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  • montse

      You are not only talking about txt-files, you wrote

      Im talking only about txt files cos these preferences are stored in txt files
      if it isnt so i could never change this.

      and no, i would never share my changes here without any permission.

      and i t would make no sense cos with the next major client update these changes are for the cat.

      Thats why im talking here, may be to find some others they are with me and may be
      the AChat-Team could here us.

      That what u quoted was only a hint to the AChat-Team to built in the possibility of changing font size!
      Nothing more nothing less…


        ok i found the terms and conditions …


          Hi Lover, thx for ur reply.

          U r writing faster than i can reply  ;D

          Im using the “high” fullversion 1.12

          Which license agreement do u mean i didnt found any, may be u can help me out … 😮

          I wount tell anybody to make changes by themselve, i thought the AChat-Team is listening inside here too.

          A lot of work.

          Ive done this only for my selve, cos it was unreadable for me.
          Aspecialy the Chatbox, the fontsize  is a mess, realy …

          Dein Einglisch ist gut,

          thx a lot …

          Wenn du mal Fragen bei der Übersetzung hast, …

          Das Übersetzen ist es nicht womit ich viel zu tun hatte, es ist nur die Texte sind so dermaßen verstreut
          in so vielen anderen configfiles, daß ich erst einmal alles im haupttextfile zusammengefasst habe.

          Perhaps you should send this to the A-Team instead of writing here in the forum?

          cos i dont have any eMail adress to send to…

          As you seem to know how to program, …

          U dont have to be a programer to edit textfiles  ;)

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