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  • in reply to: Marilyn’s Fashion Designs #70411

      I love this one with matching shoes.
      I prefer high heels me  :)
      May be round the corners on the back of the dress and get down rounded on the buttlocks.
      The color and texture are superb, it goes well with black or white stockings.
      Superb job Marilyn  8)

      in reply to: What’s your "Total time logged in:"? #101978

        Total time logged in: 9 days, 20 hours and 39 minutes.

        in reply to: “queen” of achat #101847

          Thank you Brandybee for the info.

          in reply to: “queen” of achat #101842

            Ah description disappeared/changed now, where the “administrator” encourages the users to give gifts to the “queen” … A tax for fuck now !!!
            ***Give him welcome the new AChat Queen sending a gift***
            I did well to take  a screens  :)
            AChat has been hacked ?!?
            Why Administrator is also found at the head of the list when searching or in the “members” section of the site?

            I agree with you HB that the thumbnail is not very professional  ::)
            But if anyone can be called Administrator, there is a problem !

            In all cases I will be busy tonight on this story  ;D

            in reply to: “queen” of achat #101839

              But why the administrator ask a gift for the “queen” ?
              I don't understand well english but I understand that.
              I don't think it's normal.
              It doesn't matter, it does not change our life, but I don't think it's good for the community.
              This is just my opinion because now THE race is open !!!

              in reply to: “queen” of achat #101835

                And Rukya THE paddle queen  :)
                And Dustin the king and all… Me I'm the queen of my house  ;D
                With all the girls asking for money to go to room and the race of “queen” title, its a bad start I think :(

                in reply to: French Translation Working Thread (please no flood) #60980

                  Rubella je ne l'ai jamais croisée et cela fait 1 an que je suis là, c'est dommage car ce qu'elle avait fait était vraiment bien.
                  Pour la conversion du fichier il faudrait peut être demander à Lover ou directement au support.
                  Pour les actions dans les poses, là je ne sais pas si c'est traduit, sinon il y a quand même plus de travail et nécessite d'avoir toutes les poses dans tous les genres non ?
                  Perso, j'ai toutes les poses shemale du jeu, trio y compris.

                  in reply to: “queen” of achat #101832

                    I'd like to know:
                    Queen of what?
                    I didn't know there was a contest for love or sex!
                    And who is she?
                    Why her and not another?
                    A queen without a king, it means nothing!
                    I have a lot of questions if you want.
                    I would love an interview with THE Queen  ;)

                    It's strange, it feel like a video game with a winner and losers girls !!!

                    in reply to: Idea – Interview of the week #74937

                      I don't have any problems with being interviewed, even more if the reporter is one of the lovely lady's here  ;D

                      No, Mrsex, we are sending to do your interview one of our old guys, probably Covems or Old Joe…..happy!? ;D

                      Me YES I'm happy  ;D
                      And no problems too, my only problem is my bad english language :(

                      in reply to: Funny Finds #21336


                        Love, animals make love nake, not human… sometimes  :)

                        in reply to: Idea – Interview of the week #74932

                          Now, I want to see his BIG… truck to make it shine  :P

                          in reply to: Idea – Interview of the week #74928

                            I also volunteered for an interview but not on TV  8)

                            in reply to: MMS Pose Review Request. 7. Threesome Shemale in the Middle. #101791

                              I just returned and OUAHHHH great, a must.
                              Excellents actions for all.
                              I’ll try to write the actions tonight.
                              I voted “a must have for me”
                              In the opinion of my two partners and mine, this pose really missed in MMS, it was worth the wait.
                              When they want to, developers do a great job 🙂

                              HOT hot hot 8)

                              in reply to: Help for foreign people #61076

                                Euh, me I can help in french  :)

                                in reply to: French Translation Working Thread (please no flood) #60977

                                  Ok, merci Lolo.
                                  Si tu veux on peut s'y mettre Lolo, il doit pas falloir 20 ans pour faire ça quand même  :)

                                Viewing 15 posts - 1,636 through 1,650 (of 2,084 total)