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  • in reply to: Francaise – French #13568

      pour faire ton menage il faut que tu sois dans le jeu et en search

      tu fais show myself et tu as tous tes amis et lovers a l'ecran (une page apres l'autre, bien sur ! ) et tu peux intervenir

      pour enlever: cancel relation
      pour changer le statut: cancel aussi et tt de suite apres build relation et la tu choisis le statut que tu veux

      de toutes facons: TOUJOURS prevenir avant de toucher a la relation… on a des susceptibilites a menager !
      il faut dire que ce n'est jamais tres amusant de se voir viree d'une relation !

      perso j'ai choisi de n'accepter une relation qu'avec ceux que j'ai effectivement rencontres pour de bon, peu importe que ce soit en room ou non… mais la demande de relation facon coldie.. la reponse est non !
      amuse toi bien

      love is a devil i love too much  (hey big chiefs of this world.. how can i put this sentence as you put yours ?? under the line… )

      in reply to: Secret Valentine #78758

        sorry HB… i wanted NOT to embarass you!
        i hope my english would be good enough to say this little thing:

        in a serious talk… we have to take care of our real orientations
        in secret val.. we are in the game… taking care only about our avas…

        aren't you a good example in this case ?

        and i'm going to vote no to the poll…

        love is a devil i love too much

        in reply to: Secret Valentine #78747

          huhu.. wasn't on secret santa due to my natural timidity (?)
          and didn't know what i should have to do… am i on the male side or the female one ???

          but if HB and concerto are in this way ( kisses dear(s?))
          i certainly can be into !

          count me in the volunteers.. and no secret …
          nice to be with you my friends

          … you can count me on the two sides.. i've the female ava to do what i have to do if… !

          love is a devil i love too much

          in reply to: New room “Mediterranean Terrace” #71379

            forgot two things:

            i was very close to burn my sausage in the past… !

            my chairs HAVE cushions !!!

            love is a devil i love too much!

            in reply to: New room “Mediterranean Terrace” #71378

              i was discovering this topic and wanted to add some things…

              one of my friends have bought it.. and we are often enjoying it.. for a simple reason:

              i live in such a house !

              oh, i've a normal one with walls all around and normal furnitures (bed in bedroom of course Rukya! )
              but, as a lot of people in my island, i've also a room for external live.. remember, 350 sunny days in a year.. (sorry HB but it's true… )
              and, yes Rukya, there's a bed in it ! guess why ?
              and a bbq ( larger than the one on the pic… i have to ccok in it) and a tv screen… and a hifi… table and chairs… a billiard..

              yep.. it's quite the whole house in one room..

              love is a devil i love too much!

              in reply to: Another Question for the Female mind. #78578

                hi all.. happy new year…

                to follow Rukya (bisous ma belle), some words in creole (language from my island !, it's also creole in caraïb islands but not the same one.)

                Mr: un cabot (a fish who lives deep in the ocean (i don't let mine go so deep… in the ocean of course ! ))
                      in french: Igor ( a prince, everybody is kneeling in front of him.. )
                                      le pipeau a moustache (the pipe with mustache)

                Lady: la foufoune (no translation.. )
                          le chouchou (a vegetable called Christophine)
                          french: le sourire vertical (vertical smile)

                and a sentence from my island: “cabot levé l'a point la raison !”    (if you have a hardon.. you're crazy !)

                love is a devil i love too much!

                in reply to: Francaise – French #13560

                  il semble que les moderateurs dorment… bonne annee a tous quand meme !

                  pour ton changement de pseudo, bobo il y a deux solutions:

                  ou tu es deja enregistré, tu as payé et fait des achats.. ben tu gardes ton pseudo, on ne peut rien transferer d'un avatar a un autre a part des A$ et tu perdrais donc tout si tu changeais….

                  ou tu es encore en free user et la c'est tres simple.. tu oublies bobo71700, tu reflechis bien au pseudo que tu veux.. et tu le crees ! quand tu es sur de toi tu t'enregistres en payant.. heu bon, la c'est toi que ca regarde, je vais pas recruter pour achat moi quand meme….!

                  en tous cas.. bienvenue au club !

                  love is a devil i love too much

                  in reply to: FAQ – Gifting system #61725

                    hello to all wonderful avas here !

                    i'm not sure it's the good topic to post this but…
                    is it really impossible to gift a male ava ?
                    my need is only to give him the ability to buy a three days ticket
                    it's the ava of a friend , she can't pay with real money and i can't pay for her….
                    the only way would have been to make a gift and.. no way !

                    did somedy found the answer?

                    “love is a devil i love too much”

                    in reply to: Cut or Uncut? Size? Shape? Tell me your favorite Penis #77767

                      you're right BB… they are an aphrodisiac…
                      if you eat 6 or 8 dozens of them !!!!

                      and all that you can have that way is a stomach pain…
                      not a hard on !

                      and imagine you have both two !

                      in reply to: Pantless Fridays! Protest! #51245

                        so pantless friday is always running ?  fine !
                        or is it NUDE friday now ? ( with hat and gloves and boots…. ) 

                        and no problem for me… 32 degrees here !……

                        in reply to: [Poll C ] For your Favourite Group play #75998

                          sorry..i just saw the latest update/ FF 42 and FS 43… ss: nothing !!!!

                          rukya: je garde un point d'avance, hihi!

                          in reply to: [Poll C ] For your Favourite Group play #75997

                            hi concerto!
                            two things:

                            1/the lack of imagination: if developpers had done a 69 in fs mode, they never had made a pose in which i have to suck a piece of plastic ! it's not imagination it's only common sense ! when i do a 69 with a girl..i love to lick her but not Mr silicone !

                            2/how much intersex is a wonderful land… everywhere except in achat when you're trying a fss threesome! it's ONE pose in which it's not one of the users mùasturbationg in a corner !

                            and a little count/ MF poses: 82 !, SF: 42, FF:41, MS:32, SS:19 !!!!, MM:17…. it seems that if you have more than on,e cock in a room the number of poses have a little failure !!!

                            Rukia, ne te plains pas trop yu es a la 3eme place  hihi…bisou!

                            Okay, withy a girl i can't complain..but my spouse (i love her…sorry !) is a S…19 poses…baaahhh!

                            Mr developper… a little bit of good working….oh ! excuse my english but i think you have understood me

                            another time..thanks for this great game… soooo funny !

                            in reply to: [Poll C ] For your Favourite Group play #75994

                              merci Rukya.. mais etre des deux sexes l'un par le corps d'origine et l'autre par l'ame…n'est ce pas deja etre fou parmi les fous !!! alors la folie tu sais…  et desolee de n'avoir pas été voir FF ou FFF…mais je me sentais assez peu concernee…lol

                              sorry that's was private !!! ( not if you speak french héhé !)
                              things on topic now…
                              mr development 'if you exist…) you've made a fantastic job and i LOOOOOVE your game, even if it's only a game i can get in and have adventures i've never even dream to have… thznk you much much more than i can say it !!!
                              but ….
                              oh ?? a problem?? already?
                              yes! i think you've forgotten the groups which are not in the common orientation…
                              if you want only hard sex…you can ! with some frustrations, but you can
                              if you love tenderness, even before, after or during the act… would be difficult…
                              look at fss… a one i practice usually.. it's impossible to have a moment for tenderness! would be great to have a gentle foreplay or, best, a pampered for THREE ! in which everybody can caress, lick, kiss, such every of the two others…
                              if you do that…you can ask for anything, i'll do it !

                              in reply to: [Poll C ] For your Favourite Group play #75974

                                hi all… i'm a newbie in achat (one week) but already a lover ! worse, i'm french and i think there are a lot of things i've not understood !
                                i'm here as a shemale, completely bi sexual
                                i thought men who are looking for shems have already bought the poses  for, the 3 i met had done so
                                so i wasted my year membership ( and a bit more!) to buy sf, ss, fms and fss poses (a little bit for clothing too, somewhere i'm a girl no?) and run…
                                found really fast two lovers, a f and a s, with who it's really fine…one on one !
                                when we are together on a group, and we love it, there are really too few poses and it seems that in each one it's at least one s who is masturbating while looking at, sometimes the two s!
                                we have no pose for a little sucking, two poses for fucking one on one and the one and only for standing double penetration !!!
                                and a foreplay for the group would be a great idea…

                                it's not a complain , simply i wanted to say that 3 users are feeling like forgotten people !
                                yes we are a minority, yes it's hard to develope in all directions, but our hope is always alive !
                                thanks Achat, it's a woderful country for all of us !

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