Hi, For me it's very simple:I have all the poses of the game and I'm on the game all the nights Enjoy.
pffffff, c’est malin Covems ;D
And me… I read the post conscientiously and I see the end of the post…. Grrrrrr 🙂
Welcome happyjim
I voted for “Rukia – latex / leather catsuit”
Oh thank you but I don't know riddles and my english is very poor.Post another one please or better Brandybee
“Et bin, c'est pas gagnè” comme on dit en France
Euhhh, Alexander piss around him to protect from the flames !!!
Happy Birthday mercer78
I don't know who put the poison but I ask to Kingdustin
I don't understand all, euh I understand nothing :Is the fire started from west to east?Is it important?I ask this, but hey, it's to ask a question
The ice cube contained poison therefore the first man who drank the drink was not poisoned because the ice had not had time to melt.The second man waited to drink his glass but the ice cube containing poison have melted so the beverage kill him !
But who put the poison in the ice cube ? :
He took his helicopter and flew away from danger
I train every nights with men, girls and shemales so… I'm ready for a dance