Elvis Presley- I Want You, I Need You, I Love You
It is not long until thanksgiving.Like pumpkin pie?
your twisted mind.
Rodney Crowell – After All This Time
I would give the second ticket to your lover.
What if I wave from the dock as the ship leaves with you on-board at the rail with your first drink in hand?
less asphalt – more trees
when making love.
I hand you back the voucher saying, “Make your dreams come true.”
What if i give an all expense paid cruise for 7 days on the Mediterranean?
I hope you gave it while we kissed.
What if I give a gentle caress?
I would ask you what your heart desires.
Then I would give three wishes.
I simply must go to the library more often.
Please Sexi…We do want you around.
Can you differentiate between real and fantasy?
it is growing