Forum Replies Created
Congrats to all the writers
looking forward to the next contest, maybe i write one myself
Congrats HB, i know you will do your best
I will wait my turn, Sexi is moving and has not internet and i think Jane needs her rest now franky is here, but no worries i know things will be ok in the end
Tango sent me a pic of the little fellow and asked me to show him to you
Now introducing Tangobaby : Franky
To all, this is a christmass to remember. Kisses for jane and franky and pass those beers tango
Great new lets hope it goes all smooth for Jane and Franky
OT) Good luck on that move Sexi and hope to see you back soon
December 16, 2012 at 4:33 pm in reply to: VISUAL OF BIG PUSSYLIPS, MORE HOTTER ACTIONS AND SO..? #77117I love those ideas SweetGirly, hehehe and did love the link too, nice pics to look at
Lets hope the dev-team will make these wishes asap
Yeah why not i like to join the Secret Santa, Santa is not big as his cousin Sinterklaas in holland but i join anyway
modify : he i made it to a 100
I stumble into the bar, tired from all the work the chief made me do at the lab, i think i most have been in the lab for 2 weeks without leaving, but i can't go home without attending this party.
I just seen Pafe and Satoire going in as i was searching for a parking space, there must be much people in because it's hard to find a spot. Now that i finaly got one i open the door and go inside.
The place is full of people, lots of friends i know but i don't see the guest of honour. On my way to the bar to get a drink i have been waiting for all these weeks in the lab, i see Brandy.
“Say Brandy have you seen Tight somewhere, i'm here in honour of my fellow countryman but i can't find him”
That x-mas hat is wierd, maybe the dev-team has a new one before x-mas that looks better, but you can count me in and i even might look silly with the hat on during those days
i believe he did brandy and i am shure it was no jasmin
Very nice list
I guess i can countdown more then the half of it, so i'm getting there
After the second spinning of the table, i hear some noise comming from my left. Jane is tired and wants to go home. As she takes Tango and HB with her i guess the party is over.
I take off my blindfold and see Mollie in front of me. I stand up and give her a kiss, ” sorry darling but it seems the party is over, but we could play another time if you like
Then i turn to where sexi ended up, to untie her, she is soaking her bum in her own juices, “time for you to shower and get home too” . She just smiles and kisses me for the wonderful party. I look up and see the rest of the girls getting off the table and searching for their clothes. “mmmmm” i think “this table needs to stay here”
I grab the remote from the table and walk to to bar to find Brandy. “Miss Brandy i think this table is a great thing to have here, i got the remote here so you can keep it behind the bar, i don't know if it standing at the right place, but you can always let covems and dwarfs put it a permanent spot. Oh and next time maybe you like to join as well
, beautyful lady's like you are always welcome”
She gives me a smile and takes the remote, time for me to get cleaned up as well and go, maybe someone needs a ride home
i find the most to hard, and if i find one i think i can solve, someone beats me to it :'(