Bruce Springtseen – Reason to Believe,d.ZGU
Sorry, my chair's battery isn't loaded yet
and someone stole my second bra, I can't go like this
Next one lends me a bra
huh… thought this one would be hukk's
Michael Johnson – Give Me Wings
guitar, to unleash crazy solos and take it on the beach
speed bike or chopper?
I'm not a DJ, but on my way to spice theparty up again
Next one manages the light show
never let go
makes me want
Bath can be too small and make too much of a mess. So shower, at least it also stays warm no matter how much time I spend in it…
Spicy or sweet'n'sour?
skydiving is still a to-do thing for me.
honey or sugar?
nah, me sweeping my chimney… :
Next one is maron
mmh! i would for sure dip many things in it and eat them with delight or let you eat them… :
But you know how this would end, don't you?
What if i gave you 2 more arms you could use?
balloons, so we can smash them when we're drunk
drink or dance?
in your arms
No, because she will for sure binch-drink it easily, leaving nothing left.
but i brought a bit of beer with me for the party
Next one brings nuts to make us even thirstier