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  • in reply to: Favourite Love Songs #25199

    While I am writing I listen to certain love songs:
    Underneath your cloths- Shakira
    Forever – Queen (especially the instrumental version)
    One Year of Love – Queen
    Send me an Angel – Scorpions
    A Time For US (Romeo& Juliet theme) – Barratt Waugh

    But when Im actualy in Achat doing…you know, they are a little livelier
    but EVERY ONE needs a copy of “Love to Love You Baby”  by Donna Summer.  mmmm mm, gets me in the mood.

    in reply to: Discovering Andi #75108

    -maybe the last part??-  8)

    I had left Steve’s house right after getting dressed. I don’t think he was upset and I wasn’t really angry at him but I thought we needed time alone. Anyway, he didn’t try to stop me. Monday morning found me in my little office. It was tiny but it had a door. I sat there with my forehead on my desk wondering ‘what the hell happened?’ ‘What kind of a guy calls you a slut?’ I wasn’t sure what to do. There was a tap at my door and Chrissie quickly popped in.
    “Where were you all weekend?” she asked in a worried tone.
    “I went home to the folks for a few days.” I lied.
    “Did you meet anyone at the party?” she asked.
    “Mmm no” I lied again. “I just went home early.” I didn’t want her to know. I didn’t want anyone to know yet.
    “Well, we’ll have to get you laid next time.” She laughed.
    If she only knew.

    Later in the day I googled it, ‘If your boyfriend calls you a slut’, nothing helpful popped up. But when I put in just ‘little slut’ sites about BDSM and Dominance came up. ‘Daddy’s little slut’ and ‘Kneel slut’ and some others. I started to connect the dots and I read more. He thought I was a submissive. Oh my god, he was a Dominant. I sat there mouth opened, trying to process this. ‘What did he think I was?’ The whole weekend fell into place. ‘Oh GOD, Steve’ my face went back to my desk.

    A little more research and I was ready to face him. I had to know what this was, what HE was, what he thought I was. I gathered some invoices as a cover story and started for the warehouse. My heels clicked loudly on the concrete floor and some of the guys pointed me to Steve’s office. I entered and closed the door quickly. Steve stood up when he recognized who it was.
    “Andi, I’m glad to see you.”
    “Steve, we need to talk.” I shoved in there before he could say more.
    “Alright, talking is good.” He sat back down.
    “Are you a Dominant.” I asked quickly and accusingly.
    He looked down and gave a laugh. “I think we both know I am.”
    “So what do you think I am?” I said harshly.
    “I think you are the sexiest woman in the world.” He evaded.
    “You know what I mean.” I spat out.
    “You are a submissive Andi. It is your nature. It’s not a dirty thing, it’s who you are. And I adore you for it.” He looked me straight in the eye.
    “You used me, you…you brain washed me or something.” I accused again.
    “Precious, we didn’t do anything you didn’t want to do. Did I hurt you? Did I tie you up and rape you? Did I mistreat you at anytime.” He stood again.
    “I…I” I began to cry a little “I’m very confused” I admitted.
    “I’m trying to help.” He said.
    “Do you care about me?” I had to know.
    “Andi, you have no Idea how much I care about you. I planned on hooking up with you the first time I heard your voice at those boring meetings.”
    “You planned this?” I said.
    “No, I didn’t do anything any guy wouldn’t do who was interested in a girl. I talked to people about you. I learned everything I could about you.” He confessed.
    “Why do you think I’m submissive?” I shook my head negating the idea.
    “Andi, you go along to get along, that’s generally you. Your friends take you places you don’t really want to go. You do things because people tell you to.”
    I looked at him shocked. “That’s what you do.” I put simply.
    “No sweetie, it’s what You do.” He threw back.
    I turned and grabbed the door knob to go.
    “Andi” his voice stopped me. “No matter what you think happened, for me this weekend was miraculous. Sweet heart, I have been searching for you for thirty-four years.”
    I pulled the door open and walked out.

    I went home early. I thought of the entire weekend over and over. Did I throw myself at him Friday night? I certainly didn’t put up a fight. I got back online and read more. This stuff was weird. I thought of what we did though, it wasn’t weird. It was nice. It was sexy. I took a bath and put on jammies. I thought of Steve and how he treated me and the last thing he said to me. It was about nine o’clock now and I dialed Steve’s number. It rang four times before he picked up.
    “Hello” he answered. I sat there silently. I wanted to talk to him but I wasn’t sure what to say.
    “Andi, I know it’s you.” Still I didn’t know how to start.
    “I’m not a slave.” I finally said.
    “No Andi, you are not a slave.” He affirmed.
    “What am I supposed to do?”
    “Whatever we want, precious. It’s different for every couple, no one’s the same.” He told me.
    “Have you done this before?”
    “Not like this, I wasn’t in love.” He admitted.
    I was silent.
    “Andi?” he said concerned
    “You love me?” I asked.
    “I think so.” He confessed “I can’t get you out of my mind.”
    “I’m willing to do this…with you.” I said.
    “OK, we’ll go slow.”
    “Say it again.” I asked.
    “That you love me.”

    in reply to: Discovering Andi #75107

    -More story-  ;D

    I showered, patted, powdered, and perfumed. I found some jeans and a sweater and then looked for a dress. ‘Hmm, elegant but modest.’ I repeated the instructions in my head. “Oh the dress I wore to nana’s funeral.” I said out loud. Holding it up, I inspected it; pure black, sleeveless, round high neckline, very simple but with pearls and earrings it would be a wonderful backdrop to… me. I couldn’t help smile and be giddy. I was going to dinner with an awesome man that looked at me with such hunger and held me with so much desire, it was intoxicating. I put my auburn hair up and pinned the bun with black chopsticks. Very inventive I thought. Stuffing the rest in an overnight bag I was out the door.

    I arrived at Steve’s just under the two hour mark and took my bag inside. Slowly he came down the stairs in a wonderful charcoal gray suit that fit him so perfectly and a lavender tie for color, God he looked gorgeous. 
    He smiled at me and started circling. “Well, let’s have a look at you.”
    I began to twirl. “No no, you stand still, look straight ahead.” He corrected.
    It seemed odd but I complied. Steve moved slowly around me. I felt his hand smooth a wrinkle on my back and then he finally stood before me.
    “I said nothing about jewelry.” He said resting his elbow in his other hand and then stroking his chin. “Take them off.”
    “But they look wonderful.” I protested.
    “They do indeed,” he agreed. “But it is not what I instructed. Now would you like to argue about it all night or do you wish to go to dinner?”
    My mouth dropped open and I stood there for a moment looking at him but he didn’t move and he made no further remark. I gave in and pulled the pearl earrings off and unclasped the beads from my neck. He held out his hand to accept them and then placed them on the mantle. He then held out his elbow for me and out the door we went.

    Steve took us to the Highland Garden Cafe; a beautiful restaurant overlooking the valley with plants and fresh potted herbs hanging from everywhere. When we were seated Steve pulled my chair out for me and then whispered in my ear how perfect I looked. I smiled and sat up taller at his praise. Steve ordered for the both of us, which people don’t really do anymore but it was sweet and old fashioned and I loved it. The evening was perfect and we even danced to a few slow songs. On the way home we talked.
    “Andi,” He started, “I think by now you have noticed I like things a certain way. I like them my way.” He looked over at me as he drove. “I don’t think the things I ask are too much. Dress in the manner that I ask, which you look wonderful” he praised. “Be courteous and respectful, which after all is just being a good person.” I nodded at his explanation. ‘Steve was just old fashioned’ I thought. “So far it’s going well isn’t it?” he finally asked.
    “Yes,” I answered. “I had a wonderful evening Steve. I do love being with you.”
    He gave me that beautiful disarming smile of his. “Good, I’m glad.” Then he took my hand in his and kissed it.

    We made love in the living room in front of the fire. He always knows what romantic buttons to push and this was perfect. We lay there naked on our sides embracing each other and Steve was rubbing my bottom and quickly but not hard he gave it a smack and then rubbed again. I looked at him, not liking that but he stared me down, still rubbing my butt. Then he smacked it again a little harder. I was going to protest but he pressed a finger to my lips to shush me and kept rubbing. Then he smacked it again Harder.
    “owww” I cried.
    “Andi” he held my chin now. “I want it all”
    I looked down not meeting his gaze. “But I don’t like that.” I said petulantly.
    “I see.” Was all he said.
    “Don’t be mad” I said still looking down.
    “I am not angry. You are not ready to give It.” he said simply.
    I looked into his eyes “One day, be patient.” I conceded.
    He smiled again, all seriousness gone from his face as if my consenting to try was all he ever wanted. “One step at a time, my sweet one.” and he kissed me deeply.

    Sunday I awoke in Steve’s bed all alone but with a note tented in half on his pillow. In his very neat handwriting he told me to bath, dress casually and follow the map he’d left on the mantle. ‘What was this about?’ I wondered. I found the map and next to it, a flashlight. Looking the note over carefully, there was nothing about a flashlight. ‘This is a test’ I said to myself and smiled. I left the flashlight and went outside into the crisp autumn air. The map was complete with contour lines and roadways so I was able to get my bearings from the hills around me as I walked. Steve had left implicit instructions stapled to the map and I followed them to the letter. At the end of his lane I found the path between the trees he mentions and clambering up a steep hill I see the path that goes down the other side. Steve had me wandering all over the valley but I wouldn’t give up and just kept following his directions. Finally pacing out the last of my steps I stood before an old unpainted barn. I flipped the paper and the map over but that was the last instruction. I turned expecting to see…I don’t know what. Then I heard him.
    “You may open the door.”
    The double barn doors were heavy and opened with creaks and groans. I expected it to be dark and dusty in there but a half a wall was open and in the middle of the hay strewn floor, flooded with sunlight stood Steve with a spread blanket and a basket behind him.
    “Good morning my sweet. I’m so glad you made it. Breakfast?” He bid me come and I kneeled down and sat on my heels at his feet. He just stood there for a moment smiling down at me before sitting next to me.
    “When did you do all this?” I asked curiously.
    “I got up early. You made breakfast for me; I wanted to return the favor.” Opening the basket, Steve pulled out bagels and cream cheese and strawberries and bottles of orange juice. Putting them on paper plates and spreading the cheese we began to eat and enjoy the morning and the view. I so wanted to mention the flashlight but I held my tongue and quietly ate.
    “Today is the last day of the weekend.” Steve put out there. “I asked for the weekend and you gave it to me.”
    “You asked for many things.” I said in mock accusation.
    “Were any of them to hard?” he said half seriously.
    I smiled at him coyly, “No, I guess not.”
    He took my hand and looked into my eyes. “I don’t want to stop.”
    “I don’t want you to.” I said softly. Slowly he moved in and kissed me. His hands moved down my back smoothing and rubbing me then he started pulling up, lifting my sweater off of me.
    “STEVE! Someone might go by.” I said in protest.
    “Andi” he just looked at me and I thought for a moment what he wanted from me, after this whole weekend, what he was truly asking of me.
    “I trust you.” And I thrust my arms up and let him pull my sweater off. My man wanted me naked. He wanted my body now and I would give it. My heavy breasts feel free and the nipples immediately harden in the cool fall air. Steve’s lust was evident by the look on his face. He reached down and grabbed the long braid I had put in that morning. He held it like a leash and instructed me.
    “Open my pants my sweet.” He said lustfully. I kept my eyes locked on his. My hands worked at his belt and the button of his Levis then finally the zipper. Without breaking our gaze I pushed them to his ankles and off. He bent down and kissed me hard, then holding my head pushed his half erect cock through my lips. I welcomed it and immediately began to suckle him. I loved feeling it grow in my mouth, its length, its thickness expanding right above my tongue. He moaned above me, letting me know I was pleasing him. My hand moved to his balls and fondled them gently as I began to move my lips up and down his now hard shaft. Steve yanked on the braid getting my attention. I looked up at him, my mouth full of cock.
    “Wrap those tits around it sexy.” He ordered and I complied, getting up higher on my knees and pushing the soft flesh around his hot thick member. Spitting more saliva into my cleavage, I began to move my hips and back, making my titties slide around his big sweet dick. The thick head of it reaching my lips, I lapped at it with every pass, making mewing sounds as it would pull away from me. I just truly meet Steve on Friday and already I yearned for his body, his cock. I felt him grab the back of my head and force my mouth down the shaft. I took all I could, feeling the head slip into my throat. I held it for as long as I could for him before pulling it out and kissing the head. Steve pulled me to my feet and began to unfasten my jeans and pushed them down. Then he told me to kick them off and get to a barn post. I grabbed it, unsure of what was to come next. He positioned my legs wide and I was bent over and holding onto the post. Steve whispered in my ear as his hands began exploring my bent over body, my hanging tits. “You’re mine Andi. My sexy sweet slut.” He squeezed the flesh and lightly pulled down on the nipples making me cry out. But my brain caught up ‘did he just call me a slut?’ My body did its best to ignore my brain. This man was playing me like a master musician. His hand slide over my ass and down my slit rubbing my quickly wetting lips and suddenly smacking my defenseless bottom.
    “Oww” I cried out. But before I could protest more he dropped down and buried his face into my ass and thighs. His tongue lapping at my hot hole and his big hands massaging my rump. I was breathing hard and so close to cumming. And again he slapped my right ass cheek but now I didn’t care. I was so close to cumming, so excited that any touch was going into overload. And when I didn’t cry out Steve kept smacking me, not viciously hard or torturous but solid smacks all over my right cheek, slapping my bottom with a loud SMACK. I could feel my ass getting warm. I knew it was getting redder but his tongue was deep in me and then he slipped a finger inside and rubbed my spot… I cried out, cumming, gushing out of my pussy. I clung to that post hanging on as my knees got weak. Finally it subsided and Steve took me into his arms as I caught my breath
    “You beat my ass.” I breathed into his ear as he near held me up.
    “I can feel it now. It’s so warm. Kind of stingy.” Still catching my breath.
    “Yes” he said again.
    I leaned into him and nuzzled into his chest. “I still don’t think I’m ready for it when I’m not about to… well you know, when I’m not excited.”
    He laughed easily at my stammering and lifted my chin to his gaze “You did so well my sweet.” He said softly. “Stop worrying about it. I’m very proud of you.”
    “But you never came.” My hand reached down to his still throbbing cock. “Let me take care of it.” I asked him with a little pleading smile.
    Steve took me over to some hay bales were he reclined and spread his legs. Kneeling down I took him in my hands and began to fondle him. I stroked him gently and kissed the head many times. Then slowly I took him into my mouth and suckled him, delighting in the saltyness and texture of his flesh. I moved him in and out of my mouth. Slowly building my pace, I let my hand lead my lips, stroking and bobbing on his fat cock. I heard him moan and say my name.
    “Oh Andi, you are the perfect girl.” I smiled inside with my mouth filled with him. “Such an adorable little slut.”
    There it was again. All of me heard it this time. I pulled his rod from my mouth and looked at him. “Did you call me a slut?”
    Steve popped his eyes open and looked at me. “I did.” He put simply.
    “I’m not a slut. I don’t like that.” I dropped his cock and began to back away to get up.
    “Andi I don’t mean it that way.” He tried to explain.
    “How can you mean it differently?” I protested.
    “Andi, have you ever called a man a stud?” he stayed calm
    “Yes but I’m not calling him a slut.” I argued.
    “No, you’re calling him a horse, an animal but still you mean it in a positive way. I didn’t mean any of the negative connotations that people apply to that word. If I had said minx would you have been less offended?” he said.
    “Probably” I said astonished.
    “But they mean the same thing.” He explained. Steve paused and looked around for a moment, then seeming to have collected his thoughts he continued. “Andi, I am truly sorry that you were offended. Please understand that I did not mean to hurt you my sweet. If you will not have that word then I will not use it. Forgive me my sweet?”
    ‘Oh my God he just apologized to me’, went through my head. “But why did you use it?” I asked, truly confused.
    Steve came down from the bales and knelt with me in the hay. He gently pushed hair from my face and explained, “I meant it like a man would call his lover ‘my sexy girl’, ‘my hot little minx’ but I’ll never use it again. He kissed my forehead and got up and began dressing. I guess the moment was ruined.

    in reply to: First online Dom, Domme #75702

    Thanks KingDustin, I'm glad I was able to convey the feelings as well as the facts.
    I think our first anything can leave quite an impression on us be it positive, negative or a bit of both and I'm curious about others.

    in reply to: Soap box Time: Crotch Shots #75739

    when I see those I'm thinking “wow, someone has confidence issues” real men don't  do that, real men are confident.
    And confidence is very sexy.

    in reply to: Discovering Andi #75105


    Steve lived just minutes away and when he finally shut the front door of his house he took my hand and started up the wood staircase. I followed, biting my lip, impatient for what he had in store for me. Finally in the bedroom he took me in his arms and I reached up and wrapped mine around his neck. His strong hands caught the waistband of my skirt and he shoved it down my thighs till it puddled on the floor. Now his hands roamed my ass freely, squeezing and rubbing and finally slapping my cheek.
    “Owww” I pouted up at him.
    “You don’t like that?” Steve’s eyes pierced into me and I stammered.
    “Well, it hurt a little.” I looked down from his gaze, casting my eyes to the floor. Again that night he lifted my chin, making me look at him.
    “Your body is beautiful and I want it all.” He said with all seriousness.
    “I know and I want you to have it.” I responded.
    He gave me his smile and pulled me to him again. “I promised all night.” Steve dropped his pants and lifting me up, he moved us to the bed, his body covering mine and my legs wrapping around him. His cock was still hard and without ceremony he shoved his member inside me. Like a bull, he began to brutally pound me, his hips driving into me, shoving me into the mattress. Once I caught the breath he had shoved out of me with his pile driver stroke I arched my back, threw back my head and howled my pleasure. He took that opportunity to rip my blouse apart and expose my soft billowy breasts. His mouth devoured my tit-flesh and suckled my deep rose colored nipples. I had never had a man take me like this, so hungrily and all I could do was hang on tight. My orgasm was so intense I clenched to his body and bit into his shoulder to keep from screaming. My stomach was heaving, my pussy clenching, gripping his meat, I panted in short breaths as I still clung to his body. I felt his arms slide down and between my thighs; gently he pushed my knees back till they nearly touched my breasts. And again he started pounding and growling over top of me. I had had my cum and now he would have his. My arms released him and my hands pushed on his hard chest. I was moaning and then grunting every time our pubic bones collided. His cock began to swell I could feel it grow inside me and then he filled me. I felt his eruption on the back walls of my womb. Steve didn’t roll off or collapse uncomfortably on top of me, instead his arms scooped under me and he held me tight with his cock still in me. Gently he kissed my face then my lips.
    “Your body is so lush.” He said to me as his hand and eyes wandered what wasn’t covered by him. I reached up to caress his face. I had never seen a man so into me, as if he gave me every ounce of his attention. Slowly he finally rolled off but now on our sides he still held me.
    Playfully I looked to him, “You said ‘All night’.” He gave me his wicked smile and pulled himself up till his cock was more available to my mouth.
    “If the lady would give me a hand?”

    It was near noon and Steve came down to find me making pancakes and eggs while just wearing his shirt.
    “I had flour?” he asked comically.
    “Mmhmm” I smiled at him.
    “I don’t remember saying you could wear my shirt though.” He walked towards me.
    “Well, you ripped mine to shreds.” From below the cupboard he came up with an apron and held it out. I couldn’t believe he was serious but he looked serious. I began to protest but thought better of it.
    “OK” and I began to change, “but if I get burned…”
    “I will kiss it better, I swear” He said smoothly and I believed he would.
    “I’ll need something to wear home, Steve.” as I stood naked but an apron and spatula.
    “About that,” he began. “Stay with me for the weekend.”
    I looked at him in disbelief. “Really?”
    He moved closer to me and took my hands as if dancing “I’m just getting to know you, don’t put a pause on that.” My God, I’d never had a man talk to me like this. He said every word with sincerity and depth, how could I refuse?

    Steve gave me a flannel plaid shirt; he was very protective of his work shirts it seemed, and drove me to my car. As I climbed in my Honda he handed me a list.
    “This is what you will need. I am already planning special things for you.” He gave a wry smile.
    “Ohh kay, I said slowly taking the list.
    Evening gown (modest but elegant)
    Casual wear for walking
    Shoes for both. And so on. ‘Wow’ I thought ‘he could have just told me we were going to dinner.
    He reached in the window and caressed my cheek, “Be back in two hours, Andi”
    I smiled at him, “I can’t wait” and drove off.

    in reply to: SM / BDSM Desires #71199

    A thought came to me about fashion for the Domme in me. (not that there is much of one)
    Riding clothes,  the white blouse, tight fitting black slacks and shiny black boots at least over the calf. and of course the riding Crop
    tell me the submissive boys wouldnt love that (throw the hat away though)

    in reply to: What turns you off in chatting? #65340

    My  …  I don't think about what make me off …

    It is different , for my mood , for my previous experiences  and feelings …

    A Thing that really turn me OFF is asking requests about  … Realworld Stuff ( Pics , Cams , Mails … ) 
    They kills my fun a lot , but still, for some who are imaginative and fun … it is not a reason to “IGNORE” them .

    Else .. well I don't have rules : a word, maybe a comma may change the magic to a duty …

    I can't express what is the red line between fun and duty .
    I can't express what is the red line between fully enjoyment and borness …

    That's the magic of life !


    I so agree. My life is MY life. this is not it. this is fun and games.
    Like in Yahoo chat back when  “ASL”  “Why? I'm not gonna meet you”
    I'm here to cyber, have fun, make up fantasies and exercise my imagination.
    If I make good friends with someone, that's wonderful and a whole other story.

    in reply to: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER #19488

    I don't think I have ever used a pickup line but if I had to it would be something funny.
    “Excuse me, I seemed to have lost my panties. Could you help me find them?”

    in reply to: SM / BDSM Desires #71197

    I would adore having a collar. I don't plan on having a Master but I would buy a collar
    and they could make multiple colors and styles, I would need 2.  Thick utilitarian collar for play and a smaller ornate one for fashion.

    in reply to: SM / BDSM Desires #71194

    YES!! this is ours, dong is attached with belt and Hubby made it to my height. Sometimes Im spanked sometimes I ride the dong
    Sometimes I ride the dong and he stuffs my mouth full.  hehehe
    and when I'm really warmed up I ride the dong and he takes my other hole.
    OH and the whole thing has hinges so it can be folded and put in the closet.

    in reply to: Discovering Andi #75103

    We left my car behind. It wasn’t even a question. He led me to his, opened the door for me and shut it. As we drove he talked to me about work and how he noticed me at the monthly meetings. He said he found my reports boring but my voice intoxicating.
    “Really?” I sputtered wide eyed.
    Steve smiled. “Andi, I swear you have the voice of an angel or a sultry a succubus, I haven’t decided.” His smile was so disarming. I couldn’t help but smile back at everything he said. In the confines off the car I could smell him. His odor was of work and cardboard mixed with old school Old Spice. He smelt of a man, not a guy, not a boy, not some kid trying to impress you with his lies to get into your pants. I found myself leaning towards him as he talked. I felt comfortable and safe in his presence. And he kept talking about me. God was this a dream? Steve from Warehouse liked ME. Taking a turn he slammed the shifter from overdrive down to 4th his hand brushing and staying for a bit at my stocking covered knee.
    “Sorry” he smiled wryly, telling me it wasn’t accidental.
    “Mm, it’s OK.” My face down but eyes meeting his, coyly hoping to convey that any advance was welcomed.
    “Where are we going?” I finally thought to ask.
    “I’m taking you home” He answered with eyes on the road.
    “Well that’s a bit forward.” I twirled my hair hoping he caught on that so far it was OK with me.
    “Your home.” He answered my poorly faked outrage.
    “But… you don’t have to.” GOD I’m blowing it. He’s just taking the poor stoned girl home. I berated myself. “It’s good getting to know you Steve. I like talking to you.”
    “I do too.” He gave me that smile again. I swear my knees got weak. “OK, I know a place.

    He drove us for fifteen more minutes, then crisscrossing the side of a ridge until he parked the car in the gravel near a guard rail. He opened the door for me again and we stood looking down on the city and the free way below.
    “You come here a lot?” I asked to keep the moment going.
    He nodded and moved closer to me. “It helps me think, clears my mind from the day. Sorry it’s so cold. I don’t have a jacket.” Then he hugged me. His muscled arms reached around me. Pulled me to his body. I truly smelled his scent now, the side of my face pushed into his chest. His abdomen was so warm against mine. Slowly I looked up at him, his deep brown eyes and like before he stared back at me. Gently he took my chin and lifted my face higher and slowly pressed his lips to mine. His arms held tighter and I could feel his cock just below the corset. He wasn’t hard but it was still big, I felt it pulse though as our kiss continued. I pressed closer. I wanted to feel it grow against me, to know I was causing that. That I filled him with lust and desire. I opened my lips asking for more and he responded. His tongue snaked into my mouth, exploring and dancing with my own. I could feel his strong hands slide down the corset as he tried to find my plump bottom in all that material. He pushed his hand into the waistband, by-passing the cloth folds and going for the source. His big rough hand squeezed my bare butt. My panties lay in a heap with my other clothes in the backseat of my car. I didn’t care. I moaned into his mouth giving him leave to continue and he did. Steve’s fingers slide into the crack of my ass, molding and massaging my sweet butt cheek. I felt his cock now. It pressed into me as we held each other so tight. I had to feel it. My hand slide down his chest and squeezed between our bodies. I found the outline of his trouser snake and ran my fingers along the material covering it. ‘God, the man was hung’. I thought in my lust.

    Steve broke our kiss and held my face in both of his hands. “Do you want it?” He simply asked me.
    I was dumbstruck for a moment; no man had ever asked if I wanted it. “Yesss” I replied.
    “Careful for what you ask for.” His eyes said seriously. “There may be no turning back.” He cautioned.
    “I want you… please” Oh god I said please. I’m just a slut now. My guilt smacked inside my head.
    “As you wish” He responded and pushed me into the side of his car. He grabbed a leg and I straddled it around him. There, on the side of the roadway, I was wrapped around him like a bitch in heat and didn’t care. He pressed into me and we locked our lips again. His hands expertly unfastened his trousers as if he was just going to piss. My hands grabbed for it and I felt that hot rod in both my fists. It was 9 inches easy, fat and hard and OH GOD IT THROBBED. He pushed up the petticoats and skirt and found my unpantied slit. His thick fingers ran up and down my opening, running the length and swirling in my thick pubic hair. Slowly he brought them to his lips and licked 2 fingers then just as slowly down to find my wanting slot. He kissed me hard as those digits slid into my pussy. I moaned into his mouth and my hands squeezed his hot dick. He fingered me slowly, enjoying the way my cunt responded of its own, gripping his fingers, clenching them to try and hold them inside. I began to jerk him with one hand, the other I helped hold up my skirts. He finger fucked me till I got weak in the knees and cried out from our kiss.
    “Turn around” he commanded in a husky voice. He helped twirl me half a turn till I was bent over the hood of the car, the windshied to my right I could feel cool air on my pussy and ass as he held up the skirt and shoved his thick cock head into my labia and then pressing them apart to plunge into my waiting hole. I was so wet he slipped right in with that fat member and I couldn’t help but cry out. A loud moan filled the night air as this man took me in the dark but open roadside. I could feel him shove slowly but deep within me until…until. ‘Oh GOD, he bottomed out’ my mind shouted. This man’s hard cock was as deep as I could take and slowly but firmly he began to fuck me. His fingers holding my waist as he worked his beautiful fat dick into my needy pussy. I moaned louder and deeper. My voice usually silent during sex but I couldn’t help it as my body was filled with this man meat. In and out he drove me bringing me to the near brink then he stopped. I felt his hands massage my ass again. His cock motionless inside me I moved my hips trying to make it go again. “Mm MM, dont stop” I pleaded, looking back at him.
    “We need privacy to do this right my sweet.” He said with control.
    I couldn’t believe this. He had me. I was putty “Fuck me please.”
    “Get in the car” he said calmly “and I’ll fuck you all night.”
    It took a moment
    But then I raced for the door.

    in reply to: SM / BDSM Desires #71190

    QUOTE: “Welcome to the forums momma_andrea
    Mmmm would love to come visit your spanking house
    and yes we do need more restrants would be nice or just to be able for the males to be tied to the cross and the bed would be a good start”

    LoL its not a house, it’s a Horse. a house of nothing but spanking might be to much. (maybe)
    Spanking horses are cool because of course they are not just for spanking. Its a nice place for a girl to bend over and just be Used, admired, tickled.
    fasten a dildo to it and make her ride. the posibilities are endless. ;D

    so many positions, so little time.

    in reply to: SM / BDSM Desires #71187

    I have a spanking horse in R/L and that would be cool (because, well it's a lot of fun)
    and suspension ,chain from the ceiling.

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