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What is it with Sexi i think. First she pulls me straight into the van, now she is teasing me with kissing my thighs, and the holding it against her body. I feel her wetness dripping on my hard joystick as she hovers above it. Then she finaly sits down, and as i feel her warmed embracing me i almost loose control. But just in time i manage to keep it in.
MMMMMMM, this feels so good her slowly rocking on me, and those fingers running through the hairs on my chest. I pull myself a bit upand reaching over to take the top of he cheerleader outfit off. A nice pair of boobs appear and the nipples are pointing hard forward. I lay my hands on them and start to slowly massage them. My thumbs on her nipples, flicking them with every move i make. I hear her moan as i do and she starts to pickup more speed riding me.
I grab her hips and pull her deeper onto me and at the same time i start licking those nipples. First the left, then the right. Teasing her with licking her areola not touching the nipple itself, then a flick with my tongue. I feel her twisting as i do so.
Faster and faster we move, both deep in great lust, and as i see her arching her back and feel her shivering i let myself go. I see stars and hear bells and whistles as my love shoots deep into her, and feeling a gush of warm wet juices flowing over me.
As i don't want to let her go, i keep it in as she rest her body on my chest. my arms embracing her, and kissing her lovely lips. Mmmm maybe she also likes a second round after this little pause.
As i sit with the boys at the table, they get more drunk with every beer and shot. I try to keep more sober, so must of my glasses i switch with Tango. He does not mind, or is to drunk to notice. I take a look around the room, i set eyes on Sexi as she switch position to a table further in the back.
Mmmm, what is that girl up to. As i take a closer look i wonder, is she playing with herself. OMG she is,
, looking at that face i know she is in ecstasy, so with a be right back to the boys i excuse myself,and walk in the direction of Sexi. She does not notice me approaching, she has her eyes closed and her head tilted back.
I bend down and look under the table, i see her fingers deep inside her and drops of her wet lust pearling on those soft lips. I get on my knees adn when she takes her fingers out for a moment i go in. Sticking my head between her warm legs, smelling her sweet scent. I stick my tongue out and tickles her already swollen clit.
Her legs close rapidly and i her a little scream, then as i nibble the little button, her legs open up again, and i hear some moaning. Kissing both her inner thighs and her pussy. Then slowly i let my tongue run between those soft wet lips. MMMMMM she taste so delicious. Now her hands reach for my head and pull me right in. “Stick it in lick me deep” i hear her moan. The tip of my tongue goes in slowly and as she starts to push back and pull my head closer, my tongue enters her lust cave deeper and deeper.
Licking more rapidly i feel her twitching, and a warm flood of lust flows in my mouth. I try to catch it all, but it's to much to swallow it all. As she still holds my head, i feel her pulling me from between her legs and from under the table. She looks at me with a smile
“Now that you started, you have to finish it to baby. But do you know a private place “
I show her the keys to the crimelab van “It is parked in front” i tell her. And before i can end my sentence she grabs me and pulls me outside and into the van.
ooh nice, i gone buy a pair or 2, and the lady's nice tight fit round the ass, mmmm i like that
Good work Az., mmmmmmmwaahhhh
Hey Blue,
I will play.
SLAPPING D NAKED = SPANKING PADDLE , mmmmmm now where did i leave mine, so i can put it where you like it
New one
Sweatshirt Pose
2 words, clue : well ask us boys for it
modify : ooh i see Rukya posted will i was making my post, so it's up to you Rukya to get a new riddle or go on with mine, your choice
Looking at all the preformers on stage, i walk to Karen and Jane inbetween to acts.
“Where did you girls get me into, i am not as good as that.”
“Ooh don't worrie my love, your body will talk for you, not matter what you do” Karen reply's and gives me a big kiss on my mouth. “Now go and get ready you are next after Tango”
Still not feeling uncomfterable i sneak out and go into the back of the crimelab van, In a hurry i grab some things and go behind stage, just to see Tango finish his preformance. I take a deep breath, ok this is it, and i step onto the dark stage.
As the music starts ( and the sound of The Who's “Who are you” goes trough the room, the lights go up. There i stand dressed in a suite, mirrored sunglasses, my CSI field kit in hand.
I put the kit down and start to dance, making all the usual moves. Then my jacket goes off, revealing that this is not my day to day outfit, the shirt has a closed front but the rest is fishnet and no sleeves.
I get a cheer from the lady's and with more courage i make more suggestive moves. Then it's time to pull my shirt off, showing my well build chest and sixpack, i grab something from my kit and go off stage between the girls.
Dancing on the floor between the girls i give a wink to Karen and Jane, and just as i told them earlier, they both grab one side of my special pants and then tear it away. There i stand dancing between screaming lady's in northing more then a thong with a big bulge in the front. Then my eye falls on sexi, standing all in the back in her hot cheerleader outfit. Time to dance over to her.
Just before i arrive i use the thing i grabbed from my kit. It's a can of whipped cream and i spray some on my chest. She does not hesitate for a second and starts to lick it off. Now more girls want that, so i use the can some more and while the girls lick off the cream i dance in the direction of Azrielle.
There she sit's our Superintendent of Police, and my boss, between all her baby presents like a the queen she is on her throne. I climb up on her chair, moving my pelvis just in front of her face. She looks suspicious to the big bulge in front of my thong, and i encourage her to pull it off me.
As she does, she looks surprised, there is a big cream filled round donut with sprinkels on it surrounding my thing. I whisper in her ear, “all for you chief” and a cheer goes through the crowd as she takes the bite.As i notice that the song is getting to the end i dance back to the stage, twisting and wiggling my body, feeling many hands on it on the way.
Back on stage i am just in time to make the thing move like a helicopter as Roger Daltrey cry's his last “So tell me who are you, you, you, you, youuuuuuuuu” On the last not i get on my knees bending backward and i hear the girls cheering as the lights fade out.
As i re-enter the bar with Karen after that lovely time we had in the fridge, i see that the chief has made here appearence. I quickly pick-up my phone to call Tango.
“Hey mate the lady is here, where are you at ?”
“I'am very close, do you got the box ?”
“Yes i have it is in the fridge at the back, meet me there”
“See you soon my friend”
I give Karen a kiss and tell her i will be back soon, and walk behind the bar and thru the kitchen to meet Tango. Together we get the box out the fridge and carry it back to Superintendent Azrielle. Tango gets on his knees in fornt off her and starts to speak.
“Chief i am so sorry that i embarrassed the whole of the NSPD in this place, but i have this made in your honour and i hope you will accept my apology”
Then he gives me a sign and i pull the cover from the box to show the contents
Tango looks up with a smile to Chief Az wainting on her response
Now Tango is taken home by his Jane i got a little problem with his suprise for Chief Azrielle so i look for Ms Brandy.
As is spot her, i walk up to her and start asking a question.“Sorry Miss Brandy, but Tango had a surprise for chief Az. and i keep it cool in the back of the crimelab van, but that needs to go back to the lab, so can i use a shelf in the bar's coldstorage to put it there till she arrives ?”
“There must be a empty shelf in the walk-in fridge, you can use that if you like, but not to long i hope”
“If it take's to long the surprise would be spoiled and he needs to make a new one, so no it would be only for a few day's”
“Then go ahead, you can use the delivery entrance at the back, do you need help ?”
“No i will ask Karen to help me”
I walk up to Karen and ask her to help me with the box, so we take the crimelab van to the back and lift the box out off the van. It's not that heavy but it's a big box. We carry it into the big cold storrage unit in the back, and find a nice shelf to put it on. As i push the box to a safe distance from the edge, Karen pulls the door shut.
“Finally a place to be alone my love” she wisphers in my ear
“But it's a bit cold in here”
“Mmmmm i bet we going to be sweating in here soon” she says with a smile as she grabs my pants to pull them down.
As i stand at the bar with Karen and Jane i see Tango sneaking back out off the poolroom. He looks very happy.
Then turn my attention to the bull, just in time to see sexy flying off and showing some of her parts as she lands. Mmmmmm not bad, not bad at all.
Next the soldier mounts the bull, well he can have my support, as a former soldier myself any one serving there country gets my support.
As Tango kisses Jane's neck, Karen pulls my arm.
“Martin my love did you see that list there for the strippingcontest, why is your name not on it, i know you are going to win that”
“I think Tango makes a chance as well” Jane ads to that.
I look at Tango, he smiles and i smile back, ” For you girls we do anything” and i walk to the list and put my name under ssgt and a Tango put's his under mine.
“I just knew you would enter it for me” Karen tells me with a smile, and after a big hug and a passionte kiss we all go back to our table.
Now that my trainee Dutch is on vacation with her bf, it is time for this lab rat to leave the NSPD Crimelab for some time, and that phonecall from Tango got be drawn to the AB&G.
First i walk to the labs coldstorage and pick-up a big box. Mmmm how to keep this cool, i know let use the refrigerated Crimelab van. Carefully i put the box in the van dan drive to the bar.
This most be the place, i see tango's policecruiser in front. I step out and walk in. As i enter and my eyes adjust to the dim lighting, i hear a band getting ready for there gig.
As i walk on i see a mechanical bull, and some little fellows happy and cheerfull singing and drinking in a pit. I approach the bar and ask for a beer. As i take my first sip i turn around and see Tango waving like a mad man.
I get to his table and see that Jane and Karen are also there. As i approach Karen jumps up and leaves Tight sitting there and kisses me passionate on the mouth.
“I tought you where never going to leave that lab of yours” she says.
“Well i am here now my love” is my reply.
I walk on to the table and kiss Jane on her cheek and give a rub over her big belly.
“Hello darling how are you and the little one doing ?” i ask.
“Whe are doing great Martin, thanks for asking”
In the mean while Tango keeps pulling my arm.
“Mate what are you doing here so early, i did not phone you to come yet, and how about my surpirse ?”. he asks with a rising voice
“Calm down my friend, your surpise is safe in the back of the Crimelab van, no one has the key's but me, even the chief not”
As i sit down at his table, and drink my beer, i relax and look around the place to see what is going to happen next.
I am not going to enter this one, with our little country (the netherlands) we never stand a chance to win, because of the little number of athletes we send.
So no bet from me this time
EXPLOSIVE LOG PEN, 3 words, 3,6,6. We all are on Achat
OOH Yes Azrielle,
I do like this pose, 2 thumbs up from me.
Dev team please give us this pose.
Wow what a good find prias,
All the girls would look so hot i would never close achat again just to keep looking and playing with you all
mmmmm, easy
SAFEST ANCESTRY = Secret Fantasys
New one
2 words 4,7 getting them from a romantic
mmmm I like that idea, a man kneeling down servicing a woman is sadly lacking … mmm … now I need a cold shower … lol
I Would volunteer, to be of any service to you Bee