a permanent resident. She had spelled them out in those first weeks of January.
“First, I don't do laundry. I barely do my own; Your job from now on.” She wasn't reading from a list but it seemed as if she had thought about this. “Next, no parading around naked. I have seen it, Johnny,” She smiled from her place on the couch. “and I'll call when I want it. Third, You may cook in my kitchen, but I reserve the right to eat half of it. Four, if you are going to be late, you better have the courtesy to call. Finally you will not enter my room unless told to.”
John looked up at her from his place on the floor. “I cant sleep with you?”
“I told you before, Johnny, sleeping with me is something you must earn.”
There were no rules that applied to Laura though. She came home late after doing an electronic inventory at the store and came into his dark room with no pants or panties on. She put her blonde covered snatch right over his mouth and brought Johnny to full consciousness in no time. John tried to reach for her ass but she negated that.
“Uh uh” she said playfully. “Give me those hands.”
She held John's wrists while she ground her pussy into his lips and chin. She could see his eyes from the light in the hall and it was all she could see.
“Get your tongue in me, sweet boy. You know how I like it, Johnny.” She commanded.
John shoved his tongue deep inside of her. Her musk was thick, filling his nose. She had pants on all day and John knew her cycles. She was ovulating and horny as hell. The aroma intoxicated him and the stickiness of her pussy was amazing. His tongue lapped from just outside her slit and then swung inside and then he brought it out just below her clit. Laura moaned and ground into him all the more. She looked back at the tent that was forming under the covers.
“I make my Johnny hard, don't I?” she grinned at him from above.
John could only slightly nod. She always made him hard. Laura let go one hand and reached back to caress him through the covers. Her hand pressed his cock to his belly and she ran her palm up and down it.
“Get those covers off.” She ordered.
John's legs kicked frantically until he lay there in his boxers, his cock straight out the slit. His eyes wide, he never stopped lapping his Mistress. Laura gripped his hard dick and stroked it roughly.
“Do you want to cum?” she smiled down at him and John nodded quickly.
“You know the rule. When I cum, you cum. Now eat it, sweet boy.”She had let go his hands and John gripped her full ass. He massaged and pulled apart those cheeks. He planted his mouth over her sex and sucked on her pussy. She was juicy and sticky like a peach in late season. His nose breathed hard on her clit. Laura had wet her fingers with her tongue and now pulled gently at the head of his cock as if she was plucking something from the ground over and over. John clenched his ass and tried to present his cock higher. Laura responded by going lower and pulling up his foreskin. She kept wetting her fingers and teasing him.
John didn't ask permission but slide two fingers into her as he moved up to her clit. Laura threw her head back and groaned. She looked down at him.
“Keep that up and I'll juice you.” She said eagerly.
John did just that. If he got her to squirt all over his chest and face, he would love it. He rubbed gently at the nodules just inside her pussy. His finger tips where practically behind his tongue. He moved those two fingers just right there, rubbing that spot. He could feel Laura tighten up and and her walls collapse on his fingers. He rubbed a few more times and pulled them out quickly. Nothing, but Laura moaned loudly above him. He got his fingers back inside and her inner flesh was undulating and trying to push him back out and when it did, it happened.
Laura squirted a quick gush of her love fluids over his neck and then his mouth, because she tilted her pelvis in her orgasmic throes. John lay beneath her, smiling to her and at himself. Pleasing Laura and making her cum was the top of his priority list. Laura pushed her fingers inside herself and then reached back to spread her sex juice on his rigid cock. It didn't take long, just a minute of pumping and John shot cum six inches up and it landed on Laura's hand. She bent down to kiss him and smeared the cum with hers into his neck.
“Good night, sweet boy.” She smiled nose to nose with him before bounding off and into the bathroom for a shower.
YAyyyy, it's finally approved and it is up at Literotica.
you know the coolest partthe Authors name and then a little copyright symbol
Its an Achat girl…her heels are off the ground even though she has no shoes.
Amy, I don't know if I love the window sill one the best or the kitchen one where you really can't see them but their clothes are all over.
Very hot picsJohn’s wife, dark haired Jill, was getting suspicious, mostly because John didn’t pester her for sex anymore. She reached for him the other night and smoothed his back as he lay away from her and he just wiggled deeper into the covers and fell asleep. She had never been rejected before. John usually jumped at her slightest show of affection, but lately he couldn’t care less, it seemed. Jill turned away and faced the wall, trying to remember the times that her husband didn’t want to. It was a very short list.
On Saturday Jill was ready to go shopping but John was going to stay home. ‘He had been doing that a lot lately too.’ She thought. He never went anywhere with her anymore. He would be at that computer when she came home or not here at all and had sent the kids to her mom’s. ‘Was he having an affair,’ she thought, ‘or just out playing ball with the guys like he said?’ He did look bruised and soar at times but he would be in a good mood; like a guy done playing football with the guys. ‘Jill, you’re being foolish’ she told herself.
Jill looked askance at the PC screen. John was in the shower and had logged off. ‘What would she find?’ she wondered. She clicked his screen icon only to be meet by a password request.
“Damn” she said quietly.
She thought about her husband. He had certain tastes and likes but guessing his password would be impossible. She tried anyway. First the kid’s names, then hers, she even put in “password” hoping he would be that simple.
John came downstairs dressed for his casual Saturday like normal. Jill stood next to the table and his laptop which was still secure.
“Well I’m off.” She informed him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
John sat down as she walked out of the kitchen and typed in his password. “Bye, Jill” He said automatically.
Jill was already rattling words in her head. He typed five characters then an enter stroke, she was sure of it.
John logged on to find a message waiting for him. Laura was asking for a phone call. She would never call him, not even on his cell when he was home. John hurriedly dialed the number on his cell
“Hello, Johnny” Laura answered.
“Good morning, Mistress.” John responded.
“I guess New Years Eve would be impossible?” Laura asked anyway.
John sighed sadly; he would love to be with her that night. “I would think so, my Mistress.”
“I‘ve never been to one.” She confessed.
“Is it much different than the other monthly meets?” John wondered.
“Bianca tells me there is dancing, and a beauty contests for the slaves. They don’t do any formal demonstrations, but couples may get on stage and do scenes as long as space is available.”
“I’m sorry, Mistress” John was disappointed too.
“Not your fault, sweet boy.” Laura said. “So, does she have plans?”
“I have no idea. I should probably talk to her about it.” John admitted.
Laura was done. She didn't like discussing his wife. “Goodbye, Johnny.”
“Goodbye, Mistress” John waited for her to hang up then closed his phone.
Jill got up for church on Sunday and got in the shower. As she stepped out she noticed John's phone on the charger under the sink. She knew he was still asleep, but she locked the door anyway. She snatched it up and checked his history. Someone named Laura called yesterday. Laura called earlier in the week. Laura called last week.
'Maybe Laura was someone at work.' She thought 'Other than yesterday's call, they seemed to come during the workday' Still Jill was suspicious. She put down the phone and got dressed.
John left the house to go running. He never did go to church with Jill and the kids. He would be gone for at least an hour. Jill saw it as an opportunity. She shooed the kids out the door. 'they can walk.' she thought. She moved the mouse on the sleeping PC and there was the login screen asking for a password.
“Five characters and and enter stroke.” Jill reminded herself.
S A R A H, she typed their daughters name but it failed. R O G E R, her father's name. She couldn't think of anyone else in her husband's life with a five letter name. Then she remembered Laura. L A U R A, and the screen opened to his desktop. 'Who the HELL is Laura!' She had to know now. Laura was important enough to be his password!
Jill quickly went through John's browser history, looking for anything suspicious and then through his favorites list. Her husband had a few BDSM sites and a theatre in Mansfield that needed a further look. Jill put a hand over her mouth. 'It was a club or something for these…perverts.'
“Oh my God.” She said out loud.
She noticed they meet once a month and Jill did some cross referencing in her brain. 'John went to Detroit that weekend…at least that is what he said. Bastard'
“Calm down, Jill.” She said to herself. “So far it's just sites and pictures.”
She kept looking through his history and then through his files and even did a file search for “Laura”, but found nothing about the woman. She looked back to the open web page about the theatre. They were having a New Years party. Maybe all this was fantasy for John and she was jumping to conclusions, but still, he was acting odd and she wanted to know why. Jill wondered if she should just confront him, but she had nothing but some web pages and a woman's name, who might be a co-worker. She checked the clock and rushed out to make it to church before the sermon.
That night John was working on sales reports and tabulating his commissions, when Jill walked in and interrupted him.
“Honey,” She started sweetly. “What do you want to do for New Years Eve?”
John didn't look up. “Oh, I don't know. We could go out. We haven't gone out for New Years since the kids came.”
“There's nothing special you want to do?” She was fishing for any clue.
“Hopefully, I won't have to go out of town.” John laid groundwork for being with Laura instead, but it was too much to hope for.
That last statement pricked at Jill's ears. “Going out of town” is the kind of excuse a cheater would use. And he has been out of town, but she just smiled at him.
“That would be a shame.” Jill was going to give him some rope. “But it is your job, I guess I would understand.”
John looked up at her now. “Well, I doubt I would have to.” John got up and gave her a peck on the cheek.
On Wednesday, John was with Laura giving her a pedicure as they watched NCIS. He had told her about the conversation with Jill.
“It's a lot to ask Johnny. And risky; to be gone for a holiday she'll probably want a room number or something to call you at the big stroke of midnight.”
“She'll call my cell and I just won't answer.” John provided. He was more excited about this than his Mistress, who was being the cautious one.
“I don't know.” Laura replied. “ I been thinking about what Bianca said. Someone is gonna get hurt, Johnny.”
John turned from his seat on the floor. “What are you saying, Mistress?” John was apprehensive.
“Something has to change before this all blows up.” Laura was serious.
“You want me to leave her?” John was unsure about any action.
“I'm not gonna tell you what to do in this situation. But do you even love her?” Laura put the elephant in the room, the big question.
John had no answer at that moment.
With New years a few days away, John decided to go for the big lie. It was elaborate and costly, but he wanted to be at that New Years party on the end of Mistress Laura's leash, for him but for her too. He made a room reservation and would actually drive to Indianapolis the day before and check in. Then he would drive back in the morning and crash at Laura's until the evening. He only had to sell Jill.
“You're serious?” Jill sounded incredulous. “How can they do that?” She gave up easily it seemed. “Well, we knew it was a possibility.”
John was so pleased that she was accepting the lie so easily. Still he had to show fake remorse.
He hugged his wife. “I'm so sorry hun. Thanks for understanding though.”
“It's OK.” She said. Now she was suspicious as ever but her mind was working and she was determined to catch him.
John put his plans into motion and Laura was excited to be going to the New Years party. They would show up at their usual ten o'clock. Laura got one of those white collars with black tie like male strippers wear to add to Johnny's slave ensemble just for the occasion.
Jill had no idea where her husband was right now, but she had a strong suspicion that before midnight he would be at a theater in Mansfield. She had gotten her parents to watch the kids with an easy excuse that she was going to surprise John for New Years. 'Oh, she would surprise him, alright.' she thought to herself.
The Theatre seemed more packed than usual but there were streamers and balloons everywhere. John got the familiar 63 put on his arm. Everyone was smiling and milling around and talking. He was looking all over and taking it in until he felt a yank on the leash
“This way, sweet boy.” Laura admonished but she wasn't angry and some people laughed at the wide eyed submissive.
“I'm sorry, Mistress.” John was immediately contrite.
Laura was smiling. “You're acting like it's your first time all over again.”
“Well, it's special, Mistress.” He said.
She stopped and turned to him right in the crowd. “Yes it is, Johnny.” and she kissed him lovingly. “Now, pray for a seat. I had to beg to be let in on such short notice.”
The couches and booths were not facing the stage, but were instead set up in squares facing inward. It was much more a social event with no exhibitions. It was a party. Laura got to be in the same circle with Bianca. With two Dominants to a couch there were eight subs all in the middle like puppies on leashes in the park. Yvette smiled at John but because of her impediment left the introductions to him. John was happy though to meet his brother and sister slaves. They all talked quietly while their Masters or Mistress did the same.
John wasn't the only white collar worker there. In fact most of them were well educated. He made the effort to stop and speak directly to Yvette once in a while to keep her in the conversation. She was his friend, she was his first sister. Bianca had dressed her beloved Yvette in a frilly black tulle skirt with a red and black bodice and fishnet stockings to finish it off, instead of her normal black panties and electrical tape. She still wore the thick black utilitarian collar. John got the sense that a jeweled choker or something similar would be scoffed at by Yvette.
Jill, dressed in blue jeans, boots and her black pea coat,crossed the street and came in with the last of the crowd. She saw the reception table and ducked to the side. 'The perverts take reservations, great!' She thought to herself. She saw a closet near her. 'Maybe I can wait them out.' and she ducked inside.
Once the lobby was empty it got quiet and Jill looked out. The husky men were checking a list.
“That's it?” the first one said.
“Everyone is here.” the second big hairy guy responded.
The first smiled. “Nice turn out. Go lock the door and we can go upstairs, baby bear.” he said seductively.
“OK, Daddy Bear.” said the second man sweetly to his obvious lover.
Jill saw a huge smile on his face as he did go lock the front doors. The thought of them together was making her sick, but she had to stay silent until they had gone.
“Can we use the swing?” 'baby bear' said excitedly as his big ass bounced passed the closet back toward his lover.
“After I eat that sweet hole.” Said Daddy Bear vulgarly.
Jill just shook her head and tried to let the words pass by her mind. 'They'll be gone soon. They'll be gone soon.' she kept saying in her mind. Finally she stepped from the closet and moved up the lobby. There was no one to challenge her now. She looked to the stairs that the big gay men just went up and then to the theater doors, where she heard music and people. 'That's where he is!' she said almost aloud. She wasn't sure what she would do if he was in there. A big part of her hoped she was wrong. But she knew she wasn't.
It was dim in the theater, with many colored lights. Jill was looking all over and her eyes would land on some scantily clad person, usually attached to a leash, some chains, some leather. She herself was getting looks but she ignored them and walked to the bar. Anger was making her bold.
“You!” she barked at the bartender and looked at him with steel eyes.
“Yes, M'Lady. Can I help you?” The bartender assumed she was a Domme and not just a furious wife.
“John” she remembered the woman's name. “and Laura, are they here?”
“Oh, those two, yes, I saw them. Couldn't tell you where they are though m'Lady.”
“Thank you.” Jill replied simply
She had liked the respect he had shown her. Usually she would have walked off once she got what she needed. Now she would have to search the room. 'That Bastard was in here, somewhere.' she thought. She wasn't sure what to do about this “Laura”. Maybe she didn't know John was married, but John KNEW John was married. The more she thought of it the angrier she got. There was no sadness in her, she was furious.
Jill walked down the isles,disgusted by what she saw. The slaves would get out of her way and the others would nod at her as if equals. She decided she may as well use that.
“Laura and John, have you seen them?” She would ask. She was getting “no”s or they would say they didn't know them, until finally…
“They are over there, Mistress.” the man pointed, but his eyes were at her shoes.
Jill strode off without a word into the mix of booths, couches and love seats and she saw him. He was on the floor, with no shirt and some ridiculous thing on his waist and one of those leashes. Jill had read the web sites and seen the others here. Her husband was a submissive? She shook her head slowly and looked at him with even more disdain. It was crowded in there but she charged in anyway and bending down SMACKED his surprised face with all the strength she had.
“YOU BASTARD!” She yelled and smacked him again as he was trying to get up.
Laura tried to get to her feet to maybe stop it or get between them but Bianca forcefully put a hand on her shoulder pulling her back down and shook her head and mouthed “NO” when Laura looked at her in shock. All the subs had scooted to the side or out of the center entirely.
“Jill, please…” he began
“LET YOU EXPLAIN THIS? NOT NECCESARY!” She screamed down at him and then looked to Laura “You can have the worthless cheating PIG!”
Jill gave a final kick with her boot and caught John right in his groin and then turned and stormed out. She was given a wide berth and the isles cleared for her.
p.s. Sorry there is no sex in this part, but he had to get caught sometime. I debated a catfight and my friend Christy will be disappointed that there isn't one. But I wanted Jill to walk out of there with all Dignity. Her honor is intact.