Veeeery hard choice, two of my favorites…
De Niro for his commitment and weight win-loss for some roles
thriller or romantic movies?
rising their sensitivity
finding the spots
Scorcese or Spielberg?
with tender touch
cherish me gently
Nope, me, having a small break in my “creation” work
Next is … errr … a girl
” you don't need to be rich…”
and tasty chocolate
there you go
Next one tries a backflip
taking time to
paper! it's soft but as strong as both others…
big flat screen or projector?
…and Big Brother is watching you
Not used to gimp at all, I'm discovering how it works.But here my first try in order to create a full military set.
Hehe, the first one looks like a promotion poster for a movie. Very nice!
The second one is indeed much too sober for the hukk we know