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I see everyone has a thing for Jessica Rabbit.
I would like to see something exotic like the Qi Pao dress, but since we already have a short version then let us go just a bit west to the Indian Saree. They are simple yet elegant and they scream “WOMAN”.
one morePussy Pussy
And I might let you.
but WTF is up with this girls eyes? Her pupils are HUGE!On the other hand I DETEST “trophy” hunting. Hunter who shoot animals just for the thrill and to have there picture taken with animal and maybe have the head mounted for their den.
As in every other aspect of life you have good and bad hunters.
To sum up…………responsible hunting ok Trophy hunting obscene
I live in rural Ohio and I have never met a trophy hunter. Everyone I know eats what they kill. I actually think it is better to be connected to your food source like that. You kill it, you clean it, you eat it, a package in the supermarket you have no idea where it came from. You also have no respect for it.
So I agree with Jayc.
I always have a scrunchy somewhere.
Anyway, BAMM! right in the kisserLoL, well I think in game you can buy different clothes with gems, but I don't know were.
I bought Guild Wars 2 Last week and I actually like it. I have always hated MMorpg or quickly get bored with them. This is different its fun.
Now if I can just find a way to change my clothing to something sexier.this looks fun.
Tom is a sick freak that gets his jollies tormenting waiters!
Do any of you remember this guy?